The Lord’s Invitation

The Lord’s Invitation

April 19, 2015 | HNMWebmaster | Discipleship, Easter, Faith, Father Salvador, Homilies, Service, St. John

3rd Sunday of Easter
April 19, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 / Psalm 4 / 1 Jn 2:1-5a / Lk 24:35-48
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A story is told about two boys who entered a dentist’s office. And one of them said “I want a tooth taken out, and I don’t want any gas, and I don’t want it deadened. We are in a hurry.” And the dentist said, “You are a brave young man. Which tooth is it?” At that instant the boy turned to his smaller friend and said, “Show him your tooth, Johnny.”

The world is full of volunteers like that. But the good news is that the Lord said, “I have overcome the world.” That is why church volunteers do it of their own volition and they simply love doing their ministries. Today is Ministry Fair Weekend here at Holy Name of Mary. After this mass, we will have the wonderful opportunity to talk to Holy Name of Mary ministry leaders, coordinators, and members in McNally Hall. And all of us, without exception, were given various talents by our Creator, and Our Lord is asking us today to use them to serve our church and our community.

For the past twenty-nine years of my priesthood, I’ve heard a good number of times from parishioners who deeply love God and whose faith is even stronger than mine. But then they would say, “How I wish I could feel God’s presence more often.” If every once in a while we have this kind of spiritual dilemma, we should have in mind that we are not alone. St John of the Cross experienced what we call “dark night of the soul.” And even Blessed Mother Teresa also underwent this type of spiritual dryness, as she wrote in her memoir. But as we all know, both St John of the Cross and Blessed Mother Teresa and a host of other saints didn’t give up. They continued to trust God and remain steadfast in their faith. When we help in any of the various ministries in the church, we are helping our Lord Jesus himself make His presence felt, most especially by those who need Him the most. Our Savior and our God needs us to be living instruments of His love, and I hope and pray that we will seriously consider today saying “yes” to God’s invitation.