Invite God Into Your Relationships

October 6, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Family, Father Nixon, Love, Sacraments, Uncategorized, Wedding

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 6, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Gn 2:18-24 / Ps 128 / Heb 2:9-11 / Mk 10:2-16
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today’s readings show us a common theme, which is the sanctity and unity of marriage rooted in God’s divine plan for humanity.  They also highlight the importance of relationships, God’s original plan for marriage, particularly the covenant of marriage, and how God is central to forming and sustaining those bonds.

The first reading, from the book of Genesis, helps to recall the main idea that marriage is the creation of God.  When God was forming man, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  So, He made a woman to be with him and join him.  This is not an affiliation or mutual understanding between individuals.  It is a sacred covenant, established by God Himself.  Marital affection is supposed to resemble the love of God toward humanity:  loyal, productive, and eternal.

Today we have a culture that does not sanctify marriage and often questions its indissolubility.  The divorce rates are high, and the culture is learning to shift towards the thought of marriage as something that can be undone if it becomes uncomfortable.  This is far from what Jesus expects from all of us.  Jesus calls us to a higher standard.  He reminds us that marriage is a reflection of God’s covenant, which is unbreakable.

Venerable Fulton Sheen, in his wisdom once said, “It takes three to make love, not two:  you, your spouse, and God. Without God, people only succeed in bringing out the worst in one another.  Lovers with nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else.  Without a central loyalty, life is unfinished.”

Sheen’s statement is a powerful reminder that true love is not just a bond between two people, but a bond that includes God.  When we place God in the center of our lives and in the center of our marriage, He sustains it, nurtures it, and strengthens it.  If God is absent, however, marriage becomes fragile and can easily fracture under the pressures of life.  As Sheen points out, without God the relationship becomes empty, and people begin to bring out the worst in each other rather than the best.

This is why it is so essential for couples to keep God at the center of their lives, not just at the wedding ceremony, but throughout their marriage.   Praying together, seeking God’s guidance, and entrusting the relationship to His care, make all the difference.  The sacrament of marriage is not just about romantic love, but about a shared mission to reflect God’s love to each other and to the world.

In the second reading, we hear that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels and became like us in all things, suffered with us and triumphed over death to bring us salvation.  The best form of love is when one is willing to give himself over to protecting, providing, and caring for another person.  That is Jesus’ act of self-giving on behalf of humanity.  Marriage, also, requires such a love:  the love that is self-giving, the love which seeks the good of the other.  This is the love required from us in regard to our marriages, families, and friendships.  It is a love that follows the example of Christ, the greatest love that was ever demonstrated.

In order to understand the relationship between marriage and divorce, Jesus talks about it in today’s gospel.  Pharisees approach Jesus to test Him, by asking what He says about the matter of divorce between a man and his wife.  Jesus, however, does not just answer the question on the surface.  Instead, He drills down to the fundamentals, to the basic plan of creation, to the institution of marriage.

He says, “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.  The two shall become one flesh.  Hence, they are no more two, but one and the same.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (Mk 10:6-9).  This teaching may not be easy to comprehend in the world we live in now that presents relationships based on conditions that are temporary.  Still, Jesus invites us to look at marriage with faith, as a joining in God’s creative act.  In marriage, two people merge into one, and therefore reflect unity, vowed commitment, and reciprocal self-giving.

Just as God loved us first with an unconditional, full, and lifelong love, so too is marriage intended to be an unswerving love.  But Jesus doesn’t stop with the ideal.  He acknowledges human weakness and the brokenness that can enter into relationships.  The law of Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of hearts, but Jesus invites us to a higher calling, one rooted in forgiveness, patience, and the healing grace of God.

We are reminded that, while God’s design for marriage is beautiful, living it requires grace.  It is not easy, but with God’s help, married couples can live their vocation with joy and fidelity, even in the face of difficulties.

After this challenging discourse, the gospel takes on a new subject, which is children.  Jesus says, “Let the little children come to Me.  Do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mark 10:14).  This passage is a word of comfort to those who have childlike faith, faith being that which is simple and innocent, without doubt.  The combination of marriage and children in this gospel is not accidental.  It serves as a reminder that the values of humility, trust, and innocence are essential in all relationships.  Like the child who needs the parents, we too, are called to go to God to offer our struggles, our brokenness, and our hopes.

Let us remember, whether we are married or not, that we are called to live out the same principles of love and self-sacrifice in our relationships.  We must continually invite God into our relationships.  Take time to pray together as a couple or as a family, asking for His grace and guidance.

For those who are married, today’s gospel is a call to reflect on the gift of your marriage.  Are you nurturing the love and unity between you and your spouse?  How can you invite Christ into the heart of your relationship to strengthen and sustain it?

For those who are not married, this is an opportunity to consider how you are living out your relationships with your family, friends, and community.  Do you approach them with the faithfulness and love that Jesus calls us to?

Finally, the image of a child is a reminder to all of us to approach God with humility and trust, recognizing that in Him we can find the strength to live out the radical call to love in both marriage and all other aspects of life.  Let us pray for the grace to model our lives on Christ’s example of love, faithfulness, and mercy, in marriage and every other relationship we hold dear.  May we always remain like children before God, open to His will and eager to receive His blessing.


Rooted in Faith and Love

June 16, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Faith, Family, Father Nixon, Life, Mission, Service, Vocations

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 16, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Ez 17:22-24 / Ps 92 / 2 Cor 5:6-10 / Mk 4:26-34
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

This Sunday, we celebrate the liturgy with hearts open to the word of God, which reveals the mysteries of faith and the kingdom of heaven. Today’s readings, filled with imagery of growth and cultivation, invite us to reflect on the role of fathers, both earthly and heavenly, in nurturing and guiding the growth of their families and communities.

In the first reading, from Ezekial, God promises to take a tender shoot from the top of a cedar and plant it on a high and lofty mountain.  This tender shoot will grow into a majestic cedar, providing shelter and shade for all creatures.

This image is a powerful reminder of the role of parents as planters and nurturers. Fathers are called to plant seeds of faith, love, and virtue in the hearts of their children, trusting that God will bring these seeds into fruition. Just as the cedar grows strong and tall, so too do the seeds of guidance and example provided by fathers help their children grow in strength and character.

The psalm speaks of the righteous flourishing, like a palm tree and growing like a cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord. This flourishing is not just physical, but spiritual and moral.  On Father’s Day we honor the fathers who, through their steadfast love and dedication, have created environments where their children can thrive. Their commitment and sacrifices are akin to the nurturing environment provided by fertile soil, allowing their children to grow deep roots in faith and moral integrity.

Karol Wojtyla Sr., father of the future Pope John Paul II, played a pivotal role in shaping his son’s spiritual life, as detailed in the book, John Paul II: Man of Prayer. Widowed when his son was just nine, Karol, known as “the captain,” was a quiet, upright, retired soldier and former tailor, who took on the roles of cooking, cleaning, and making his son’s clothes. He encouraged his son in his friendships, studies, and sports.

But most importantly, he instilled a deep faith in him. Their modest apartment in Wadowice, Poland was described by John Paul II as a domestic seminary. The elder Wojtyla set an example through his own deep and unselfconscious piety, praying often on his knees and making prayer a constant in their lives.  The two would read the Bible and pray the rosary together.

One significant detail from the book highlights this devotion.  Sometimes, young Karol would wake in the night to find his father kneeling in the dark, praying silently. This profound example of faith and integrity greatly influenced the spiritual formation of the future Pope.

Paul reminds us in the second reading that we walk by faith, not by sight. Fathers often embody this principle in their role as providers and protectors, making countless decisions and sacrifices, motivated by love and faith, even when the outcomes are uncertain. Paul’s message encourages fathers to persevere in their mission, trusting that their efforts, guided by faith, will be pleasing to the Lord.

Finally. in the gospel of Mark, Jesus uses the parables of growing seed and the mustard seed to illustrate the kingdom of God.  These parables highlight the mysterious and gradual growth of the kingdom, often unnoticed, but unstoppable. Fathers can draw inspiration from these parables, understanding that their efforts, even the smallest acts of love and guidance, are like seeds planted in the hearts of their children.  Though the growth may be slow and imperceptible at times, the impact is profound and enduring.

A man was visiting a farmer and saw him planting his field. “What are you sowing?” he asked. “Wheat” was the answer. “And what do you expect to reap from it?” he asked. “Wheat, of course,” said the farmer.

The very same day, some little thing provoked the farmer to go into cursing and swearing.  The visitor asked, “What are you sowing now?” The farmer said, “What? Do you take such serious views of every mood, word, and action?” The visitor replied, “Yes. For every word helps to form a permanent temper. And for every word we must give account, and every act aids to form a habit. And habits are to the soul what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves and will move forever. By all these little words and actions, we are forming character, and the character will go with us to eternity, and according to it will be our destiny and the destiny of others forever.”

Jesus’ parable emphasizes the natural and gradual process of growth.  The seed grows night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up. This underscores the idea that spiritual growth and the advancement of God’s kingdom are often not immediately visible but occur continuously and inevitably over time.  It reassures believers that God is at work, even when we do not see immediate results. Our role is to plant the seed and trust in God’s timing for the growth and fruition.

The transformation from a tiny seed to a large plant signifies the profound impact the kingdom of God can have on the world and on individuals’ lives. The mustard plant becomes large enough that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.

This highlights the inclusive and expansive nature of God’s kingdom, providing shelter, refuge, and community. It challenges believers to consider how their faith and actions can contribute to creating a welcoming and nurturing environment for others.

The parable encourages us and those who may feel that their efforts are too small to make a difference. It reassures us that God values and can use even the smallest acts of faith and kindness in a world that often celebrates immediate success and grand gestures. This parable invites us to appreciate the humble beginnings and trust in the long-term impact of our faithfulness.

This Sunday, the Church calls us to trust in the power of small beginnings and our role in enhancing the growth of the kingdom of God. It encourages us to nurture our faith; be patient with the process; and contribute to a community where all can find refuge and support. This reflection invites us to embrace the mystery of God’s work in the world and our lives, holding onto the hope that even the small seeds of faith can grow into something magnificent.

Today, brothers and sisters, as we reflect on the readings and celebrate Father’s Day, let us give thanks for the fathers and father figures in our lives.  Let us recognize the vital role they play in nurturing, guiding, and supporting their families.  Their love and dedication reflect God’s love for us: a love that is patient, steadfast, and ever-present.

As we honor our fathers, let us also pray for them, that they may continue to be strong and faithful stewards of their families, and that they may be blessed with wisdom and grace to lead their children towards life rooted in faith and love. May all fathers find joy in their vocation, and may their children grow to be the living testimony to their tireless love and devotion.

May Jesus Christ be praised.



Finding Our Way Back

June 9, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Comfort, Family, Father Nixon, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Reconciliation, Sin

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 9, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Gn 3:9-15 / Ps 130 / 2 Cor 4:13-5:1 / Mk 3:20-35
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Reflecting on our readings today, we recognize a profound journey that mirrors our own spiritual lives.  We start with the awareness of our brokenness and sin, much like Adam and Eve hiding from God.  Yet, even in our deepest despair, we cry out for God’s mercy, trusting in His unfailing love.

In our first reading, we encounter the aftermath of the fall.  Adam and Eve have eaten from the forbidden tree, and God is seeking them out.  Adam admits his fear and shame, having realized his nakedness.  God then pronounces judgement upon the serpent, promising enmity between the serpent and the woman’s offspring, hinting at the future defeat of evil.

The first reading introduces the theme of human frailty and the resulting consequences of sin.  Adam and Eve’s disobedience leads to a rupture in the relationship with God, marked by fear and shame.  Yet, amid the judgement, there is a promise of redemption.  The offspring of the woman will crush the serpent’s head.

St. Paul, in our second reading, reflects on the trials and tribulations faced by the apostles, yet emphasizes the spirit of faith that sustains them.  Despite the suffering and decay of their outer bodies, they are renewed inwardly.  All this speaks of the eternal glory that far outweighs their temporary struggles, focusing on the unseen, eternal life promised by God.  It also connects to today’s theme by highlighting the transient nature of suffering and the promise of eternal reward.  Paul’s message emphasizes that, although we experience hardship and our bodies waste away, our spirits are being renewed daily.  This reflects the ongoing journey from sin and suffering towards redemption and glory.

Today, we witness a powerful narrative that brings to light themes of misunderstanding, accusations, and ultimately the redefinition of what it means to be part of the family of God.  Jesus finds Himself surrounded by crowds so large that He and His disciples cannot even eat.  Amidst this, His family comes to take charge of Him, convinced that He is out of His mind.  The scribes from Jerusalem, witnessing His miraculous works, accuse Him of being possessed by Beelzebul, and driving out demons by the power of the prince of demons.

Jesus’ response is both profound and instructive.  He challenges the logic of the scribes by pointing out the absurdity of Satan casting out Satan.  He uses parables to illustrate that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand.  Furthermore, He emphasizes that those who do the will of God are His true family.

Let me share a story about a man named Thomas.  Thomas was known throughout the village for his hardened heart and bitter disposition.  Life had not been kind to him, and he had grown cynical and distrustful of others.  He felt abandoned by God and believed that his life was beyond redemption.

One day, an elderly priest named Father Michael visited Thomas, asking for help repairing the church.  Reluctantly, Thomas agreed.  Over the next few weeks, as Thomas worked at the church, Father Michael shared stories of faith and redemption, particularly the story of Peter, who found forgiveness after denying Jesus three times but was forgiven and went on to lead the early Church.  Peter’s story, Father Michael said, is a testament to God’s boundless mercy and the power of redemption.

These stories stirred something in Thomas, and he began to see a glimmer of hope.  One stormy night, the church’s roof was damaged, and Father Michael called on Thomas for help.  Despite the treacherous weather, Thomas rushed to the church.  While repairing the roof, Thomas slipped and injured his leg.  Father Michael tended to him and prayed for his recovery.  As Thomas lay there, he felt an overwhelming sense of peace wash over him.  For the first time in years, he prayed.  He asked God for forgiveness and thanked Him for sending Father Michael into his life.  From then on, Thomas’s life changed.  He attended Mass, helped others, and became an integral part of the community, and treated them as his family.

Years later, as Thomas stood in the church he’d helped restore, he reflected on his journey.  He realized that God had never abandoned him.  Rather, He had been gently guiding him back to the path of redemption.

Just as in the readings, Thomas’s life parallels our own spiritual journey.  We may feel broken and beyond hope, much like Adam and Eve after the fall, or the psalmist crying out from the depths.  However, through faith and the loving actions of others, much like Father Michael’s gentle guidance, we can find our way back to God.

Thomas’s transformation echoes Paul’s message in 2 Corinthians about inner renewal despite outward suffering and exemplifies the redefinition of family and community through faith, as Jesus teaches in Mark’s gospel.  This story reminds us that no matter how lost we feel, God’s mercy is always within reach, leading us to redemption and new life.  Paul’s words also remind us that our sufferings are temporary and serve greater purpose in God’s eternal plan.  They encourage us to look beyond our present struggles to the unseen glory that awaits us, renewing our spirits daily through faith.

Finally, Jesus’ teaching in Mark challenges us to redefine our understanding of family and belonging.  It invites us to find our true kinship in those who do the will of God, creating a community bound, not by blood, but by shared faith and obedience to God’s will.  The gospel presents Jesus’ redefining family ties, just as Genesis shows the destruction of the original family due to sin.  Jesus reestablishes a new family bond based on a spiritual kinship with those who do the will of God.  This redefinition aligns with the promise of redemption, highlighting the true faith and obedience to God.  We become part of God’s family.  Our Church offers a powerful message of hope and redemption.  Jesus calls us to acknowledge our sins, seek God’s mercy, endure our trials with faith, and embrace our true identity as members of God’s family.  In this journey, we find assurance in God’s promise that, though we may face suffering and misunderstanding, His eternal glory and redemption await us.

So, brothers and sisters, as we continue our Mass today, let us strengthen our faith as we endure life’s trials, renewing us inwardly day by day.  Let us pray for our Lord to help us see our struggles in light of the eternal glory He has prepared for us.  And may we live as true members of God’s family, doing His will and reflecting His love.


Joy of Living in Communion With the Trinity

May 26, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Deacon Mark, Eucharist, Family, Holy Spirit, Mary, St. Joseph, Trinity

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
May 26, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40 / Ps 33 / Rom 8:14-17 / Mt 28:16-20
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Before there was YouTube, Scott Hahn, and the Catechism, I was asked to teach 9th grade faith formation. It was a small college parish that had few resources and, accordingly, I wasn’t given a book to teach from. I knew very little about my faith like most 20-something Catholics in the early 1990s. One evening, one of the 9th grade boys told the class that the Trinity is nowhere in the Bible. In my ignorance, I was incapable of saying, “Yes, it is,” and then showing him, much less leading him to the joy of living in the Trinity. I pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit that I can do that for you now.

I am going to show you where the Trinity is in the Bible, and how the scriptures present the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as one God in three Persons, equal in power and knowledge, all existing for all time, uncreated with no beginning and no end.  Once we have that firm footing, I will give some pastoral guidance on living in communion with the Trinity, especially for teenagers.

If I was teaching that 9th grade class today, I would show that teenage boy where the Trinity is in the Bible. Jesus’ use of the Trinity at the end of Matthew’s gospel, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…” was not brought up out of the blue by Matthew (Mt 28:19). He reveals the Trinity at the baptism of Jesus in chapter 3:16-17, saying when Jesus (the second Person of the Trinity) came up out of the water, the Spirit of God (third Person of Trinity) descended upon Him in the shape of a dove, and then the voice of the Father (first Person) says He is well pleased in His Son (Mitch, pg. 371). Sooo, when someone says the Trinity is not in the Bible, you can show them Matthew 3 and 28.

I’m guessing, though, that teenage boy, in the annoying way teens can excel at, would say, “Hey Mr. De La Hunt, look at the first reading where Moses tells the people, ‘The Lord is God…and…there is no other (Dt 4:35).’ It doesn’t mention Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”  Worshiping only one God, which is called monotheism, set Israel apart from all other nations in its day, and they fiercely defended this belief. To this day, the Jews’ belief that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit cannot be one God, is said by some to be the biggest stumbling block for their embracing Jesus Christ as the Messiah.  The confusion and unbelief are understandable. The Trinity is not easy to wrap your head around. It took the Church over three hundred years to articulate the doctrine (Mitch, pg. 371).

Fortunately, one of the greatest biblical preachers on the Trinity was a fiercely devout and highly learned Jew, St. Paul. When he was still going by the name of Saul, he was persecuting Christians, because they were calling Jesus God. But when Jesus removed those scales from Paul’s eyes in Damascus, Paul saw Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as that one God of whom Moses spoke (Acts 9:18).

In today’s second reading from Paul’s letter to the Roman church, he tells the Christian community that they have received a “Spirit of adoption, through whom we cry, ‘Abba, Father!’ The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ. (Rom 8:15-17).” This wasn’t the only place Paul invoked the Trinity while spreading the Good News.

In chapter 13 of his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul greets the people with words that Father greeted you with at the beginning of the Mass. “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of you (2 Cor 13:13).”  Sounds pretty Trinitarian. I could also show that 9th grader 1 Corinthians 12, Galatians 4, and 1 Thessalonians 1. Oh, if only I had Curtis Mitch’s and Ed Sri’s Catholic bible commentary when I was in my twenties. Hopefully that young man kept pursuing the truth.

All I have proven, though, is that a devout, fiercely monotheistic Jew came to see a Father, a Son, and a Holy Spirit. But you are excellent at debating and call me on it. You rightly say, “Deacon Mark, you must prove all three are God.” Ok. Let’s start with the easiest one. God is God, creator of heaven and earth and all that is visible and invisible. The Old Testament, like today’s first reading with Moses and today’s Psalm speak to this.

You smile, confident you will disprove the second Person of the Trinity, asking, “What about Jesus? To be God, you must have existed for all time, be uncreated, no beginning, no end. But Jesus was born of a woman.”  John’s gospel best speaks to Jesus being God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…He was in the world, and the world came into being through Him…And the Word became flesh and lived among us. It is God the only Son (Jn 1:1, 10, 14, 18).”

At this point, I want to defend Our Lady, that “woman” who gave birth to Jesus. I would be remiss to not mention that Mary was declared the “Mother of God” at the Council of Ephesus in 431 AD. But it wasn’t only that gathering of bishops who believed that. A crowd of the faithful waited in the streets for them to affirm what they already believed. And they celebrated joyfully when Mary, mother of Jesus, was affirmed as Mary, mother of God the Son.

Your confident smile falters, but you recover and move on to the third Person of the Trinity. You, with noticeably less bravado, say, “Jesus says the Father will send the Holy Spirit, and He even breathes the Spirit onto the apostles (Jn 14:26; 15:26; 20:22). For all three to be God, they must all three be equal in power and knowledge, which is to say in omnipotence (all powerful) and omniscience (all knowing). Doesn’t sound like the Holy Spirt is equal, because He is always being sent.”

The Deacon smiles at you, so happy that you are seeking truth. He encourages you to open your Bible to 2 Corinthians, where Paul writes, “No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God (2 Cor 2:11).”  God’s thoughts are infinite, so for the Spirit to comprehend God’s thoughts, the Spirit must also have infinite knowledge or omniscience. Next, the Deacon shows you 1 Corinthians, where Paul calls our body a “temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor 6:19).” The Deacon says, “Only God can have a temple, so the Holy Spirit must be God (Tim Staples).” Finally, the Deacon turns to Acts 5 and reads, “But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and to keep back part of the proceeds of the land? . . . You have not lied to men but to God.”  Like St. Paul, St. Peter, also a Jew, saw God and the Holy Spirit as the one true God of Israel. (A shoutout to Catholic Answers for this paragraph.)

Now we know some of the scriptural basis for the Most Holy Trinity, but how do we live this deep theological mystery? First, and foremost, we never, ever miss Mass. If we are healthy enough to go to the grocery store or out to eat, we are healthy enough to go to Mass. Dads and Moms, do not let any of your children miss Mass due to camping or beach trips, band, or dance, or soccer, or volleyball, or AP class projects. Why?

First, we have a desperate need to receive our Lord’s body and blood. But also, we should do so because it is the most powerful way in which we live within the communion of the Trinity. We worship God the Father, offering the one sacrifice of Christ the Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity makes our Catholic worship perfect. And remember that God is a communion of Persons in the Most Holy Trinity, so to worship in the Trinity, we need to do so in communion with others, the Trinity making us into a holy, mystical communion.

Let’s put some blue jeans on this. When we are baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, God makes us part of His family. Teenagers, since we started this homily with a teenager, I am coming back to you. Know that our family is where we discover who we are. There is a memory helper or pneumonic for this, RIM which stands for Relationship, Identity, Mission. This applies to your natural family, but also to your supernatural family, the Trinity.

Teens and twenty somethings too, I know you are in a very challenging time in life between becoming an adult and knowing the path God wants your life to take. This time brings to your mind heartfelt questions. Who am I? Where is my place in this world? What strengths, talents, and capabilities do I have? Should I go to college? If so, what should I study? Should I get a job instead, so I can receive training from my employer? If so, what type of job should I pursue? Am I to get married? If so, how will I find the right person? If not marriage, should I check out consecrated religious life? Holy Orders?

You will find the answers within your supernatural family of the Trinity. Back to RIM. Relationship: pursue your relationship with the Trinity in prayer (daily), the Mass (at least weekly), and Confession (often). Identity: Being close to the Trinity will help you to learn who you are and what gifts you have. Mission: Now that you know who you are, you can go on mission with the grace of Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and your communion with them through the Holy Spirit. They will work with you and show you the way.

It is not as easy as it sounds, though. You will need patience and trust. God tends to show us one step at a time. Our job is to stay in Relationship with Him (prayer, Mass, Confession) so we can see that next step and trust Him by taking that step. Joseph is a helpful model here. He was given one step at a time, and he took them.

Remember how God came to Joseph and told him to take Mary as his wife, and oh by the way she is already pregnant, and the child is God. Wow. What does Joseph say, “Yes Lord.”  Then, in the middle of the night, God wakes up Joseph and tells him to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. No one wants to be woken up in the middle of the night, much less to drop your life and move to a new one in a strange place. Joseph, said, “Yes Lord.”  And when God told him, a short while later, to move back to Israel, Joseph took that step too.

One could say this about Joseph. “By being united to Jesus and animated by the Spirit of love and obedience, [Joseph knew the] joy that is perfect and complete, a joy that comes only from participating in the divine communion (Jeff Cavins, Hallow).” Jeff Cavins spoke of this joy using the words of the prophet Nehemiah, “The joy of the Lord (Trinity) is your strength (Neh 8:10).” He went on to say, [our joy] is not just a fleeting emotion but a deep and abiding reality that comes from communion with the Trinity.

Final words. Whether we are born into an amazing family or a broken one, or in a place that is fantastic or one that is dark, or have built a successful life or made a hot mess of it, none of those things define us! What defines us is our baptism, for from that day onward, we call the most-high God Father, and Jesus who is the King of the Universe, brother, and the Holy Spirit, the love that flows between them, counselor, helper, and guide. The Psalm today, unbeknownst to the author, was written about us, the baptized. “Blessed the people the Lord (Trinity) has chosen to be His own. Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and our shield. May your kindness, O Lord, be upon us who have put our hope in you.”  Lord, grant us the grace we need to order our lives to be in communion with You who are Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.



Jeff Cavins Daily Reflections on Hallow, May 11, 2024. He references the Catholic Commentary of Sacred Scripture which I used to describe Joseph’s living in the Trinity.

Tim Staples – Catholic Answers. Simply Google Catholic Answers on the Trinity. You will see “Explaining the Trinity” by Tim Staples dated June 20, 2014, at

Curtis Mitch and Edward Sri. “Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Gospel of Matthew.”  Baker Academic 2010.


Mothers are Like Jesus

May 12, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Evangelization, Family, Father Nixon, Love, Mission

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
May 12, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 1:1-11 / Ps 47 / Eph 1:17-23 / Mk 16:15-20
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

A story is told about a priest, who in talking about heaven in his homily said, “We bring nothing with us when we die; there is no money in heaven. People in heaven have no money.” The whole congregation was quiet until a little girl whispered to her mother loud enough for all to hear, “Mama, Mama, we’re already in heaven!”

As we come together to celebrate the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension, coinciding with Mother’s Day, we are presented with a unique opportunity to reflect on the profound love and sacrifice embodied in both events. Just as Jesus ascended into heaven, entrusting His disciples with the mission to spread the Gospel. mothers exemplify selfless love and nurturing care in guiding their children towards their purpose in life.

In the passage from Acts, we witness the disciples gazing upward as Jesus ascends into Heaven, leaving them with a profound sense of awe and wonder. Similarly, mothers often look upon their children with a sense of awe, marveling at their growth and potential. Just as Jesus entrusted His disciples with the mission to spread the Gospel, mothers nurture and empower their children to fulfill their God-given potential, instilling in them values of love, compassion, and faith.

In the letter of Paul to the Ephesians (Eph 1:17-23), we are reminded of the immeasurable power of God at work within us. Through the ascension of Christ, He is exalted above all things and His authority transcends earthly limitations. Mothers, too, embody a divine strength and resilience as they navigate the challenges of motherhood, drawing upon faith and inner grace to guide their children towards the path of righteousness. The prayer of Saint Paul echoes our longing for spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. Reflecting the aspirations of mothers, they impart wisdom and guidance to their children as they embark on their journey of faith.

The gospel reading from Mark encapsulates the Great Commission, in which Jesus instructs His disciples to go forth and proclaim the Gospel to all creation. This was not merely a suggestion, but a mandate for all believers to actively participate in the mission of evangelization. Similarly, mothers play a vital role in nurturing the faith of their children, serving as primary witnesses and teachers of God’s love and truth in the home.

What is the command of Jesus for us today? The first is that we should preach. What are those things that we should preach to others? The good news of salvation, that we are loved by God. Even if we are sinners, that we are brothers and sisters to each other, that life has dignity and meaning, and we too have dignity. That is the only way to eternal life. That is why all of us are called in order to preach and to teach. Busy people are not exempted from this mission. Let us not be afraid to tell the truth. Preaching is not only to be done within the church, but also in the office, in the workplace, in homes and many more.

Let me share with you a story about Radell Norris. He was a conscientious young man, but he was also a shy young man. He found it hard just to talk to people, much less to discuss religion with them. Then one day he got an idea. Radell did a lot of reading, and he was aware of the many pamphlets about the Catholic faith. So, he decided to set aside part of his weekly allowance to buy pamphlets. Radell placed his pamphlets in places where he thought people would pick them up and read them. For example, he placed them in waiting rooms and in reception areas.

One day, a young woman who was a friend of his family told his parents how she became a convert and how her husband returned to the Church. It all started with a pamphlet. She said, “I found it in the hospital waiting room.” You can imagine the boy’s excitement when he learned of the impact of just one of his pamphlets.

The story of Radell Norris points to an important point about proclaiming the Good News; there are many ways to do it. We can proclaim it directly as Radell did. Today, many people use the new technology of the internet, Facebook, websites, and cell phones to spread the Good News. Or we can proclaim it less directly. For example, by praying and giving financial support to the missionary activity of the Church.

The second is, we should heal. All of us are called to become healers. Not only as physical healers, but also as psychological and spiritual healers. Not tomorrow, but today.

Lastly, we should be witnesses, not just in words, but also most especially in action. As Saint Augustine had said, “Believe what you preach, teach what you believe, and live it.”

Brothers and sisters, as we reflect on the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension and celebrate Mother’s Day, let us express gratitude for the mothers in our lives who have guided us with unwavering love and sacrifice. May we honor their legacy, embracing our mission with courage and zeal, knowing that Christ’s Ascension marks the beginning of a new chapter in salvation history. Just as mothers selflessly devote themselves to the well-being of their children, let us strive to live in accordance with God, guided by the wisdom and grace bestowed upon us through Christ’s exaltation.

As we continue to celebrate our Mass today, may we ascend towards our true purpose, united with Christ in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be instruments of His peace and love in the world.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Love Without Condition

May 5, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Family, Father Nixon, Generosity, Holy Spirit, Love, Service

Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 5, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 / Ps 98 / 1 Jn 4:7-10 / Jn 15:9-17
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

There is a story told about a devastating famine in Russia that had brought great misery.  A beggar had become weak and emaciated and almost starved to death.  He approached the novelist Leo Tolstoy and asked him for assistance.

Tolstoy searched his pockets for money but discovered that he didn’t even have as much as a single coin.  However, he took the beggar’s worn hand between his own and said, “Don’t be angry with me, my brother.  I have nothing with me.”

The thin, lined face of the beggar lit up as if from some inner light.  The beggar whispered in reply, “But sir, you called me ‘brother.’  That was the greatest gift that you could give me.”

Jesus said in our gospel today, “This is my commandment:  Love one another as I have loved you.”

As we gather on this Sixth Sunday of Easter, the readings invite us into a deeper understanding of love, unity, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.  The Easter season is drawing to a close, yet the spirit of renewal and hope remains vibrant within us.  This Sunday offers a moment for reflection on the journey we’ve undertaken since Easter Sunday and the profound teachings shared during this sacred time.

In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we witness the radical inclusivity of God’s love, as Peter proclaims to Cornelius and his household that God shows no partiality.  This passage challenges us to expand our understanding of community and embrace the diversity of God’s creation.  It reminds us that the love of God knows no boundaries, and extends to all people regardless of race, ethnicity, or background.

The passage from the First Letter of John reinforces this message of love, emphasizing that love is not merely a human emotion, but the very essence of God’s being.  As beloved children of God, we are called to love one another for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.  This love is not based on merit or worthiness but is freely given to all who open their hearts to receive it.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to His disciples about the profound nature of love, and the call to abide in His love.  He reminds them that they are not merely servants but friends, chosen and appointed to bear fruit that will last.  This passage challenges us to deepen our relationship with Christ and to live lives rooted in love, compassion, and service to others.

The gospel also brings us into the intimate discourse between Jesus and His disciples, a conversation rich with profound meaning and enduring relevance.  In these verses, Jesus speaks of love, friendship, and the essence of discipleship.

Jesus begins by commanding His disciples to abide in His love, just as He abides in the love of the Father.  This call to abide in love is not passive; it requires an active commitment to remain connected to the source of all love, which is God.  Through this connection, we find our strength, our purpose, and our identity as followers of Christ.

The depth of Jesus’ love for us is revealed in His willingness to lay down His life for our sins, a sacrifice that exemplifies the greatest expression of love.  In this act of selflessness, we see the true nature of love – love that is sacrificial, unconditional, and boundless.

As Jesus continues, He invites His disciples into a deeper relationship with Him, calling them friends, rather than servants.  This shift in language underscores the intimacy of their connection and the trust that exists between them.  It is a relationship built, not on fear or obligation, but on mutual love and respect.

Central to Jesus’ message is the commandment to love one another as He has loved us.  This commandment is not merely a suggestion or a request; it is a mandate that lies at the heart of Christian discipleship.  To love as Jesus loves is to embody the very essence of His teachings, to extend compassion, forgiveness, and grace to all those we encounter.

There was a story about two little boys who were brothers and went to school for enrollment.  The teacher asked these little brothers about their age and birthdays, so she could place them in the registration form.

The older of the two replied, “We’re both seven.  My birthday is April 8 and my brother’s birthday is April 20.”  The teacher replied, “But that’s not possible, boys.”

The quieter brother spoke up.  “No, it’s true.  One of us is adopted.”

“Oh!” said the teacher, “Which one is adopted?”

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled.  The older brother said, “We asked Dad that same question a while ago, but he just looked at us and said he loved us both equally and he couldn’t remember anymore which one of us is adopted.”  What a wonderful analogy of God’s love for us.  It is a love without condition; it does not discriminate.

Finally, Jesus reminds His disciples that they did not choose Him, but He chose them, and appointed them to go and bear fruit that will last.  This commissioning is both a privilege and a responsibility, calling us to live lives that reflect the love and grace we have received.

As we reflect on these words of Jesus, may we be inspired to abide in His love, to embrace our identity as His friends and disciples, and bear fruit that will bring glory to God.

May we strive to love one another with the same selfless love that Jesus has shown us, and may our lives be a testament to the transformative power of God’s love at work in the world.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Becoming What You Can Be

February 14, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Charity, Family, Father Nixon, Generosity, Humility, Lent, Prayer, Repentance

Ash Wednesday
February 14, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jl 2:12-18 / Ps 51 / 2 Cor 5:20-6:2 / Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

There is this beautiful saying which is very fitting to our celebration today. It says, “Let today be the day you give up who you have been for what you can become.” What do we need to give up today in order for us to become the person that is pleasing before the eyes of the Lord?

Today we celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent: forty days of preparation for the coming of the Lord’s passion, death, and resurrection, which we call the Pascal mystery. Forty is a very important number, because we know that, when Jesus was tempted by Satan, He was there in the desert for forty days and forty nights to prepare for His public ministry. During that time Jesus encountered a lot of challenges and temptations.

After the homily, we are going to receive the ashes, which are a sign of our repentance. This is also a reminder of our human weakness, that we are all in need of God’s mercy. When we receive the ashes, there are two formulas that will be said. The first one says, “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” and that can be found in Mark 1:15. The second formula that we are going to use is, “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return,” and that can be found in the book of Genesis 3:19.

Ashes remind us of our humanity: that we are all created by God. That’s why in Genesis 2:7 it says, “Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” Here we can see, brothers and sisters, that when God created us, He created us from the dust, and because we came from dust, this is also a good reminder for us not to be proud. The scripture lets us continue to remain grounded, to be humble.

But in spite of the fact that we came from dust, of all God’s creations, He only breathed the breath of the Spirit on man. That’s why we are all so special in the eyes of God. Hence the formulas that are used as we receive the ashes, “Repent and believe in the Gospel,” and “Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.”

This may lead us to ask the question, what does this challenge us to do today? As we try to reflect on the words that we will be hearing soon, this helps us also understand the call of Lent. The word ASH can also be an acronym.

“A” stands for almsgiving. Our human weakness tells us that we only think of our own needs. Everyone always tells us: Think of yourself first before you think of others; just think of yourself. Our human weakness tells us we are always tempted to be selfish and greedy, to think of ourselves. That is why during the season of Lent we are reminded that we are all brothers and sisters in Christ, that we belong to one body of Christ. That because we are one body, we need to think of others also. That’s why we are encouraged during the season of Lent to give.

Our gospel today reminds us that when we give, we should not let our left hand know what our right hand is doing. There are people who, when they give, just seek to be praised. Of course, that’s not what our gospel tells us. When you give, do it in secret; do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. This tells us that when we give, our giving must be inspired with true love and brotherhood.

“S” stands for sacrifice. Worldly people will think that suffering, or any form of sacrifice is worthless. Comfort, happiness and physical satisfaction are all they are looking for. And that’s what the world tells us: satisfy your thirst, satisfy your hunger, satisfy your longings. We as Christians are taught that suffering can be valuable if we offer it with the Cross of Christ. Our pains, our problems, sufferings in life can only be meaningful when we learn to unite all our problems and sufferings with the sufferings of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus reminded us in the gospel of Saint John, chapter 15, that there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for a friend. That’s true love. Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish priest also reminded us that there is no love when there is no sacrifice. That’s very true. That’s why for us Christians we can only show a genuine love when sacrifice is there.

That’s applicable to anybody that we deal with, even between husbands and wives. You say I love you, honey. I love you, sweetheart. You must be willing to sacrifice, willing to forgive, willing to understand, willing to remember the promises that you made during your wedding day: “I will be with you in good times and in bad.” That’s the promise you made a long time ago that you cannot deny. It’s like saying, “Show me your flaws, and I will not leave you, I will be there, I will be here.” We are bound by the promise that we made not only in front of the community but in front of God, I will not leave you, I will be with you whatever will happen.  That’s one way of showing our sacrifice.

When we give something that hurts us, that is true giving. You should learn to sacrifice yourself. Learn to forget yourself in order to see the needs of others. And that’s a Christlike act.

Lent also encourages us to fast. And when we fast, we fast not only for health reasons or for beauty. That should not be our intention in fasting: I want to be healthy. Brothers and sisters, when we fast or when we sacrifice something, when we don’t eat, when we don’t purchase something, that’s a sacrifice. Our normal thinking will tell us that we save, we don’t purchase something we don’t eat in order for me to save.

But fasting tells us that when we don’t eat, what we don’t eat belongs to the poor. Every time we fast, we should put something aside for the poor and remember those people who have nothing to eat. That’s why, during the season of Lent, we are given the Rice Bowl container, so that every time we fast, we put an amount of money in there. That’s our way of expressing our solidarity, our charity towards poor people.

We don’t only fast, but we also feel how it is to be hungry. Fasting is about giving. Fasting is also an invitation for us to conquer our selfishness. That’s also the main purpose of fasting. It’s a time during the season of Lent to combat our cravings and greed. This is the best time for us to learn to discipline ourselves. To fight against our cravings and our desires.

“H” stands for humility. How do we humble ourselves? The answer is through prayer. Prayer is an act of humility. Someone once said prayer is nothing but a humble acceptance of our total dependence on God. People who pray wholeheartedly are people who realize that apart from God, we are nothing and we can do nothing. That’s why we need to pray, brothers and sisters, because our prayer will make us realize that we are really nothing and we can really do nothing without God.

People who do not pray, even if they don’t say it, are proud because they think that they can survive life without God, that things can be well even without God. That’s where prayer is very important.

Of course, our gospel also today reminds us that when we pray, we don’t pray like the hypocrites, just to win the praise of others. Our intention in praying is to give praise and glory to God. Not to win, not to receive praise from other people. Yes, it is true that we can pray everywhere, we can pray even in our workplace, in the marketplace or wherever we are, but let us always remember that we need to pray in the silence of our hearts. We don’t need to show it to other people that we are praying. Even in our own silence, even in the midst of noise or chaos, we can continue to pray in the silence of our hearts.

Brothers and sisters, let us take the challenge. Let today be the day you give up who you have been for what you can become.


Kings and Angels

January 7, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Christmas, Family, Guest Celebrants, Hope, Light, Scripture, St. Joseph

The Epiphany of the Lord
January 7, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Is 60:1-6 / Ps 72 / Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 / Mt 2:1-12
by Rev. Dan Kelly, Guest Celebrant

In the first reading that we heard today, we heard Isaiah say “Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem.  Your light has come.”  This is really important to us on this feast of Epiphany.  “See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the peoples.”   We can also see that too, in the turmoil we find on earth today:  the wars, the sadness, the destruction, even in our own country where there is intolerance and all kinds of violence, breaking into stores and wreaking all kinds of havoc.  But we find in that first reading, “Nations shall walk by your light, and kings by your shining radiance. Raise your eyes,” Isaiah tells us, “And look about; they all gather and come to you.”

This first reading is a sign of hope for us, and there are other signs of hope that we have.  I’m going to remind you of some things that I don’t think the children have ever heard.

When I was a youngster, growing up in a certain town, there was a planetarium.  This particular planetarium was in a science museum, called the Franklin Institute, and that was the Fels Planetarium.  My mom and dad took all five of us sons (we had no sisters) when I was just a young lad.

The first thing that we saw when we went into the Franklin Institute was a huge ball, hanging from a cable rising five stories high to the dome at the top.  That ball was slowly moving back and forth in slow circles.  It was a pendulum.  There were little pegs all around a circle set up at the bottom of this huge ball, which probably weighed close to a ton.  At the bottom of the ball there was a little peg, like a little spike, hanging down, and that ball would swing over and knock down the pegs.  It would knock down a peg twenty-four times; every hour it would strike down another one until twenty-four hours had gone by.  Early in the morning, workmen had to come out there where all the pegs had been knocked down.  They had to stop that ball – Maybe it took four men to grab hold of it and slowly stop it.  They would set up new pegs, and then let it go.  Thus it marked the hours of the day and the rotation of our earth on its axis.  It was a wonderful visual sight to see, and as a child, I was utterly amazed.

Now I’m going to move you on in that same Franklin Institute to another place.  There was a huge theater, and this theater was domelike, larger than our church, and it had seating all around it, with a projector.  That projector would shine onto the ceiling above, and form sights in the sky.  The astronomers and technicians could display anything that they wanted to show.  So, you went in there and took your seats, and everyone was chatting, just like we do coming into the church, chatting in the foyer.  And then we get into church, and then we’re quiet because we’re meditating.  And then the lights start to go dim.  The lights in the enormous dome would continue to get dimmer until it got so black you couldn’t see the hand in front of your face.  Those experiences were meant to draw attention to something special.  One of the announcers would say, “You can’t see your hands.  It’s like nothingness.”  So, you might wonder what the universe was like.

We were visiting the planetarium in that season between Christmas and the Epiphany.  They had decided to put up the sky as it might have appeared when those first pilgrims from other countries – the three Magi – were following a star.  They began to explain that, and then you would see the stars appear within this dome, with one star moving very slowly.  They would recount the events as described in the Bible, and it brought home to us, not only the enormity of the universe, but also a fact of our own faith that we are living by.

We know who those three pilgrims, those Magi or kings or philosophers were.  They might have been studying all kinds of things.  They came from other countries; we don’t know where they came from, as the Bible doesn’t tell us that.  But sometimes our Nativity scenes may show one from Ethiopia, another from Persia, and another from Arabia.  We don’t know all that, but they did not work together until they met on a similar type of pilgrimage.  They were all seeing this star moving that they had not seen before.  After all, they were astronomers; they were philosophers, and they knew what they were looking for.

Later on (not found in the Bible), names were given to them: Balthazar, Melchior, and Casper. They went to King Herod, who was in charge of that whole area, because they wanted to find out if he knew anything.   They had heard that there was a new king to be born, and they were following his star.  As we read in Holy Scripture today, they were overjoyed at seeing the star and stopped at the place where the child was.  Herod said, “Oh, this is wonderful news.  Go and find out where he is and come back and report to me so that I may go and worship him, too.”

King Herod was not a good man; he was a very evil king.  He was jealous, he was threatened that there was another child to be born who might be king of all this land.  Why are we celebrating the feast of the Epiphany?  You might think that, next to Christmas, it couldn’t be too important.  Epiphany is like we heard from Isaiah in the first reading today:  The light will shine down upon you.

They went and found the child, and it is said they prostrated themselves before the child.  Now, if we look at our manger scene, we see the three kings. We see the scene there, but we don’t see them prostrated.  We know what “prostration” is. Prostration is when you lie down flat on your stomach, head down, feet down.  The only time we see a prostration in our liturgy in the Catholic Church is on Good Friday, when the Passion is being read.  The priest comes in, and, if there’s a deacon with him, the deacon will join him.  And the priest will prostrate, lay flat down, on Good Friday before the Passion is read, and meditate for a few moments.  It’s quite a dramatic, silent scene.

So, we have this story and the image that we have from today. They arrived in Jerusalem, but then were warned in a dream, as we heard in the gospel, not to return to Herod.  What did Herod do?  You know, after Christmas, we have two feast days, days of martyrs.  The first day after Christmas is the martyrdom of Saint Stephen, the first martyr.  And then the next is the Feast of the Holy Innocents.  Because what Herod did was, when the Three Magi didn’t return to him, he ordered his soldiers to go and kill (terrible thought!) every baby boy two years of age or younger.  I don’t want to bring horror to you.  I want you to know what evil is; what the killing of the innocents is.  The Church even helps us to meditate upon that, and we read about that in Scripture.  There must have been a wailing throughout that area of mothers and fathers as soldiers went through, taking these baby boys.  Why?  Because Herod did not want a king to come in his place.

We celebrate that the infant king Jesus survived.  God sent the archangel Gabriel to help with this.  We have four archangels.  You remember three of them:  Raphael, Gabriel, Michael, and the fourth one, who didn’t turn out so well:  Lucifer.  It is Lucifer who was driving the madness of King Herod.

Gabriel is the one who appeared to Mary many months before the birth of her child and said, “You are going to have a child.”  Mary is only engaged. She’s planning on her marriage to Joseph.  She says, “How can this be, because I don’t yet have a husband?” Joseph was going to quietly divorce her, so that there wouldn’t be any scandal.  But then, during his sleep, the angel Gabriel, a very busy archangel, woke up Joseph and said, “Joseph, do not be afraid to take this child into your home to be your wife, because the child is a gift of God, a creation of God, the Holy Spirit.”

Later on, a child is born, and then Herod is letting out the order to kill all these baby boys less than two years of age.  The angel Gabriel comes to Joseph again, the father of that family – foster father – and says, “Quick, take the baby and his mother and go to Egypt, a distant country. Go to Egypt and stay there until I tell you to come back.”

We know approximately when Joseph, Mary and the child Jesus left Egypt and returned on this long, long trek back to Nazareth.  They had left Nazareth, gone to Bethlehem so that Joseph could register and pay his tax, and that’s where the baby was born.  Then they went further away from Nazareth and Bethlehem to Egypt.  Do you know when they came back?  It was seven years.  How do we know that?  A lot of research was done many years ago, and it was seven years simply because that’s when the threat was gone:  Herod died.

We know, unfortunately, that Herod’s death is not the end of the evil that happens, but it’s the starting of a new life.  Joseph, Mary and their young son now about seven years of age, started their long trek all the way back from Egypt, trekking back through Bethlehem, passing by Jerusalem, and the other sixty-five or seventy miles more to get up to Nazareth, to live out their lives, where Jesus would learn by going to synagogue.

When I was young, my father and mother took us to that planetarium.  Later on, I became interested in joining the Boy Scouts, but there was no scouting in the parish where I lived in the city.  My good friend, says, “You could come and join the Sea Scouts.”  Well, I knew very well there were Sea Scouts around.  They were not as plentiful as the Boy Scouts.  But after all, at that time my brother was in the Navy, my father had been in the Navy in the First World War, and so, I said, “Yeah, that’s a good idea!”  I went up there and, on the Delaware River, there were about thirteen – we called them “ships,” and they were the bunkhouses for each group of boys who were in the Sea Scouts.  We learned all kinds of things nautical.  Once a month Rabbi came and gave us wonderful readings from the Scriptures, from the Bible, and gave us animated talks that young boys would really need growing up:  how to behave, how to have fun, how to be good sons to your parents and good brothers to your brothers and sisters.

So, those were some experiences that I had growing up, and it all started with a memory of a father and mother who wanted to take their children to this particular museum, years ago when I was still a little pup, amazed at the pendulum, and amazed at the sky shown in that theater on a feast of the Epiphany.


Family Love

December 31, 2023 |by N W | 0 Comments | Christmas, Family, Father Nixon, Love, Mary, St. Joseph

Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
December 31, 2023 — Year B
Readings: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 / Ps 128 / Col 3:12-21 / Lk 2:22-40
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Our readings today from Sirach, Colossians, and Luke present a harmonious theme that revolves around the dynamics of family, relationships, and the virtues that foster a harmonious and godly life.

In Sirach, we are reminded of the honor and respect due to parents. The call to honor your father and mother is not just a cultural or societal norm but is deeply embedded in the divine order. It reflects a recognition of the role parents play in our lives and the wisdom they can impart. The passage also emphasizes the importance of kindness, which extends beyond familial relationships to the broader community.

The letter of Saint Paul to the Colossians provides a practical guide for Christian living within the context of family and community. The virtues of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness are highlighted as essential for maintaining the unity and peace of the Christian community. Above all, the apostle Paul underscores the central role of love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. The passage challenges us to live out our faith not only in public worship, but also in the intimate spaces of our homes and relationships.

The gospel reading from Luke introduces the presentation of Jesus in the temple and the devout figures of Simeon and Anna. Simeon, filled with the Holy Spirit, recognizes Jesus as the fulfillment of God’s promise and a light for all nations. Anna the prophetess adds her voice to the praise and thanksgiving. This encounter in the temple symbolizes the dedication of the Holy Family to God’s plan and the broader significance of Jesus’ mission for all people.

As we continue our journey through Christmas season, this feast of the Holy Family is an important celebration straight after the feast of the Nativity of the Lord and within the octave of Christmas.

There is a story of a man who tried to follow in the footsteps of Santa Claus by giving out gifts to strangers every Christmas. When asked why he wanted to be like Santa, he said, “I grew up in an orphanage. Every Christmas I visit homes and hand out gifts to children and adults alike with the hope that I would eventually find my parents, meet my family, or at least touch the hearts of other families.”

At this time of the year, we give sincere thanks for the love, nurturing, and support that our family can give us, and the love, example, and intersection that the Holy Family gives us on our journey through life. We think of our parents’ and family’s countless acts of kindness, love, and sacrifices. When we were young, we probably didn’t appreciate the scale of it all. When we get older and have our own families or watch with admiration our brothers and sisters and friends raising their own families, we start to appreciate what our parents must have given and sacrificed out of love, and we are truly grateful for this.

We are also very mindful of people whose family life has been extremely difficult, and who did not have that support that others take for granted. That is, not everyone in this world has been blessed with an unconditionally loving and accepting family who support one another.

We give thanks to mentors and all people who have been good role models and sources of care and protection for the young. These people have been family to others, beyond the ties of blood. We keep in mind currently families worldwide who’ve had it really tough this year, perhaps due to illness, distance, separation, financial hardship, and worries.

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph are the patron saints supporting each other and sticking together when everything is going wrong around them. For example, when we look closely at the very first Christmas, we quickly see that life for the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph was anything but smooth sailing.

The joy and hope of this celebration comes from the fact that God came into our world and made a home with us when everything was going badly for the world. The first Christmas came at a time of incredible unrest for the people of Israel who were suffering under the foreign domination of a pagan empire. They had values quite opposed to and different from many of the sacred religious values of the Jewish people.

Mary and Joseph are forced to take a terribly difficult trip to Bethlehem when Mary is imminently due to give birth. This would have been a difficult trip at the best of times, but it must have been extremely difficult for an expectant mother at the end of her term. They arrive at their ancestral hometown, and there is nowhere to stay. They are forced to sleep in a barn, and Mary gives birth to a baby surrounded by animals. The baby is placed in a food trough where the animals normally eat. The shepherds, some of the poorest and lowest outcasts in society, are the first to hear about the birth and come to pay their respects.

Mary and Joseph also had countless incidents when they had just to trust in what God was doing and all the while were plunged into confusion about what it all meant. They trusted in God and supported each other especially when things were unclear and did not make any sense to them, and this made all the difference.

The celebration of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph offers a poignant moment to reflect on the significance of family life and the virtues exemplified by the Holy Family. In contemplating the life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, we find a model for love, unity, and faithfulness that resonates across the ages. At the heart of the Holy Family is a profound sense of love and sacrificial service.

Joseph’s unwavering commitment to Mary and Jesus, even in the face of uncertainty and challenges, speaks to the strength that comes from selfless love. In Mary, we see a mother who treasured and pondered the mysteries of her son’s life, embodying the qualities of contemplation and deep faith. Jesus, the son of God, chose to enter the human experience, growing up within the embrace of a human family.

This feast invites us to consider the sacredness of our own families and the responsibilities that come with it. In a world that sometimes seems to devalue the institution of the family, the Holy Family stands as a beacon of hope, and a reminder of the importance of cultivating love, respect, and unity within our own home.

As we reflect on the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph we are called to strengthen the bonds of love within our families, to prioritize faith in the face of challenges, and to embrace the sacredness of the family unit. Whether our families are nuclear or extended, biological or spiritual, the virtues embodied by the Holy Family of love, trust, and faithfulness, serve as a timeless guide for building strong and resilient families that reflect the love of God in our world.

May the Holy Family inspire us to cultivate holiness within our homes and to be a source of light and love for others. In a world often marked by division and discord, these readings offer a counter narrative of unity, love, and mutual support within the family and the Christian community. They challenge us to embody the virtues of Christ in our daily interactions, extending compassion and forgiveness to those closest to us and to the wider circle of humanity. As we celebrate the Holy Family, we strive to emulate their virtues, creating homes and communities that reflect the love and harmony of God’s Kingdom. The Holy Family is our inspiration and prayerful support.

At this fifth day within the Christmas season, we give sincere and heartfelt thanks for family, and the support and strength we can give each other along life’s long journey with all these joys and sorrows, graces, and temptations. Holy Family of Jesus and Mary and Joseph, pray for us. May Jesus Christ be praised.


Seventy Times Seven

September 17, 2023 |by N W | 0 Comments | Family, Father Nixon, Forgiveness, Healing, Humility, Love, Obedience, Reconciliation

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 17, 2023 — Year A
Readings: Sir 27:30-28:7 / Ps 103 / Rom 14:7-9 / Mt 18:21-35
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

A 99-year-old woman, pushing on in years, boasted to her pastor that she didn’t have an enemy in the world. He was very impressed. What a wonderful thing to be able to say after all those years! And then she added, “I have outlived them all!” If we live long enough, we’ll also be able to make the same statement.

“What goes around comes around” is a common expression. Its familiarity springs from the truth. When we offer words of kindness and love to others, that invites words of kindness and love in return. On the other hand, isn’t it true that words of anger only produce more anger on each side? The harsh judgement we pass on others easily could apply to us as well. In the final analysis, we will be judged by how we treat others, not how they may have treated us.

So what is it that we want to go around and come around? The reply that we offer should not be merely words, but also deeds. The wise man Sirach in our first reading says, “Forgive your neighbor’s injustice; then when you pray, your own sins will be forgiven.” These words in many ways echo the Lord’s Prayer: “Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” We have indicated that we want the same treatment as we give others.

The problem is, if we treat others in an unkind manner, we are asking that God treat us the same way. For example; if the young people here do not cooperate with their elders by loving them and obeying them, it means that they are saying to God: My parents shouldn’t love me and shouldn’t respond to my wishes. Jesus is saying that if we treat others poorly, then it’s only natural that they will treat us the same way. You are in command. Treat others well, including parents, and they will treat you well.

There is a story of a six-year-old, John. During night prayer he paused before his brother’s name and said to his mother, “I will not ask God to bless Paul. He gave me a big blow on the nose today.” The mother said to John, “But Jesus asked you to forgive your enemies.” Little John responded, “That’s the main problem. Paul is not my enemy, and that’s the reason I cannot forgive him.”

The reaction of little John tells us that forgiveness is hard, and that forgiving family and friends is even tougher. Forgiveness and reconciliation are twin virtues that hold a relationship whether it is an interpersonal or interethnic or interreligious relationship.

One of the hardest things to do is to forgive those who are mean to us. To forgive those who have done or said terrible things against us, or even to forgive those who contribute, or those who continue to put us down and those who hate us with disdain.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where it was difficult to forgive someone who offended you? Yes, forgiveness can be very hard in certain situations, and for this reason it takes such a long time before we train ourselves to forgive our offenders, especially when they are people we trusted so much.

The first step towards forgiveness is the ability to say, Yes, I forgive. It really takes a lot of courage to forgive. The second step is to ask for the help of God by admitting, God, I really want to forgive, but I do not know how to forgive. Help me to forgive totally and completely from the depth of my heart.

Too often we wait for others to make the first move. We hesitate because we might face rejection, or we don’t want to seem too weak or eager for reconciliation. That’s not how Jesus treated us. He made the first move. He loves us so much that He died for us. We can show the same love by having His courage to treat our family and our friends in the same loving manner, not waiting for them to display their love but to offer our love first. Each of us must be Christ-like: We must take the initiative.

Our Lord gives this gospel as a warning that we must be constantly on our guard. God has forgiven us for things we could not possibly hope to repay. And we are duty bound in gratitude and compassion to share the graciousness, forgiveness, and charity that God gives to us and others around us.

In the gospel, Peter is asking about the limits of forgiveness. Isn’t it true that if we just grant forgiveness to someone who’s treated us in an unloving manner that they will continue to take advantage of us? Jesus says, “No, don’t forgive friends or members of your family seven times, but seven times seventy times.” Unlimited.

Jesus willingly gave His life for us because He loves us. We show our love in the same manner and, if we do, that love will be returned, whether it be from our child, our parents, our friend, or even from someone we don’t like. We do it not because we are weak, but because Jesus has asked us to do it, and He has promised we will be blessed for our actions.

Also, we must learn to forgive ourselves. Imagine you’re responsible for something very serious; you are driving a car while under the influence of alcohol, there is an accident and a young person is killed. That life cannot be brought back. For more and more people, there is something in their background, some skeleton in the closet, as we say. A broken marriage, an abortion, a pregnancy outside marriage, a broken relationship, or a serious mistake. And for many of us we do not believe that there is another chance, much less seven times seventy chances.

This is not the teaching of Jesus. God doesn’t just give us another chance, but every time we close a door, He opens another one for us. The Lord challenges us not to make serious, damaging mistakes. But He also tells us that our mistakes are not forever. They are not even for a lifetime, and time and grace wash us clean. Nothing is irrevocable.

The words of Sirach in the first reading say it all. “Think of the commandments. Hate not your families and friends, remember the Most High’s covenant, and overlook faults.” And so, as each of us takes a few minutes coming to Communion, think of what we can do for our families, our children, our siblings, and all of our friends so that we will love one another as Jesus has loved us. Let us continue to promote that awareness that we are all in communion with one another and with the one God. What we do to others we are taken as doing to God himself. May Jesus Christ be praised.