Visits to the Homebound

Holy Name of Mary clergy, staff and volunteers are strongly committed to the spiritual care of the sick.  Please contact the parish office or Tina Ptakowski (Parish Nurse/Coordinator of Pastoral Care)  if you or a loved one will be homebound for a short or extended period of time, entering a hospital or healthcare facility, and would like a visit from Father, Deacon Mark, or a pastoral care minister to visit and bring the Eucharist to you or a family member.

The information needed should include the name of the facility where you will be a patient, the date of admission and the approximate length of stay, home address and phone number.  Because of privacy laws, hospitals and nursing homes are not allowed to release the patient’s religious affiliation.  Therefore, we must depend on the families and friends of our sick and homebound parishioners to inform us of their whereabouts and condition.

While we hope you will never need these services, please be assured that our parish family will be there to support you during your time of need.  In bringing the Eucharist to our homebound parishioners, we are also telling them that the rest of the parish family is one with them, and is praying for them.  We watch out for the overall welfare of these people and try to connect them with other sources of help if needed.

Volunteers for the ministry to the Sick or Homebound

If you would like to volunteer for this important ministry, please call the office at 540-586-8988.  No special skills or talents are required, but concern for the sick, good listening skills and a desire to bring comfort to the lonely are important.