Inclement Weather Policy (**Updated 2/2025)
Daily Mass (Wednesday and Friday) and Sunday Mass will be held at the Pastor’s discretion. Any cancellations will be communicated via Flocknote and Facebook.
If Sunday Mass is cancelled because of a major weather event, the office will notify the parish no later than 12:00 PM on Saturday via parish-wide Flocknote and Facebook.
***In the case of inclement weather and Mass is still scheduled, if you feel unsafe to drive, the Church does not expect parishioners to risk life and limb to get to Sunday Mass. The law itself ceases to bind, and no announcement or dispensation is needed. Parishioners need to individually make the decision if he/she can safely attend Mass.
Please check the VDOT Website to help you assess road safety.

If schools are closed on a Wednesday, there is no Adoration. If schools are closing early on a Wednesday, Adoration will end at 4:00 PM.
If the Parish Office is closed based on weather conditions, the closing will be communicated via Flocknote and Facebook.
If schools are closed, all activities and meetings are cancelled.
If schools close early, all evening activities and meetings are cancelled.
***Please be sure you are signed up to receive our Flocknote notifications.
On the rare circumstance that a major weather event is predicted for a Sunday, we will notify the parish no later than 12:00 PM on Saturday via parish-wide Flocknote and FaceBook