We would love to have you join us in our music ministry! There are several options, and one may be just right for you:

1) Sunday Choir: We rehearse on Thursday evenings from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm, September through May. There is a choir at both the 8 am and 11 am Mass; attend which one suits you best.

2) Christmas/Easter Choir: Can’t attend choir regularly or don’t want to leave your loved ones alone in the pew each Sunday? Sign up for our Christmas or Easter Choir! Rehearsals are Thursdays from 6 pm to 7 pm, and run from September to December for Christmas or January to April for Easter (depending on the date of Easter).

3) Drop-In: This option is available in the off-season (June through August). Simply arrive 30 minutes before Sunday Mass.

Instrumentalists are always welcome, too.

Please talk with Debbie Cirre, our Music Coordinator, for more information.

Here is a link to our Choir Schedule