25 Sep

Share the Abundance

by N W Sep 25, 2022 0

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25, 2022 — Year C Readings: Am 6:1a, 4-7 / Ps 146 / 1 Tm 6:11-16 / Lk 16:19-31 by Rev. Mr. Barry Welch, Guest Homilist The parable we heard today is certainly an indictment of the rich man.  But the rich man didn’t […]

18 Sep

The Smart Manager

by N W Sep 18, 2022 0

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2022 — Year C Readings: Am 8:4-7 / Ps 113 / 1 Tm 2:1-8 / Lk 16:1-13 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor There is a story about an angel who appeared at a faculty meeting and told the dean that he had come […]

11 Sep

Overflowing Mercy

by N W Sep 11, 2022 0

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2022 — Year C Readings: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14 / Ps 51 / 1 Tm 1:12-17 / Lk 15:1-32 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor Today’s readings from the Holy Scriptures teach us about the overflowing mercy and forgiveness of God.  They also talk about […]

4 Sep

The Virtue of Detachment

by N W Sep 4, 2022 2

Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time September 4, 2022 — Year C Readings: Wis 9: 13-18b / Ps 90 / Phmn 9-10, 12-17 / Lk 14: 25-33 by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon Last Sunday, Jesus spoke about the virtue of humility, as He told the Pharisee and […]

28 Aug

The Humble Shall Be Exalted

by N W Aug 28, 2022 0

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time August 28, 2022 — Year C Readings: Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 / Ps 68 / Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a / Lk 14:1, 7-14 by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon This week, Jesus emphasizes the virtue of humility and next week, detachment. The world […]

21 Aug

The Narrow Gate

by N W Aug 21, 2022 0

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time August 21, 2022 — Year C Readings: Is 66:18-21 / Ps 117 / Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 / Lk 13:22-30 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor An open-air evangelist, preaching on today’s gospel text, was warning his congregation about eternal damnation. He said, “There will be weeping […]

14 Aug

Difficult Times

by N W Aug 14, 2022 0

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 14, 2022 — Year C Readings: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10 / Ps 40 / Heb 12:1-4 / Lk 12:49-53 by Rev. Mr. Barry Welch, Guest Homilist Jesus makes a very striking statement to His disciples in today’s gospel: “Do you think that I have come […]

7 Aug


by N W Aug 7, 2022 0

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August 7, 2022 — Year C Readings: Wis 18:6-9 / Ps 33 / Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 / Lk 12:32-48 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor One day in 1780, the state of Connecticut was enveloped by a mysterious darkness. The same thought came to all: The […]

31 Jul

True Wealth

by N W Jul 31, 2022 0

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJuly 31, 2022 — Year CReadings: Ecc 1:2, 2:21-23 / Ps 90 / Col 3:1-5, 9-11 / Lk 12:13-21by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor An elderly man on the beach found a magic lamp.  He picked it up, and a genie appeared.  “Because you have freed me,” […]

24 Jul

How to Pray

by N W Jul 24, 2022 0

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJuly 24, 2022 — Year CReadings: Gn 18:20-32 / Ps 138 / Col 2:12-14 / Lk 11:1-13by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon In this homily we will look to Mary and Jesus to give us examples of how to pray. In the year […]

17 Jul

Waiting on, Waiting for

by N W Jul 17, 2022 0

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJuly 17, 2022 — Year CReadings: Gn 18:1-10a / Ps 15 / Col 1:24-28 / Lk 10:38-42by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor There is a story about three prisoners on death row, who were asked for their last wish.  The first one wished for pizza.  It was […]

10 Jul

Always Pursuing Us

by N W Jul 10, 2022 0

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeJuly 10, 2022 — Year CReadings: Dt 30:10-14 / Ps 69 / Col:15-20 / Lk 10:25-37by Rev. Mr. Barry Welch, Guest Homilist Today I would like to share my take on Bishop Robert Barron’s take of one interpretation of The Good Samaritan parable. A man fell […]

26 Jun

A New Day, a New Life

by N W Jun 26, 2022 0

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 26, 2022 – Year C Readings: 1 Kgs 19:16b, 19-21 / Ps 16 / Gal 5:1, 13-18 / Lk 9:51-62 by Rev. Jay Biber, Guest Celebrant This was a week like no other, with the big elephant in the little living room: major cultural […]

19 Jun

With Us Always

by N W Jun 19, 2022 0

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June 19, 2022 — Year C Readings: Gn 14:18-20 / Ps 110 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / Lk 9:11b-17 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor I read this story told by Archbishop Fulton Sheen: that, during China’s 1911 republican revolution, […]

12 Jun

Understanding the Trinity

by N W Jun 12, 2022 0

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity June 12, 2022 — Year C Readings: Prv 8:22-31 / Ps 8 / Rom 5:1-5 / Jn 16:12-15 by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon The truths of our Catholic faith are too often these days being denied or being twisted. […]

5 Jun

Come, Holy Spirit

by N W Jun 5, 2022 0

Pentecost Sunday June 5, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 2:1-11 / Ps 104 / Rom 8:8-17 / Jn 20:19-23 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor There is a story about a young boy who went to the store on his bicycle to buy something, but there was no place to […]

29 May

We Are His Body

by N W May 29, 2022 0

The Ascension of the Lord May 29, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 1:1-11 / Ps 47 / Eph 1:17-23 / Lk 24:46-53 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor The four gospels contain many parables of a master who sets out on a long journey and gives his servants charge of […]

22 May

Obedience and Trust

by N W May 22, 2022 0

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 22, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 / Ps 67 / Rev 21:10-14, 22-23 / Jn 14:23-29 by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon I’ll always remember when my wife and I learned the Church’s teachings on birth control. We were […]

15 May

Christ’s Presence

by N W May 15, 2022 0

Fifth Sunday of EasterMay 15, 2022 — Year CReadings: Acts 14:21-27 / Ps 145 / Rev 21:1-5a / Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor Today is the Fifth Sunday of Easter.  Each Sunday after Easter, God’s messages through the readings help us in living our everyday lives.  The main […]

8 May

Good Shepherds

by N W May 8, 2022 0

Fourth Sunday of Easter May 8, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 13:14, 43-52 / Ps 100 / Rev 7:9, 14b-17 / Jn 10:27-30 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor Four clergymen, taking a short break from their heavy schedules, were on a park bench chatting and enjoying an early Spring […]

1 May

He Pursues Us

by N W May 1, 2022 1

Third Sunday of Easter May 1, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 / Ps 30 / Rev 5:11-14 / Jn 21:1-19 by Rev. Mr. Barry Welch, Guest Homilist Sometimes when you’re trying something new, barriers arise, especially if you want to do something good and follow Jesus.  Stumbling […]

24 Apr

My Lord and My God

by N W Apr 24, 2022 0

Second Sunday of Easter Sunday of Divine Mercy April 24, 2022 – Year C Readings: Acts 5:12-16 / Ps 118 / Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 / Jn 20:19-31 by Rev. Louis Benoit, Guest Celebrant In the gospel for today, I think we need to be in touch with the apostles […]

17 Apr

Fear Not

by N W Apr 17, 2022 0

Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord April 17, 2022 — Year C Readings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 / Ps 118 / Col 3:1-4 / Jn 20:1-9 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor In the old Jewish culture, women were considered to be unreliable in what they said, and therefore, they […]

14 Apr

Two Commands

by N W Apr 14, 2022 0

Holy Thursday April 14, 2022 — Year C Readings: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 / Ps 116 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / Jn 13:1-15 by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor There is a meaningful quotation from an unknown author that says: “It is not the number of servants you have that matters to […]