14 Sep

Saved by the Cross

by HNMWebmaster Sep 14, 2014 Comments Off on Saved by the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross September 14, 2014 – Year A Readings: Nm 21:4b-9; Psalm 78; Phil 2:6-11, Jn 3:13:-17 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor About 28 years ago as a newly-ordained priest, a grandmother told me her granddaughter could recite all the basic prayers in three languages: in our […]

13 Sep

A Call to Loving Service

by HNMWebmaster Sep 13, 2014 Comments Off on A Call to Loving Service

Wedding of Eric Kidwell and Meagan Chapman September 13, 2014 Readings: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm 128; Romans 12: 1-2, 9-13; Matthew 5:13-16 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon I love the readings that you have selected for your wedding. They are beautiful scripture passages that truly speak about the […]

7 Sep

Protesting Evil

by HNMWebmaster Sep 7, 2014 Comments Off on Protesting Evil

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time September 7, 2014 – Year A Readings: Ez 33:7-9, Psalm 95, Rom 13:8-10, Mt 18:15-20 by Rev. Mr. Ray Roderique, Permanent Deacon There comes a time when we must speak out. If your brother sins against you, go to him and show him his fault. […]

1 Sep

The Easy Way or Jesus’ Way?

by HNMWebmaster Sep 1, 2014 Comments Off on The Easy Way or Jesus’ Way?

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time August 31, 2014 – Year A Readings: Jer 20:7-9, Psalm 63, Rom 12:1-2, Mt 16:21-27 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor As we are all aware, modern technology – media, smartphones, computers, microwaves – is designed to make our lives simpler and to do things quickly. […]

24 Aug

A Personal Relationship with Jesus

by HNMWebmaster Aug 24, 2014 Comments Off on A Personal Relationship with Jesus

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time August 24, 2014 – Year A Readings: Is 22:19-23; Psalm 138; Rom 11:33-36; Mt 16:13-20 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon Last week at the end of Mass, I had the honor of giving you the good news that Father Sal has been released […]

18 Aug

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman

by HNMWebmaster Aug 18, 2014 Comments Off on The Faith of the Canaanite Woman

Reflection for Nursing Home Prayer Service August 18, 2014 Readings: Is 56:1, 6-7; Psalm 67; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28 by Mrs. Rita Zimmermann, Faith Formation Coordinator Oh what faith she had! This Canaanite woman! You see, she knew she would not be welcome among those who followed Jesus as […]

17 Aug

True Faith Brings Happiness

by HNMWebmaster Aug 17, 2014 Comments Off on True Faith Brings Happiness

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 17, 2014 – Year A Readings: Is 56:1, 6-7; Psalm 67; Rom 11:13-15, 29-32; Mt 15:21-28 by Most Reverend Arturo Bastes, Bishop of Sorsogon, Philippines The beautiful gospel has plenty of implications. First, this is the only recorded time that Jesus was in a […]

15 Aug

Mary: Our Spiritual GPS

by HNMWebmaster Aug 15, 2014 Comments Off on Mary: Our Spiritual GPS

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15, 2014 – Year A Readings: Rv 11:19a, 12:1-6a, 10ab; Psalm 45; 1 Cor 15:20-27; Lk 1:39-56 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor As we celebrate today the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we remember that glorious […]

10 Aug

Be Not Afraid

by HNMWebmaster Aug 10, 2014 Comments Off on Be Not Afraid

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 10, 2014 – Year A Readings: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a; Psalm 85; Rom 9:1-5; Mt 14:22-33 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor A few years ago, the comedian Jerry Seinfeld said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is […]

3 Aug

Sharing Our Blessings

by HNMWebmaster Aug 3, 2014 Comments Off on Sharing Our Blessings

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 3, 2014 – Year A Readings: Is 55:1-3; Psalm 145; Rom 8:35, 37-39; Mt 14:13-21 by Rev. Mr. Ray Roderique, Permanent Deacon The central theme of today’s readings is the provident care of a loving and merciful God who generously shares His riches with […]

27 Jul

Recognizing the Pearls among Us

by HNMWebmaster Jul 27, 2014 Comments Off on Recognizing the Pearls among Us

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 27, 2014 – Year A Readings: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Psalm 119; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon The first thing that struck me when I read the Scriptures for today was all of the “choices.” Life is full […]

21 Jul

The God of Second Chances

by HNMWebmaster Jul 21, 2014 Comments Off on The God of Second Chances

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 20, 2014 – Year A Readings: Wis 12:13, 16-19; Psalm 86; Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor About 6 and a half years ago, there was a young man in Maryland who was trying to get in touch with a young […]

14 Jul

The New Evangelization Needs YOU!

by HNMWebmaster Jul 14, 2014 Comments Off on The New Evangelization Needs YOU!

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 13, 2014 – Year A Readings: Is 55:10-11; Psalm 65; Rom 8:18-23; Mt 13:1-23 by Rev. Mr. Ray Roderique, Permanent Deacon Today’s gospel is all about the sowing of seeds. We wonder what kind of ground we are. Are we the path, are we […]

8 Jul

An Oasis of Comfort and Love

by HNMWebmaster Jul 8, 2014 Comments Off on An Oasis of Comfort and Love

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 6, 2014 – Year A Readings: Zec 9:9-10, Psalm 145, Rom 8:9, 11-13, Mt 11:25-30 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor The first time I had the opportunity to visit the city of New York, 17 years ago, my cousin took me to a restaurant […]

29 Jun

Different Voices, One Mission

by HNMWebmaster Jun 29, 2014 Comments Off on Different Voices, One Mission

Solemnity of Saints Peter & Paul, Apostles June 29, 2014 – Year A Readings: Acts 12:1-11, Psalm 34, 2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18, Mt 16:13-19 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon Today, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, two of the Church’s greatest saints. We commemorate […]

24 Jun

A Power Meal: The Supper of the Lamb

by HNMWebmaster Jun 24, 2014 Comments Off on A Power Meal: The Supper of the Lamb

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ June 22, 2014 – Year A Readings: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Psalm 147; 1 Cor 10:16-17; John 6:51-58 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor The last time I was at home in the Philippines, I admired the big lighthouse on my island. I said to […]

8 Jun

Sharing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

by HNMWebmaster Jun 8, 2014 Comments Off on Sharing the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Pentecost Sunday June 8, 2014 – Year A Readings:  Acts 2:1-11, Psalm 104, 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13, Jn 20:19-23 by Rev. Mr. Ray Roderique, Permanent Deacon Today we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost. Most of us marvel at what happened to the disciples of Christ on that glorious day. We […]

1 Jun

Happy Ending

by HNMWebmaster Jun 1, 2014 Comments Off on Happy Ending

The Ascension of the Lord June 1, 2014 – Year A Readings:  Acts 1:1-11, Psalm 47, Eph 1:17-23, Mt 28:16-20 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor Yesterday I was requested to give the Last Sacraments to a Catholic who has not been to church nor been a member of any church […]

25 May

The Paraclete at Your Side

by HNMWebmaster May 25, 2014 Comments Off on The Paraclete at Your Side

6th Sunday of Easter May 25, 2014 – Year A Readings:  Acts 8:5-8, Psalm 66, 1 PT 3:15-18, Jn 14:15-21 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon [FIRST COMMUNION MASS – directed toward the children – but all are welcome to listen!] In a town, there was a gifted painter […]

22 May

“Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled”

by HNMWebmaster May 22, 2014 Comments Off on “Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled”

5th Sunday of Easter May 18, 2014 – Year A Readings:  Acts 6:1-7, Psalm 33, 1 Pt 2:4-9, Jn 14:1-12 by Father Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor Last night, a new parishioner – Brady Elizabeth Cundiff – was born about 10:00.  That’s great news.  The beginning of life.  We always celebrate beginnings.  […]

17 May

Sharing for a Lifetime

by HNMWebmaster May 17, 2014 Comments Off on Sharing for a Lifetime

Wedding of Jessyca Noyes & Robert Sullivan May 17, 2014 Readings: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31, Psalm 128, 1 Corinthians 12:31-13:8a, Mark 10:6-9 by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon I can honestly say that, throughout all of my primary, secondary and even college years, the class that I always dreaded […]

14 May

Mothers: Our Good Shepherds

by HNMWebmaster May 14, 2014 Comments Off on Mothers: Our Good Shepherds

4th Sunday of Easter (Mother’s Day) May 11, 2014 – Year A Readings: Acts 2:14A, 36-41, Psalm 23, 1 Pt 2:20B-25, Jn 10:1-10 by Rev. Mr. Ray Roderique, Permanent Deacon There is a Mother’s Day story I thought you might enjoy. The story is in the autobiography of Jimmy Cagney, […]

14 May

The Joy of Christ

by HNMWebmaster May 14, 2014 Comments Off on The Joy of Christ

Reflection for Nursing Home Prayer Service Wednesday of the 3rd Sunday of Easter, Year A May 7, 2014 Readings:  Acts 8:1B-8, Psalm 66, Jn 6:35-40 by Mrs. Rita Zimmermann, Faith Formation Coordinator In the Acts of the Apostles and the letters of Paul, the response of people who began to […]

11 May

Journey with Jesus

by HNMWebmaster May 11, 2014 Comments Off on Journey with Jesus

3rd Sunday of Easter May 4, 2014 – Year A Readings: Acts 2:14, 22-23, Psalm 16, 1 Pt 1:17-21, Lk 24:13-35 by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor Last Sunday after the canonization of Saint John Paul II and Saint John XXIII, Cardinal Dolan of the Archdiocese of New York said that […]