Youth Faith Formation

To assist families in their responsibility to pass on the teaching and traditions of their faith, we offer a comprehensive program for children from preschool through 11th grade.  Sessions meet weekly on Sundays from the middle of September through May from 9:20 AM until 10:30 AM for all grades.  Parents can help make this a better experience for their children by making attendance a priority, supporting the catechists, and discussing class material at home.  For registration information, call the religious education office at 540-586-8988 or e-mail Rebecca Porterfield.

Children in all school settings celebrate the Sacraments within the parish.  Our program offers strong preparation programs for First Eucharist, First Reconciliation and Confirmation.  As a foundation, the Richmond Diocese requires that a child or youth be enrolled at least one year prior to their sacramental year in the parish Faith Formation program.  Candidates for sacraments should be registered members of the parish before beginning the preparation for the sacrament, or provide a letter from their former parish.  Please contact the parish office to verify your registration.

Sometimes a family may find itself in a special need for faith formation.  We are always ready to discuss options.  The most important issue is the child and their relationship with God.  We are here to serve you and support you in whatever way we can.  Please pray with and for us throughout the year.