We are an ecumenical group of churches that have pooled our money and people to form a community-based soup kitchen.
We serve a hot meal every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We start serving at 11:00 AM and continue until 1:00 PM.
There is a cook and a crew of about 6 people for each day. The cook decides what will be cooked and served.
We serve on average between 40 to 55 in house meals per service day. Holy Name of Mary serves on the first and third Monday of each month.
Our Current Needs
We are blessed to have a full crew and several substitutes, but we could use a few more. We try to give as much advanced notice as possible. Any new substitute would have a scheduled training day.
If you would like to know more about what our Holy Name of Mary volunteers do at Shepherd’s Table and volunteer to bake or be a substitute please call:
Judy McGovern 540-586-5654