The Evangelization Team

The Holy Name of Mary Evangelization Team is charged with leading the mission outlined by then Pope Paul VI in his letter, Evangelii Nuntiandi, and our diocesan efforts to carry out that objective.  

In Evangelii Nuntiandi, St. Paul VI wrote that our Church “exists in order to evangelize, that is to say in order to preach and teach, to be the channel of the gift of grace, to reconcile sinners with God, and to perpetuate Christ’s sacrifice in the Mass, which is the memorial of his death and glorious Resurrection.” He outlines the essential elements of evangelization and its impact on the person doing the evangelizing as well as those being evangelized. 

To proclaim the Kingdom of God and salvation for all people through Jesus Christ, is at the core of our calling and a responsibility for every Catholic (i.e. our Mission).  This Ministry exists to assist all parishioners in carrying out that Mission. We accomplish our Ministry utilizing the strategies outlined below:

  1. Develop our Personal Faith.
    • Increase our personal understanding of our Faith (Ability to share and defend it)
    • Improve our practice of our Faith (Ability to see God in all we meet and for them to see God in us by our actions. Ability to Love God above all other things)
    • Seek to be guided by God’s Holy Spirit in all that we do
  2. Proclaim the Gospel 
    • Support/Sponsor events that promote the sharing of the Gospel Message or help to build up the faith of participants
    • Personal testimony and sharing with others either one on one or in groups
  3. Relationship Building
    • Help build personal relationships among and between fellow parishioners
    • Promote our Parish Community as an extended family environment
    • Greet, welcome, and get to know  visitors and new parishioners 
  4. Help to Increase Participation in Parish Ministries
    • Promote ministry involvement among all parishioners
    • Help parishioners individually to find ways to share their talents
    • Help ministries to promote their services and adopt an Evangelization attitude
    • Help ministries in their fundraising efforts
    • Coordinate activities with our Liturgical Calendar
  5. Help Increase Awareness of our Church and Parish
    • Improve visibility of our Church and its programs
    • Increase awareness of our Church activities through Media
    • Promote a welcoming environment in all aspects of contact with our Church
  6. Support/Implement Ecumenical Initiatives
    • Bedford Christian Ministry programs
    • Interfaith activities and service initiatives

If you would like to learn more or become involved in our Ministry efforts, please contact Paul Roderique