The Respect Life Committee’s mission at Holy Name of Mary parish is to promote prayer and other activities to bring an end to abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and other crimes against human life in our society.  To find out more about what we do and what you can do to build the “culture of life” in this parish, call the office, or contact the Ministry Leader, Martha Beach.

To join the Virginia Catholic Conference E-mail Advocacy Network, click here.

Did you fail to rescue those who were being dragged off to death, those tottering, those near death, because you said, “We didn’t know about it”?  Surely, the Searcher of hearts knows and will repay all according to their deeds.  — Proverbs 24:11-12 NABRE

Bedford Pregnancy Center
813 East Main Street
Bedford, VA  24523

Mailing Address:  P.O. Box 632, Bedford, VA  24523
e-mail:  [email protected]

Not affiliated with any one denomination or congregation or any political organization.  All services are confidential, caring, and free of charge.

The Life Crib in the Commons is for non-monetary donations to the Bedford Pregnancy Center.  Simply leave your donation in the Life Crib and we will take it to the Center.  Current needs include:  pacificers, sleepers, onesies, bottles, gowns, socks, bibs, crib sheets, washcloths, hooded towels, receiving blankets, new newborn outfits, baby toiletries (e.g. lotion, wash, powder, ointment).  If you would like to assist taking items to BPC, please let us know.  The procedure is explained here.

USCCB LIFE MATTERS Bulletin Inserts (Word & PDF format)
(English & Spanish available)
Topics include:  Advance Medical Directives, Adoption, Miscarriage, Abortion

Roanoke Area Links
Blue Ridge Women’s Center
40 Days for Life, Roanoke

Other Links
Option Line unplanned pregnancy support
Project Rachel – Hope after Abortion
Proyecto Raquel Esperanza Posaborto (en español)
USCCB Pro-Life Activities
Diocese of Richmond Center for Marriage, Family and Life
National Committee for a Human Life Amendment (NCHLA)
Facts about the drug RU-486 (mifepristone)
Do No Harm:  The Coalition of Americans for Research Ethics
Heartbeat International
Second Look Project