Our Mission: Love God above all. Love others as God loves us.

Featured at Holy Name of Mary

Monday Morning Bible Study

As the Universal Church looks toward the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis has asked that the year 2024 be dedicated to a “great symphony of prayer.” Acting on the Holy Father’s call, Holy Name of Mary is offering …

A Program on Prayer
Mondays 10am – 12pm in Social Hall
Sept. 23,     30 Oct. 7, 21, 28         Nov. 4

Using Formed.com videos on Prayer we will learn how to make more time for God in our lives and come to understand the importance of an ever-deepening life of prayer. We will look at the meaning of prayer, the different types of prayer, how to overcome difficulties and temptations, and the ultimate goal of prayer.

Finding The Meaning of Life


Come Search with other area Young Adults (18-35)
Wednesdays after the 7pm Mass
September 18 ~ Information Session

The Search is a video series that tackles the key questions of every human heart. Chris Stefanick and experts from multiple fields of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion examine our place in the larger story of existence.

Whether you’re a practiced inquirer or a jaded skeptic, The Search will speak to you. You may be reassured by some parts, and challenged by others. Either way, you’ll find a lot here to think about. And when all is said and done, life’s questions demand to be answered.

Are you ready to begin Your Search?
9.18 Young Adult Ministry Information Session

The Search
9.25 Episode 1—What Do You Seek? 24:00
10.2 Episode 2—Who Are You? 29:00
10.9 Episode 3—Why a God? 30:00
10.23 Episode 4—What’s Our Story? 27:00
10.30 Episode 5—Who Is Jesus? 25:00
11.6 Episode 6—Am I Saved? 26:00
11.13 Episode 7—Why a Church? 35:00

Women's Bible Study will be gathering on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm again this fall!

This is for women of all ages! The meeting time will again coincide with the Children’s Choir schedule. Drop your children at Children’s Choir with Mrs. Debbie Cirre and then gather in the Social Hall with Mrs. Melissa Murtagh for fellowship and diving deeper into the Spiritual life as busy women! The first book we will discuss is “Stay Connected; Journals for Catholic Women: Invite the Holy Spirit into Your Life!”

Click here for a link to the book!

We will discuss the book on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Thursdays of September, October and November at 5:30pm.

The first meeting date is Sept. 12th, 5:30pm

Support for our diocesan community in Southwest Virginia

Bishop Barry C. Knestout is encouraging support for our diocesan community in Southwest Virginia, the Diocese of Charlotte, and the Diocese of Knoxville in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene. Each parish in the Diocese of Richmond is asked to take a special collection during the weekend of October 12-13.

This special collection will go to these neighboring dioceses and a portion of the collection will be retained to assist storm victims in Southwest Virginia.
You can see the Bishop’s full statement at https://richmonddiocese.org/statement-from-bishop-barry-c-knestout-on-hurricane-helene-aftermath/
Thank you for your support and please continue to pray for all those impacted by the storm.

November is the month of All Souls

November is the month of All Souls – The Book of Remembrance is now in the commons for you to write in the names of your loved ones who have died since November 1st 2023. To remember loved ones that entered into eternal life prior to Nov. 1st 2023, please use the cards to write their names on and
place the cards in the basket.


Faith Formation Registration

Please register all 0-17 year olds for Holy Name of Mary Faith Formation Programs.
There is something for everyone!
Click on the image above for the registration forms or go click on the link https://forms.office.com/r/fvbhY4Ad57
0-3yrs and parents: Early Childhood Parent/Child Group – 3rd Sunday of the month
3-5yrs: Catechesis of the Good Shepherd – 2nd-4th Sundays of the month
Kindergarten – 6th grade AND parents: Both children and parents will meet for Family Formation Classes on the 1st Sunday of every month.  
*The children will be in class with their Catechists, and the parents will be in the Social Hall for their Parent Session with a guest speaker each month.  The families will learn and pray about a different topic in our Catholic Faith each month, and then the parents will be provided with all of the tools necessary (a monthly packet) to bring the Catholic Faith alive in their homes.
*On the 2nd – 4th Sundays of the month, the monthly packets will empower parents to teach weekly Catechetical lessons in the home.  All lessons, crafts, games and materials are included in these packets and will be sent home during the first-of-the-month Parent Session.
7th – 8th grade: Middle School Class – every Sunday with Catechists
9th – 12th grade: High School LifeTeen – every Sunday with Catechists
Thank you for registering!
Our first class is on Sept. 15th, 9:15-10:30am.
Parents and Children should attend together and meet in the Social Hall.

Parish Library News! 📚

Come in and check out our reorganized parish library.

Now organized by category to assist you in finding just the right book.

Watch for our “Good Books” book reviews on Flocknote.


Join HNM Every Sunday at 11:00 AM for our Mass Livestream on Facebook. You don’t even have to have a Facebook Account, all you need is an internet connected computer, tablet, or smartphone!


Use this link to stay up to date with our Parish schedule. For urgent changes please consult our Facebook page for the latest up to the minute updates.


Read the good news from the homilies each Sunday.


Use this link to stay up to date with our Upcoming Parish Events. For urgent changes please consult our Facebook page for the latest up to the minute updates.


Use this link to get informed about the LATEST NEWS from our Parish! For urgent changes please consult our Facebook page for the latest up to the minute updates.

Please Consider Signing Up For All Night Adoration


We are in need of people for this months Adoration from 9:00 PM – Midnight and for All Night Adoration. If you can spare some time, please sign up by clicking here.

Form for Prayer Vine


Did you know we have a very active group of prayer warriors praying for your prayer intentions? Do you have an active prayer life and would like to be part of this group?

Click here to Submit a Prayer Request

Other ways we can include your prayer intentions are by emailing Becky at [email protected] or calling the parish office. We can put your prayer need on the weekly Prayer of the Faithful for Sunday Mass or put it in the next bulletin (we need content for the bulletin 2 weeks prior).

Click Here To Submit A Prayer Request

Brotherhood of Catholic Men - Online Catechism Study

ALL are welcome to participate in an online Catechism Study
Join The Brotherhood of Catholic Men as each day we review one paragraph from our Catholic Catechism in greater depth. Once a week, we send out an email with the paragraph assigned for each day of the coming week. Along with the Catechism text, we include the related footnotes, and/or relevant materials to that section along with questions to stimulate personal reflection. The group is available for Catechism questions or comments but there is no requirement to share your reflections. You can start or stop at any time. Together we will grow in our knowledge and understanding of the whole of our professed beliefs. Sign up the link below so we might have your email to send material each week.
Sign Up Now!

The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

In response to countless requests, Ascension is launching The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz) on January 1, 2023!

With this podcast, Catholics will:

  • Read the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in 365 days
  • Understand the essentials of the Catholic Faith and why they matter
  • See how Church teaching is rooted in Sacred Scripture
  • Absorb over 2,000 years of Sacred Tradition
  • Encounter God’s plan of sheer goodness
  • Transform their relationship with the Church that Christ founded.

If you have ever wanted to understand what it means to be Catholic and allow those truths to shape your life—this podcast is for you!

Download the Reading Plan: https://tinyurl.com/29o6p2o4
Follow along on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnWsRYVMm5c&list=PLHprCs14Z-sCSlrl1ueVisUKm3lnvqC0S

Click Here to Follow Along on YouTube »


Give FORMED a Try

Holy Name of Mary is proud to offer the on-line formation program FORMED

Can you Serve? Liturgical Ministers needed.

Holy Name of Mary has a small number who help each Mass run smoothly by giving of their time to serve as Ushers, Altar Servers, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors, and Mass Coordinators.  Now that we have returned to our regular weekly Mass schedule additional help is needed.  All Liturgical Ministers are assigned on a rotation basis to avoid having any one person serve every weekend.  Currently, to completely meet the ministry needs of the Parish help is needed at all  weekday and Sunday Masses.

Please take some time to consider how you might be able to help in any of these roles.  As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace. 1Peter 4:10.  Many are called, will you answer?  If you could help or have questions please contact Debbie Cirre at [email protected] or by calling the Church Office.

Please Be Aware of Scam Attempts!

Please ignore any texts or emails that state they are from Fr. Nixon asking for a favor. Father Nixon does not text or email asking for favors, especially money or gift cards. Be aware that they are a scam! Be Safe!

Mass Times


    8:00 AM & 11:00 AM


    Wednesday: 7:00 PM
    Friday: 9:30 AM
    First Saturdays: 9:30 AM

  • Please Check Our Facebook Page For Changes To The Regular Schedule

Adoration Times

  • Weekly on Wednesday from

    10:00 AM to 6:45 PM

  • Weekly on Fridays from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM

  • Vigil of the 4th Sunday (Saturday 7pm - Sunday 7am)


  • Please Consider Signing Up To Spend Time With Our Lord In Eucharistic Adoration

  • Confession: Wednesdays 5:45 PM to 6:45 PM

Wishing You & Your Families A Safe and Joyous Summer!

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