The Gift of Piety

February 2, 2025 |by N W | 0 Comments | Baptism, Deacon Mark, Eucharist, Mary, Obedience, Prayer, Reconciliation, Sacraments, St. Joseph

Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
February 2, 2025 — Year C
Readings: Mal 3:1-4 / Ps 24 / Heb 2:14-18 / Lk 2:22-40
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Today the Holy Mother Church turns our focus to Mary and Joseph presenting Baby Jesus to the Lord in the temple. This is the Fourth Joyful Mystery of the rosary. One fruit of that mystery is obedience to the religious teachings of the Church in emulation of Mary and Joseph who faithfully followed the law God gave to His people. In this homily we will dispel the false teaching that religious practices are empty manmade traditions and ponder ways to awaken in ourselves the Holy Spirit’s gift of piety.

Let’s zoom out for a minute and recap today’s scripture passages. Malachi prophesies about today’s gospel writing, “Behold, I send my messenger to prepare the way before me, and the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to His temple…behold, He is coming.” (Mal 3:1-2)

King David’s prayer in the psalm also points to the gospel: “Lift up your heads, O gates! And be lifted up, O ancient doors! That the King of Glory may come in.” (Ps 24: 9)

In the second reading from Hebrews, we hear temple language about Jesus as both priest and sacrifice: “…He had to be made like His brethren in every respect, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest…to make expiation for the sins of the people.” (Heb 2:17)

And as always, the gospel ties it all together in Jesus who is the King of Glory entering the temple “…when His parents brought in the child Jesus to be offered up to God.” (Lk 2: 27)

Did you catch the sacramental language in Malachi’s words about Jesus coming to the temple? “He is like a refiner’s fire and a fuller’s soap…He will purify the sons of Levi…till they present right offerings to the Lord.” (Mal 3: 3) On the cross, from the side of Jesus’ body, which is the new temple, there poured out the waters of baptism and the blood of the Eucharist. These refine us. Baptism takes away our sin and makes us priests like Malachi’s “sons of Levi,” and in the Eucharist our High Priest purifies us.

How often do we forget that when we were baptized, our body too, became a temple in which the Holy Spirit, third person of the Holy Trinity, dwells? That was God’s plan just as Jesus shared it with the Samaritan woman at the well, “…the hour…is now here when true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit.” (Jn 4: 23-24)

What do you need to do in your life to “lift the gates” of your “temple” so that Jesus, the King of Glory, may enter? What must we do to invite the Holy Spirit more fully into our mind, body, and soul? What gate-raising religious practices are we not taking advantage of? Has the weight of our unforgiven sin pulled the gate down? What tangible things can we do to raise the gates to our mind, body, and soul?

In this gospel passage, Luke mentions five times that Mary and Joseph observed the laws God gave His people, so it must be important. Those laws included religious practices, not for God, for He needs nothing. The religious practices are for the people, because God who knows us better than we know ourselves, knows we need religious laws and practices to draw us closer to Him in a unity of mind-body-soul. (All three must be in accord with Christ if we are to live life abundantly as Jesus desires.) Jesus founded the Holy Mother Church, the Catholic religion, to guard and proclaim His teachings through religious practices. Human beings need structure. What religious practices does the Church require us to be obedient to?

The Catechism states that there are five “positive laws decreed” by the Church to “guarantee to the faithful the very necessary minimum in the spirit of prayer and moral effort, in the growth in love of God and neighbor.” (CCC 2041)  These five precepts or laws are:

  • “You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from unnecessary labors (and entertainment) that would prevent you from doing so.” (CCC 2042)
  • “You shall confess your sins at least once a year. Confession continues Baptism’s work of conversion and forgiveness.” (2042) (Confession is at Holy Name of Mary in Bedford Wednesdays 5:45 PM and at St. Thomas More in Lynchburg 2:30 PM on Saturdays, St. Andrews in Roanoke Mon/Thur/Sat.) Confession lifts the gates of your heart and mind higher for the next precept.
  • “You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season.” (2042) When Jesus’ flesh enters our body, it is the King of Glory entering the temple. (Can you imagine if Micah and King David could go to Communion with us?! They prophesied for and prayed for what we receive.)
  • “You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church.” (2043) In today’s gospel, Anna is described as one who fasted regularly. We can only serve one master. Fasting and abstaining from things we tend to overly desire helps move us from being impulse-centered to being Christ-centered. You can start living this law by observing the one-hour fast before receiving Holy Communion.
  • “You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church, each according to their ability.” (2043) Luke doesn’t mention it, but Mary and Joseph would have paid the temple five silver shekels that day for what was called the “redemption price” for the first born. (Num 18:16) Our Sunday offering also raises our temple gate for the Lord

The Church calls these the “very necessary minimum.”  If they are the minimum, what was not listed that, if observed or practiced, will also lift those gates? The right way to answer that question is to begin by asking the Holy Spirit to increase the gift of piety that we received when we were confirmed in the Spirit. (Is 11) (Consider praying in the Spirit with the HNM Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry Tuesdays at 7 PM.)  Piety is the act of showing honor and reverence to God through religious practices. Mary, Joseph, Simeon, and Anna model piety for us.

Piety includes many devotions, the supreme one being the adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist, what the Catechism calls a blend of love and humility. (CCC 2628) Other devotions include praying the Holy Rosary, praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet and other memorized prayers like the Angelus (usually done at noon, while facing in the direction of the nearest Catholic Church). Other devotions include availing yourself of sacramentals such as dipping your finger in the holy water, blessing yourself in the Holy Trinity, kissing your Bible, or kissing Jesus’ body on a crucifix.

Another form of piety is holy reading of the writings of saints, spiritual masters, and sacred scripture. Fr. Tim Gallagher, a spiritual master, suggests reading one page a day so that you always have something spiritually fresh coming into your life. In addition to the Bible, St. Augustine’s book, Confessions, and Thomas a Kempis’s book, Imitation of Christ, consist of short reflections that make this easier. And, if you pray the Liturgy of the Hours, Night Prayer, you will pray Simeon’s canticle from today’s gospel “so that like Simeon, [you] may end your day and life in God’s peace.”

Here are a couple more thoughts from the faithful on piety. I like this quote: “Piety helps the beauty of God to become manifest in the heart.” Seeing God’s beauty in Adoration and in the goodness of holy people come to mind. Here is another good quote: “The gift of piety is a constant awareness of God’s presence.

The one act of piety that has aided me the most in staying aware of God’s presence is the St. Ignatius Daily ExamenAt the end of our day in the Examen, we look at our day through God’s eyes, the eyes of a Father who loves us more than we can imagine. We seek His help in listing His gifts great and small (a hot cup of coffee on a cold morning, catching all the green lights, good news from the doctor.). We reflect on how our emotions moved us toward or away from Him. We list those actions for which we should rejoice and those for which we should seek forgiveness. Finally, we request His help with the big and small tasks and acts of piety in the upcoming day.

Since I began doing the Daily Examen this past Advent, I have noticed that I am more aware of God’s presence throughout my busy days. I had a work meeting that I knew might cause some anxiety and had asked for His help in it. The next day, during that meeting when I felt a bit anxious, I remembered that in my Daily Examen the night before, I had asked for His help, and that comforted me and made me aware of His presence.  He is always present of course, but acts of piety help us become aware of His presence and care.

Here is a piety story for you. Years ago, my wife and I purchased a St. Joseph prayer kit for selling our home. You may be familiar with this. It has a statue of St. Joseph and a prayer card with instructions. We sought Joseph’s intercession and buried the statue upside down in the yard as prescribed. An hour or two later it was bothering me that we buried the statue in the dirt upside down. I went back out and dug it up, washed it off, and set it on branches of a bush, right side up. Seemed more dignified to me.

Our house, however, wasn’t selling. The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and doubt crept in. The delay revealed our lack of faith, a realization that is a gift in itself. Once we had that gift, St. Joseph went to work. He revealed to us God’s faithfulness and care. Our house sold in the dead of winter with ten inches of snow on the ground in a bad real estate market. To make God’s love even more evident, the buyer was a person living in the same neighborhood!  That sacramental St. Joseph statue sits prominently on my prayer desk where I worked on this homily.  St. Joseph has become a dear friend, helper, and spiritual father to me. That is a fruit of piety.

Pray over today’s gospel for an increase in the Holy Spirit’s gift of piety that you may better honor and reverence God and grow in love of neighbor.  And when your stomach growls at Mass from your Eucharistic fast, smile and imagine the Holy Spirit raising the gates to your mind, body, and soul.

Let’s close with an act of piety, seeking the help of Jesus’ pious Mom and Dad:  Mary and Joseph, pray for us that we may observe your Son’s laws through His Church to increase our love for You and our neighbors. Amen.



Live What You Believe

November 3, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Faith, Father Nixon, Life, Love, Obedience, Scripture, Service

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dt 6:2-6 / Ps 18 / Heb 7:23-28 / Mk 12:28b-34
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Brothers and sisters, our readings today show us a common theme of wholehearted love for God and neighbor. They highlight that true faith is rooted in all-encompassing love. True faith directs both our devotion to God and our relationship with our neighbors.

In the first reading, from Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the Israelites to love God completely. This love isn’t a mere feeling. It is a command to orient our lives toward God. This teaching underlines that our love for God isn’t just an aspect of our life. It is our life. When Jesus calls us to love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, He is calling us to a love that pervades every part of our being, guiding our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.

Moses calls Israel to love God “with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” This love is a foundational command, intended to guide the entire life of the people. It is not a selective or partial love. It is a love that integrates all aspects of one’s life, reminding us that our relationship with God demands every part of who we are.

In the second reading, from the letter to the Hebrews, we see Jesus as the perfect high priest. Unlike the priests of old, who are limited by sin and death, Jesus’ priesthood is eternal. He mediates for us not with offerings of animals but with His own life, showing us the ultimate example of love. In this sacrificial love, we glimpse the fullness of what it means to love God with all we have. Through Christ, we are given not only the command to love, but also the means to love, drawing from His example and grace.

This passage builds on this theme, showing Jesus as eternal high priest, who embodies the perfect love for God and humanity. Through His sacrifice, Jesus displays love in its fullest form, bridging the gap between God and humanity. His example demonstrates that love is willing to sacrifice for the beloved, underscoring the depth and constancy of divine love.

In the gospel, Jesus is approached by a scribe who asked, “Which commandment is the first of all?”  Jesus responds by quoting the Shema of Deuteronomy: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” He then adds, “The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Here, Jesus weaves together love for God and love for neighbor, teaching us that the heart of our faith is love.

Most of us create or interpret laws in a complicated and sometimes funny way. Some of these laws are as follows:

  • In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it is against the law to sleep in a refrigerator.
  • In Gary, Indiana, you’re breaking the law if you attend a theater within four hours of eating garlic.
  • In Pocatello, Idaho, it is illegal to look unhappy.
  • If you snore loud enough to disturb your neighbors, you can spend a night or two in jail in North
  • It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Whitman, Georgia.
  • Lastly, it is against the law in Alabama to wear a false mustache to church such that it makes people laugh.

Some of these laws likely originated as humorous exaggerations or myths that have since been debunked or repealed, while others were real but are now outdated or barely enforced.

In our gospel, Jesus simplifies and unites the Ten Commandments by declaring the two greatest commandments: to love God fully and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Jesus highlights that authentic love for God naturally extends to others. Thus, the theme of wholehearted love is complete when it flows outward, encompassing not just our relationship with God but also our commitment to caring for others.

Reflecting on these words, we find a timeless call to deepen our love for God and for others. Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, “If you do not live what you believe, you will end up believing what you live.” This statement captures the heart of our readings today. When we live in a way that truly reflects love for God and neighbor, our faith becomes not just something we believe but something we live. It transforms us and those around us.

Jesus’ words in the gospel offer us a practical and profound way to live out this command: to love God with our whole being is to bring every aspect of our life in harmony to His will. This means that our thoughts, our words, our actions, and even our ambitions are all shaped by our desire to serve God. And the second commandment, to love our neighbor as ourselves, flows naturally from the first. We cannot claim to love God if we are indifferent to the needs of others.

Brothers and sisters, our readings call us today to begin each day by asking God to open our heart to His love. Before we can love others, we must receive love from God. Take time to pray. Read the scriptures in order for us to encounter God’s love, allowing it to shape your heart and actions. Let our love for Him flow into every aspect of our lives: relationships, work, and even leisure. As Bishop Sheen implied, when we let faith influence our actions, we are actively living what we believe.

In every encounter, let us remind ourselves that each person we meet bears God’s image. This may be especially challenging with difficult relationships, but Jesus calls us to a love that goes beyond convenience and comfort. Look for ways to serve. Listen and care for others as you would want others to care for you.

Let us also integrate love into our actions. Love is more than words. It is shown in what we do. This can be as simple as offering a kind word or lending a helping hand. It can also mean dedicating time to those in need; offering compassion to the suffering; listening to the lonely; or praying for those who are struggling.

The scribe’s response in today’s gospel reminds us that understanding God’s commandments is only part of the journey. Living them is the goal. Jesus commends him, saying, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” For us, too, the kingdom is close whenever we choose to love, whenever we respond with a yes to God’s call, both in our devotion to Him and in our care for our neighbors.

Our readings this Sunday remind us that love is the essence of faith. A love that involves the entirety of one’s heart, mind, and actions, transforming our relationship with God and the way we treat others. As we go forth, may we not only believe in the love of God but live it fully, becoming living witnesses to the greatest commandments, and in doing so, draw closer to God and His kingdom.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Change the World by Being the Servant of All

September 22, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Deacon Mark, Eucharist, Love, Obedience, Service

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 22, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Wis 2:12, 17-20 / Ps 54 / Jas 3:16-4:3 / Mk 9:30-37
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

If you want to see a total mental meltdown, tell a toddler, “No.”  YouTube is full of entertaining toddler tantrums. Where do they learn that behavior? Parents do not train them to do that. Truth is, we are all born that way. King David, in Psalm 51, wrote, “I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me.” (Ps 51:5) You could say he is speaking of original sin. And no, I know toddlers cannot sin, for they are not at the age of reason. This is just an analogy. However, for those who are not baptized and not raised to know and love God and neighbor, the toddler tantrum syndrome continues into adulthood.

In the first reading, you see what I am talking about. “The wicked say: Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us; he sets himself against our doings.” (Wis 2:12) Adults do not like being told “no” any more than a toddler does. How many have left the Catholic Church because she binds and loosens in accordance with Jesus’ commands and with His authority? Many have left the Church because she says no to any marriage that is not between one man and one woman. Many others have left because of the Church saying no to divorce, to contraception and abortion, or even to capital punishment. To those people, the Catholic Church and her faithful children are “obnoxious.”

Just like those people in the first reading, those who view the Church as obnoxious, want to put us to the test. The LA Dodgers organization and Paris Olympic committee put us to the test, using cross-dressing men to belittle our consecrated religious sisters, the apostles, and Jesus, the Son of God, who died that they may be saved and that the poor may be given the good news. How can you not love Jesus?!

Today’s psalm shows us how to respond, “…haughty men have risen up against [us]…they set not God before their eyes. Behold, God is my helper…Freely will I offer You sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness.” (Ps 54:3,6) This is the Mass! We keep going to Mass to offer up the perfect sacrifice in a sacrament of thanksgiving, lifting our voices in praise by singing with the choir. The Mass inoculates us against the madness outside these walls.  It heals our minds and hearts and helps us reset, emptying ourselves of resentment and anger towards “those who test us,” so that our Lord can fill us with His compassion and love.

In the second reading, the apostle James describes people behaving badly and helps us understand why. He writes, “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” (Jas 3:16) He asks: “Where do wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?” (Jas 4:1) Then he tells them what they do not want to hear. “You ask [God] for [things] but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (Jas 4:3) No doubt, James’s words are obnoxious to many, maybe even to us in our low moments.

This brings us to the gospel, where Jesus, as always, shows us the way out of our mess. He coyly asks a question that He already knows the answer to. “What were you arguing about on the way?” (Mk 9:33) The apostles remain silent, and it is not hard to imagine them staring at their feet, too embarrassed to tell the Lord that they had been talking about who was the greatest.  Their egos are an example of one of the passions James said are at war inside our hearts and minds.

This is something to stop and ponder! If we, who like the Twelve, walk with Jesus in our life, still fall to our passions on occasion, then surely those who do not walk with Jesus are absolutely enslaved by theirs. If you cannot say no to your passions, then you are bound and must obey a cruel master.

Jesus sits down (the typical posture of a teacher back then), calls the Twelve to Him, and says to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (Mk 9:35 / Healy 185) To drive home the point, He puts His arms around a child.

The meaning of this action is better understood if we understand the original language and historical context. In Aramaic and Greek, the word for child can also mean servant. Children back then were “nonpersons who had no legal rights.” (Healy 186) Jesus was doing more than showing affection for the child. Dr. Mary Healy, a leading Catholic biblical scholar said, “He was teaching His disciples to have a whole new esteem for and responsibility toward those who seem the most helpless and inconsequential.” (Healy 186)

Regarding this lowly child, Jesus says, “Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me.” (Mk 9:37) Mary Healy opens up the astounding meaning of Jesus’ words. She wrote, “To receive a little one is to accept, lovingly serve, and care for those who most need it and cannot repay it. To receive “in Jesus’ name” is to welcome such a person for the sake of Jesus…This implies that Jesus identifies with those who are most insignificant in the eyes of the world – so much so that He Himself is mysteriously present wherever they are welcomed.”  (Healy 186) Our active love for those in need, in response to Jesus’ grace, neutralizes those destructive passions James warns us about, both our personal passions and the passions that are out of control in some of those we serve.

So how do we engage those who see us as obnoxious, because we love and follow Jesus? Here are three steps that flow from today’s readings. And they are in proper order.

  • Displace your own passions with Jesus’ grace, by going to Him in Confession and the Eucharist regularly.
  • At peace in Jesus’ grace, “accept, lovingly serve, and care for those who most need it and cannot repay it.” This begins at home with our spouse and children. If you think, “Wait a minute, my spouse can repay me.” True, but not when they are holding a grudge, or are overwhelmed by emotion, or are very sick.
  • Regular Confession, Eucharist, and care for our families cycles up Jesus’ grace within us, which enables us to then care for those outside the walls of our church and homes.

How do these three steps bring those who see us as obnoxious into the family of God?  Those three steps, brothers and sisters, are how the Catholic Church flourished under the persecution of pagan Rome and eventually displaced paganism with Christianity. Those pagans thought Christians were obnoxious because their very way of living made pagans feel guilty. Nevertheless, they were in time brought into the Church family by the Good News of the Gospel.

The good news is love, and love conquerors all, even death. This is the “wisdom from above” that James spoke of. He said this wisdom is “first of all pure.” (Jas 3:17).” What is pure and from above? Love is pure and from above; thus, Matthew wrote, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,” who is above. (Mt 5: 8)

Here is a closing analogy to sum this up. When, in purity of heart, a parent gives a toddler what it is often crying for, their loving attention, they fill its emotional fuel tank, and the toddler becomes peaceful (Dr. Campbell). So too, when we lovingly care for those in society who are most in need, it is seen by those testing us with toddler-like tantrums. And they are attracted to this pure love, for in it, they see what they truly seek in their fruitless, angry, and exhausting pursuit of their passions. They see the peaceful presence of Jesus, who is Love.

Remember these things when Father gives us the final blessing, and I tell you to, “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Amen.



  1. Ross Campbell. How to Really Love Your Child. David C Cook, April 1, 2015.
  2. Mary Healy STD. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Gospel of Mark. Baker Academic 2008.



Abide in Him

April 28, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Eucharist, Faith, Father Nixon, Love, Obedience, Sacraments, St. Paul, Strength, Trust

Fifth Sunday of Easter
April 28, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 9:26-31 / Ps 22 / 1 Jn 3:18-24 / Jn 15:1-8
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

As we come to the Fifth Sunday of Easter, we find ourselves immersed in a season of renewal and growth.  The readings for this Sunday offer profound insights into the themes of love, unity, and the transformative power of faith.

The first reading, from the Acts of the Apostles, offers a powerful example of the transformative power of faith.  We witness the conversion of Saul, who after encountering the risen Christ on the road to Damascus, undergoes a profound spiritual transformation.  Formerly a persecutor of Christians, Saul becomes Paul, one of the greatest apostles of the early Church.  His conversion serves as a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace and mercy.  It is never too late for redemption, and God can work miracles in the most unlikely of circumstances.

In the second reading, from the first letter of John, we are reminded of the centrality of love in the Christian life.  Love is not merely a sentiment or emotion, but a concrete expression of our commitment to God and one another.  As followers of Christ, we are called to love, not only in word or speech, but in deed and truth.  Our love for others becomes a tangible sign of our discipleship and a reflection of God’s love for us.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus presents the metaphor of the vine and the branches, illustrating the intimate relationship between Himself and His disciples.  Just as branches draw nourishment and life from the vine, so we too draw our strength and vitality from our connection to Christ.  This imagery reminds us of the importance of remaining rooted in Christ, for apart from Him, we can do nothing.

This passage invites us to reflect on the nature of our own relationship with Christ.  Are we actively abiding in Him, allowing His love to flow through us and bear fruit in our lives?  Do we seek to cultivate a deep and abiding faith that sustains us through life’s trials and challenges?  As we ponder these questions, we are called to recommit ourselves to the journey of discipleship, continually striving to deepen our connection with Christ and bear witness to His love in the world.

Somebody once compared a Christian to a basketball player.  He said that to be a good player, it is not enough that you know how to dribble or avoid getting fouls.  What matters most is to be able to shoot, to make points, and to be productive.  We are called to not only observe and learn about Jesus, but also to allow Jesus and His presence, His message, His attitudes to become so much a part of us that Jesus lives in us, and we live in God and abide in each other.  Further, we gain our source, our meaning, and our fruitfulness from that connection to Christ.  Without Jesus, our efforts are misdirected and fruitless.  Connected to Jesus, our actions and efforts can bear much fruit by God working in and through our lives.

The great saint Thomas Aquinas contended that we could have an idea of religion through the meaning of the three etymologies of the Latin word religio:  to bind—religare, to read—legere, to choose— eligere.  We are by nature religious beings.  We come from God, and we’ll return to God.  We can lead the fullness of human life if we fully bind ourselves with God.  We read our life’s situation in the light of God’s kingdom, and we choose to love God above all things.  Real happiness results when there is communion with God in our lives.

Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches.  Whoever remains in Me and I in him, will bear much fruit.”  The connection to this image of the vine and branches can’t help but highlight the importance of the Eucharist.  In the Eucharist, Jesus comes to us in the form of food and drink.  We take Jesus in, and He becomes part of us so that we may become more like Christ in our words, actions, and lives.  The gospel you heard today is very special, because it shows us that we are all connected to our Lord.  We are friends and members of Jesus.

What Jesus wants to teach us in today’s gospel is the extreme necessity for us to remain.  What does to remain in Christ mean?  To remain in Christ means first, to listen to Him and keep His words.  Actually, we can refuse to listen to Him at all or we can listen to Him and then render Him lip service unsupported by any good deeds.  We can accept Him as Lord and then abandon Him in the midst of difficulties and temptations or attribute all of our difficulties and temptations to Him.

Second, is to recognize that Christ alone is the real vine, and that without Him we can do nothing of value to God.

Third, is to live in the Church, which is the mystical body of Christ.  (One of the popes appropriately said that one who does not have the Church as his or her mother cannot have God as his or her Father.)

Fourth, is to see God in all persons and things, even in our enemies and those things we do not like.

Fifth, is to have an active sacramental and prayer life.  Do we always pray?  Do we regularly attend Mass on Sundays?  Do we avail ourselves of the sacrament of confession?  How about if we spend just a few minutes talking about the word of God instead of talking about nothing?

Lastly, is to be convinced that there is a need to prune the structures, methods, approaches, and other things that have become old and obsolete in order to give way to new ones and to remain always with Christ, the everlasting, who Himself is the vine.

As we meditate on the readings this Sunday, may we be inspired to deepen our relationship with Christ, to bear fruit in our lives, and to love one another as He has loved us.  May we, like the early disciples, be empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the good news of salvation and to be agents of transformation in the world.


He Lays Down His Life

April 21, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Comfort, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Obedience, Service, Trust, Vocations

Fourth Sunday of Easter
April 21, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 4:8-12 / Ps 118 / 1 Jn 3:1-2 / Jn 10:11-18
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Perhaps you are already very familiar with Psalm 23, the most popular psalm, on the Good Shepherd. Jesus, in our gospel today, tells us that He came precisely so that we may live with that life, peace, and happiness described in Psalm 23. Part of it I will read to you:

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In verdant pastures He gives me repose.
Beside restful waters He leads me.
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me in right paths for His name’s sake.
Even though I walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil.
For You are at my side with Your rod and Your staff that give me courage.”

As we ponder upon our readings this Sunday, our hearts are drawn to the profound imagery of Jesus as the Good Shepherd. In this beautiful passage from the Gospel of St. John, we are reminded of the tender care and unwavering love that Jesus, our Shepherd, extends to each of us.

As we reflect on this imagery, we are invited to contemplate our relationship with Jesus. Just as a shepherd knows his sheep by name and lays down his life for them, Jesus knows each of us intimately, and selflessly offers Himself for our salvation. It’s a comforting thought, knowing that amidst life’s uncertainties and challenges, we have a shepherd who guides, protects, and sustains us.

This middle Sunday of Easter season is traditionally celebrated as Good Shepherd Sunday. We lift up the particular image of Jesus and the way of thinking about God’s care for us. We hear the deeply comforting words of Psalm 23. We are reminded that Jesus not only protects us in our darkest hour, but that He freely laid down His life for us. What greater love can be imagined?

This image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is one that is well-known, and so it should be. When we think of Him in this image, it brings to our mind all kinds of images which recall the ways in which Our Lord cares for us. As stated in Psalm 23, God Himself is depicted in lovely ways as the shepherd of His people.

Perhaps most significantly are the promises that God makes through His prophets that, since no one else is worthy or able to assume the responsibility, He will Himself come and be His people’s shepherd. In His care, people will be safe, and they will be content.

With this in mind, we hear Jesus’ claim, and we cannot help but be struck by the significance of it. His claim is that He is God, come to His people as promised, to be their shepherd. He is the fulfiller of the long hopes of God’s people.

Why did Jesus use this image of the Good Shepherd? In Palestine, the shepherd brought the sheep into the sheepfold every night. It was a circular stone wall with an opening or door where the sheep entered. Once the sheep were inside for the night, the shepherd slept in that opening or door all night. The sheep could not get out without stepping over the shepherd’s body, which meant they would not get out at all during the night.

Jesus is the gate, and anyone who enters through Him will be safe and will go freely in and out and be sure of finding pasture. Others steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

The Church calls us to reflect on our role as sheep in Jesus’ flock. Do we listen attentively to His voice, trusting in His guidance, even when the path ahead seems unclear? Do we allow ourselves to be led to the green pastures of spiritual nourishment and the still waters of His peace? Or do we wander off, entangled in the destructions and temptations of the world?

Moreover, the image of Jesus as Good Shepherd challenges us to consider our own role as shepherds to others. How do we extend Christ’s love and compassion to those around us, especially to those who are lost, vulnerable, or in need of care? Are we willing to emulate Jesus’ sacrificial love, laying down our lives for the sake of others?

This Sunday is also known as Vocation Sunday, and vocations to the priesthood and the religious life are highlighted. There is something that we are asking of the Lord. There is something that we want of the Lord. We are asking the Lord to send more men and women to serve in His vineyard and especially more men to serve as shepherds as priests and deacons in the Church. Yet the fact is that many are called, but few have responded.

So let us ask the Lord to open the hearts of those He has called, so that they will follow the Good Shepherd in laying down their lives to serve God and His people. On our part, let us pray, and let us also encourage those who are discerning the call of the Lord, that may the Eternal Shepherd send us good shepherds who will serve with love and lead the people of God to green pastures and peaceful waters as well as through the valleys of darkness and distress.

In the vales of the world, often fraught with division and uncertainty, the image of the Good Shepherd offers us hope and reassurance. It reminds us that we are never alone, that we are cherished and protected by a Shepherd who will never abandon us. As we journey through life, let us strive to follow the voice of our Shepherd, trusting His guidance, and seeking to share His love with all whom we encounter.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Who Is This Man?

March 24, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Discipleship, Faith, Father Nixon, Lent, Obedience, Sin

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
March 24, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Is 50:4-7 / Ps 22 / Phil 2:6-11 / Mk 14:1-15:47
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today we embark on a profound journey that encapsulates the contrasting emotions of jubilation and solemnity, celebration and sacrifice.  As we wave palm branches and chant “Hosanna,” we join the crowd in welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem, acknowledging Him as our King and Savior.  Yet, intertwined with this triumphant entry, is the shadow of the cross looming over Him.

Today, the Church begins Holy Week with Palm or Passion Sunday.  What is the correct title?  Is it Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday?  Well, actually, it is both. At the beginning of the Mass today, there is the blessing of the palm branches, and then there is the long gospel narrative of the suffering and death of Jesus.  What does all of this mean as we begin Holy Week, going on to Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter?

With Palm Sunday, we begin the yearly journey, a journey not so much toward a destination, but a journey into a sacred time.  We follow Jesus as He accomplishes His Paschal Mystery, which is His suffering, death, and resurrection, or in simple terms, the saving mission of Jesus.  Jesus wants to save us from our sins and bring us closer to God.  The readings of Palm Sunday invite us to reflect deeply on the mysteries of Christ’s Passion, inviting us to walk alongside Him in His final moments.

In the gospel narrative, we witness the fickleness of human nature as the same crowd that hailed Jesus with hosannas later cries out for His crucifixion.  This stark comparison challenges us to examine our own commitment to Christ.  Are we truly devoted to Him, or do we falter when faced with adversity or societal pressure?  From the depths of human weakness and sinfulness, Jesus wants to lift us up to God and to living a life of holiness, a life for which God has created us to live.  As we walk with Jesus through St. Mark’s account of the Passion, we are challenged to answer, perhaps for the first time, or perhaps for the hundredth time, the Jesus question:  Who is this man that died on the cross and what does His death have to do with me?

The painfully detailed description of Jesus’ sufferings will bear no fruit in us unless we face this question and offer our personal answer.  Our answer may start us on a lifelong commitment to Christ, or it may deepen a commitment we made long ago.  We may struggle with darkness and with many more questions and find ourselves on our knees at the foot of the cross, but we cannot walk away from the Passion without an answer.

There is so much to ponder as we read the account of the plot to kill Jesus, the anointing at Bethany, the treachery of Judas, the Passover preparations, Jesus’ prophecy of His betrayal, His institution of the Eucharist, His agony in Gethsemane, His betrayal, arrest, and trial, Peter’s denial, the judgement of Pilate, Jesus’ humiliation and torture, His crucifixion, death, and burial.  We could spend a lifetime mining the depths of the Passion narrative and this would be a fruitful way to spend a lifetime.

The urgent issue, however is that we truly encounter Jesus through this story.  We do not know how long our lifetime will be.  We cannot wait.  We cannot put off our answer until a tomorrow that may never come for us.  The Passion narrative invites us to contemplate Christ’s unwavering obedience to the Father’s will, even in the face of immense suffering.  Jesus’ agony in the garden of Gethsemane reveals the depth of His humanity as He grapples with the impending ordeal, but His prayer, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me.  Still, not my will, but yours be done,” embodies the epitome of submission and trust in God’s plan.

As we meditate on Christ’s journey to Calvary, we are confronted with the harsh realities of sin and its consequences.  The betrayal by Judas, the denial by Peter, and the abandonment by His disciples, serve as poignant reminders of human frailty and the prevalence of moral weakness.  Yet, amidst these betrayals, Jesus extends forgiveness and compassion, exemplifying divine mercy in the face of human sinfulness.

At the heart of Palm Sunday lies the profound mystery of redemption, the sacrificial love of Christ poured out for our salvation.  Jesus willingly embraces the cross, bearing the weight of our sins so that we may be reconciled with God.  His cry of abandonment, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me,” echoes through the ages, encapsulating the depths of His solidarity with humanity in its darkest hour.

Palm Sunday beckons us to journey alongside Christ embracing the paradox of the cross, the instrument of suffering transformed into a symbol of victory and redemption.  May we, like the faithful centurion who witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion, profess with conviction, “Truly this man was the Son of God.”  May our hearts be stirred with gratitude for the immense sacrifice of love offered for our salvation, and may we respond with renewed dedication to follow Christ faithfully, even to the foot of the cross.

As we enter into Holy Week, no matter how many times we have walked the way of the cross with Jesus, watched Him die, attended His burial, and dwelt in darkness at the tomb waiting for the light, it is a time for us to face right now the central question, Who is this this man who died on the cross and what does His death have to do with me?







Ascend the Mountain of Prayer

February 25, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Baptism, Commitment, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Lent, Obedience, Prayer, Trust

Second Sunday of Lent
February 25, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Gn 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18 / Ps 116 / Rom 8:31b-34 / Mk 9:2-10
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

As we journey through the Lenten season, the readings invite us to pause, reflect, and deepen our commitment to spiritual growth and transformation. This Sunday’s scriptures call us to embrace the call of discipleship, acknowledging the challenges and joys that come with following Christ.

The first reading, from the book of Genesis, recounts the story of Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac, demonstrating profound obedience and trust in God’s providence. Abraham’s faith challenges us to examine our own willingness to surrender our desires and plans to God, even when it requires great sacrifice. Like Abraham, we are called to trust that God will provide and to step out in faith, knowing that His promises are faithful and true.

In the second reading, from the letter of St. Paul to the Romans, we are reminded of the power of God’s grace to transform us from within. Paul writes of the assurance we have as heirs with Christ, heirs who are called to share in His suffering and glory. This passage invites us to reflect on the ways in which we are called to die to self and to live for Christ, allowing His grace to shape and mold us into His likeness.

The gospel reading from Mark recounts the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, where Peter, James, and John witness His divine glory. This extraordinary moment reminds us of the importance of encountering God in prayer and contemplation. Like the disciples, we are called to ascend the mountain of prayer, to seek moments of intimacy with God, and to be transformed by His presence. In these sacred encounters, we are reminded of our identity as beloved children of God and are empowered to live out our faith with courage and conviction.

There is a story of a young shepherd named David, who lived in a small village nestled between towering mountains. David was known throughout the village for his unwavering faith and his deep connection to the land. One day, as David led his flock to graze in the lush meadows, he felt a strange pull toward a distant mountain peak. Despite the warnings of his elders, David felt compelled to climb higher and higher, drawn by an inexplicable force.

As he ascended the rugged terrain, David encountered trials and obstacles along the way, but with each step he felt a sense of peace and purpose guiding him forward. Finally, after a long journey, David reached the summit of the mountain and there, in a breathtaking moment of revelation, he beheld a sight that filled him with wonder and awe. The sky seemed to open up, and a radiant light enveloped everything around him. In that divine moment, David experienced a profound connection to something greater than himself: a glimpse of the glory of God. It was a great mountaintop experience.

As he descended the mountain on the return to his village, David knew that he had been forever changed by his encounter with the divine. Though he could not fully describe the experience, he carried within him a newfound sense of purpose and clarity. From that day forward, David lived his life with a renewed sense of faith and devotion, sharing his story with all who would listen. And though some doubted his tale, those who truly listened could sense the truth in his words, a truth that transcended the limitations of human understanding.

In the gospel of St. Mark, Jesus’ disciples have been following Him and watching what He does. What they were seeing was the human side of Jesus, who was mostly healing people and telling them not to tell anyone, because He didn’t want to become known just as a healer. In earlier passages Jesus had healed a blind man and told him not to return to his village. He told the deaf man that he healed to tell no one. And He told the leper that He cured to tell no one anything.

In a previous passage in Mark, Jesus told His disciples that He would suffer greatly, be killed, and rise after three days. What kind of human leader could this be? So, to help His followers see more than His human side, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountaintop to reveal His divine side. Even after that experience, Jesus wanted it to be a secret until after He had risen from the dead, because only then would His followers be able to understand that He was the Son of God.

The deeper meaning of Mark’s narrative for us during Lent is that, even after moments of transcendence and transformation, we must come back to earth, continue to hear the voice of Jesus, and follow Him on the way to the cross.

After the Transfiguration, Jesus’ followers had to leave their mountaintop experience and descend down the mountain to continue to follow Jesus and to do the more mundane things of building up the Kingdom. We too cannot continue to live on a mountaintop, but we have to come down to help build up the Kingdom. Like Peter, James, and John, we cannot remain there, but we have to come down to wherever we spend most of our regular life.

Jesus’ disciples did their part two thousand years ago. We must do ours in our home, school, place of work, in the parish, and wherever we connect with God’s people.

At Baptism, our ears were blessed to hear the Word of God, and our mouth was blessed to proclaim the Word of God. So, how is our proclamation going? Are we telling people about the way to salvation, or do we need to seek a mountaintop experience to set ourselves in motion? Just as Peter, James, and John witnessed the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, so too can we experience moments of profound transformation, when we open our hearts to the mystery and wonder of God’s presence in our life.

So, as we reflect on the readings today, may we be inspired to deepen our commitment to discipleship, to embrace the challenges and joys of the journey, and to trust in God’s unfailing love and providence. May we ascend the mountain of prayer, encounter Christ in His glory, and be transformed by His grace, so that we may shine as lights in the world, bearing witness to the love and mercy of our Savior, Jesus Christ.


Into the Desert of Lent

February 18, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Faith, Father Nixon, Lent, Obedience, Reconciliation, Repentance, Self-Reflection

First Sunday of Lent
February 18, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Gn 9:8-15 / Ps 25 / 1 Pt 3:18-22 / Mk 1:12-15
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

On the first Sunday of Lent, the Liturgy invites us into a period of reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal.   As we embark on the journey through the desert of Lent, the readings and themes for this day serve as guiding lights, illuminating the path toward deeper communion with God.  Lent comes from a Latin word meaning to soften.   Lent is a forty-day period which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends before the celebration of the Pascal Triduum.

Forty is the number often associated with intense spiritual exercises.  God caused it to rain for forty days and forty nights to cleanse the earth.  The Israelites were in the wilderness for forty years.  Moses spent forty days and forty nights on Mt. Sinai, and Elijah journeyed forty days and forty nights to Mt. Horeb.

The gospel reading for this Sunday centers around Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, highlighting the struggle between the forces of good and evil.  It prompts us to contemplate our own vulnerabilities and the temptations we face in our daily lives.  Through Jesus’ example, we find encouragement to resist these temptations with the strength of faith and reliance on God’s word.

In the Old Testament we encounter the story of Noah and the flood, symbolizing purification and renewal.  This narrative reminds us of God’s covenant with humanity and His promise of redemption even in the midst of trial and adversity.  It serves as a reminder of faithfulness and obedience in our relationship with God.

St. Jerome, the brilliant doctor of the church, lived for twenty-five years in the cave where the child Jesus was born.  One time he prayed to Jesus thus, “Dear Child, you have suffered so much to save me.  How can I make amends?”  “What can you give me, Jerome?” a voice was heard.  “I will spend my entire life in prayer, and I will offer all my talents into your hands,” Jerome replied.  “You do that to glorify me, but what more can you give to me?” the voice asked again.  “I will give all my money to the poor,” Jerome explained.  The voice said, “Give your money to the poor.  It would be just as if you were giving it to me.  But what else can you give to me?”  St Jerome became distraught and said, “Lord, I have given you everything.  What is there left to give?”  “Jerome, you have not still given to me your sins,” the Lord replied.  “Give them to me, so I can erase them.”  With these words, Jerome burst into tears and spoke, “Dear Jesus, take all that is mine and give me all that is yours.”

Brothers and sisters, the liturgical season of Lent calls us to introspection and self-examination, urging us to identify areas for growth and transformation through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  We are invited to draw closer to God and to our neighbors, embodying the love and compassion of Christ in our actions.

The gospel reading today tells us that Jesus went into the desert and spent forty days there.  It tells us about the first time that our Lord was tempted.  It was the first time that the devil openly confronted Christ and put Him to the test.  But as we know, Jesus did not sin.  He was like us in everything but sin.  The devil tempted Him overtly, but Jesus did not give in to the temptations that the evil one placed before Him.

This is a very important event in Jesus’ life.  This event in Jesus’ life shows us that we should not believe that Satan would never tempt us openly.  We cannot say as some do, that I do not ever commit a sin.  Satan puts everyone to temptation, and many times we give in to him, something that our Lord Jesus did not do.

Lent is a time for us to show our repentance through fasting and abstinence for the sins we have committed.  Mortification, penance, strengthens our souls so that we can resist the devil, who as tradition tells us during the entire year, but especially during these forty days of Lent and during the days that we commemorate the Passion of Christ, will try to tempt us with greater determination and venom.  We should not forget that even though Satan will tempt us, Christ, especially during these forty days, will help us to free ourselves from sin.  He will give us the graces that we need to conquer those temptations.  Of course, He will do this if we prepare ourselves, if we wipe clean our souls of sin, if we ask Him for those graces. When we are sincerely repentant and we say, “Lord, protect me from all sin,” He will do just that.

The season of Lent, the season of mercy is the best time for us to purify ourselves and strengthen ourselves to change our lives, to repent and follow Christ.  We begin to feel this process of conversion when we firmly resolve to better our spiritual lives and to change our lives if they need to be changed.  If we truly believe in the Good News, the Gospel of Christ, we must feel the radical need to abandon our lives of sin.

In those forty days spent in the desert, fasting and praying, our Lord gave us an example of what we need to do to prepare spiritually for Easter.  During these forty days of Lent, Jesus asks us to let go of all those worldly things that tie us to sin.  He asks us to let go of our selfishness, our sinful pride, our belief that we are better than everybody else.  The conversion that the Lord asks us to go through really means maintaining a close relationship with God.  It would be a lamentable error if we did not take advantage of these Lenten days, leaving for later what we know we need to do now in order to change our lives, with an ardent desire to change our lives, remembering that there is still time today, but it may be too late tomorrow.

Let us repent and confess our sins in the sacrament of Reconciliation.  As we reflect on the readings and themes on this first Sunday of Lent, we are reminded of the significance of this season as a time of spiritual renewal and preparation for the celebration of Easter.  It is a time to reorient our hearts and minds towards God, to seek forgiveness for our shortcomings, and to deepen our commitment to living lives of holiness and discipleship.


The Ultimate Authority

January 28, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Mission, Obedience, Scripture, Trust

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 28, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dt 18:15-20 / Ps 95 / 1 Cor 7:32-35 / Mk 1:21-28
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Once, a government surveyor brought his equipment to a farm, called on the farmer, and asked permission to go into one of the fields and take readings.  The farmer vigorously objected, fearing that the survey was the first step toward the construction of a highway through his land. “I will not give permission to go into my fields,” said the angry farmer. Whereupon the surveyor produced an official government document that authorized him to do the survey. “I have the authority,” he said, “to enter into any field in the entire country and take necessary readings.”

Faced with such authority, the farmer opened the gate and allowed the surveyor to enter the field. The farmer then went to the far end of the field and opened another gate, through which one of his fiercest bulls came charging. Seeing the raging bull, the surveyor dropped his equipment and ran for his life.  The farmer shouted after him, “Show him the paper! Show him your authority!”   Yes, the unfortunate surveyor has the authority, but the farmer’s bull has more convincing power.

Brothers and sisters, the same can be said about the gospel we preach and teach. The people of Capernaum received sacred instruction in their synagogue every Sabbath.  One Sabbath they had a different teacher, Jesus.  What Jesus taught them that day, as well as the way He presented and demonstrated His message, simply astonished them. Why?  It is because He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Jesus’ teaching contrasted sharply with that of the scribes. In one word: Jesus taught with authority. The scribes did not.

Jesus astonished the people around Him for three big reasons. First, the teaching of Jesus is from the heart and not just from the head. He teaches with absolute conviction in his message, because He knows that His message is in accordance with the mind of God.  As He says in the gospel of St. John, when trying to persuade His unbelieving audience, “Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen, yet you do not receive our testimony.” His preaching is a personal testimony of His intimate relationship with God, His Father, unlike the scribes. They got their knowledge, not from their personal communion with God, but from their long and intricate commentaries on the law. As a result, most of their teaching is from the head and not from the heart.

If we claim to have faith in Christ, it is essential that we must listen to Him. We need to open ourselves to His wisdom and authority. The bottom line is not to take His teachings on the level of theories and ideas. Rather we must situate it into our faith life experience. For faith, devoid of practical action, is empty.  Theology without praxis is nothing. Knowledge waning in application is useless.

Second, it focuses on the spirit, and not on the letter of the law.  The scribe seeks to apply the prescription of the law to the letter. Jesus goes deeper, to find out the spirit, the original intent of the law, like for example, the law of the Sabbath observance. The scribes would busy themselves trying to determine precisely when the Sabbath begins and ends, and what constitutes work and what does not. Jesus would rather seek the mind of God, who gave the law to His people as an expression of His fatherly care and love.  His conclusion is that the Sabbath is a day we keep away from our work in order to serve God and do God’s work.

Lastly, it inspires a positive change of heart in the hearers, and not just to make the people feel bad. Like, for example, the man born blind.  The scribe seeks to explain why he is blind: whether it was he who sinned, or his parents. Jesus, on the other hand, is only interested in curing the blindness. For this reason, Jesus performed healings and exorcisms together with His teachings to show that His primary concern is to change the human situation and not just to explain it.

These are the three big reasons why people get astonished with Jesus: He teaches from the heart and not just from the head. He focuses on the spirit and not on the letter of the law. And he inspires a positive change of heart in the hearers.

There was an Indian prince who was a lover of knowledge. He had collected thousands of books in his large library. It happened that he was appointed the right hand of the king.  This position demanded that he travel almost always, in the kingdom’s vast territory and neighboring kingdoms, to represent the king. He brought along with him his books; thirty camels were needed to carry them.

Realizing the impracticality of loading all the books, he said to his chancellor, “Read all the books and then give to me the only book that is most important for my journey.”  After some time, the chancellor gave to the prince the book that summarized all the wisdom of the world. It was the Bible.  The prince asked, “What authority does this book have for it to be the only one that I should carry with me? Whereupon the chancellor replied, “It is the authority of the Son of God.” Shortly afterwards, the prince was baptized.

Brothers and sisters, we witness Jesus’ teaching in the synagogue with a profound authority that astounds the people. The crowd is amazed, not just by His words, but by the power with which He speaks. His authority is not like that of the scribes but comes from a deeper source. It is the authority of the Son of God, the Word Made Flesh.

As we reflect on this gospel passage, we are invited to examine our own lives and consider who or what holds authority over us. Do we recognize Jesus as the ultimate authority in our life, or are we swayed by the many competing voices in the world?

Jesus’ authority is not oppressive, but liberating. It brings healing, freedom, and a deeper understanding of God’s love.

In our daily lives, we may encounter challenges and struggles that test our faith. The authority of Jesus is a source of strength and hope during these times. When we submit to His authority, we open ourselves to the transformative power of His love and mercy.

So, as we continue to celebrate the Holy Mass, may we take a moment to reflect on the authority we recognize and submit to.  Let us renew our commitment to follow Jesus, allowing His authority to shape our thoughts, words, and deeds. In doing so, we embrace the freedom and joy that come from being in communion with the One who has authority over all creation.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Answer the Call

January 21, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Courage, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Mission, Obedience, Uncategorized

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 21, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jon 3:1-5, 10 / Ps 25 / 1 Cor 7:29-31 / Mk 1:14-20
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

There is a story about a despondent man who came to his mother and said, “Mom, I’ve stopped going to church, for two reasons.   First, I don’t like the people and second, the people don’t like me.”  And the mother looked at him and said, “My son, you should go back to church for two reasons.  First, you are already fifty-nine years old and second, you are the pastor!”

But, brothers and sisters, as we reflect on the readings for the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are invited to ponder the profound concept of Divine Calling.  In the gospel, we witnessed the pivotal moment when Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James, and John to become fishers of men.  This summons, with its immediacy and simplicity, carries timeless significance for each of us.  The gospel narrative unfolds with a sense of urgency, mirroring the immediacy of Jesus’ call.

In our own lives, we may hear the echoes of that same call, urging us to respond promptly and wholeheartedly to the divine invitation.  Jesus calls us to a life of discipleship, to follow Him with courage and conviction.  Simon, Andrew, James, and John provide us with inspiring models of immediate obedience.  Without hesitation they leave their nets and professions in order to follow Jesus.  Their response challenges us to examine our own readiness to abandon whatever may be holding us back from fully embracing our calling.

The metaphor of fishers of men calls us to engage actively in the mission of spreading God’s love and compassion.  We are called not merely to catch fish, but to cultivate relationships, to cast the net of love and inclusion.  This mission beckons us to be present in our communities, reaching out to those who may be lost or in need of hope and help.

A story was told about a pious Christian lady who had to do a lot of traveling for her business, so she did a lot of flying.  But flying made her nervous, so she always took her Bible along with her to read, and it helped her to relax.  One day she was sitting next to a man who didn’t believe in God.  When he saw her pull out her Bible, he gave a little chuckle and went back to what he was doing.  After a while, he turned to her and asked, “Do you really believe all the stuff in there?”  The lady replied, “Of course I do.  It’s the Bible – the Word of God.”   The man said, “Well, what about that guy that was swallowed by that whale?”  She replied, “Oh. Jonah.  Yes, I believe that.  The Bible says that Jonah was swallowed by a whale, and I believe it, and if it had said that Jonah had swallowed the whale, I would believe that too.”  The man laughed and asked, “Well, how do you suppose he survived all that time inside the whale?”  The lady answered, “Well, I don’t really know, but I guess when I get to heaven, I will ask him.”  “What if he is not in heaven?” the man asked sarcastically.  “Then you can ask him when you reach hell,” the lady replied.

Brothers and sisters, in the first reading, we encountered Jonah’s mission to Ninevah.  Here, too, we witnessed the transformative power of responding to God’s call.  The people of Ninevah heed Jonah’s warning and repent.  This reminds us that our response to God’s call can have a profound impact, not only on our lives, but on the lives of those around us.

In fact, the entire readings of today’s liturgy emphasize the absolute need for total repentance and our immediate need for a quick and prompt response to God’s invitation to repentance.  Whereby, we face God’s wrath of perpetual destruction in hellfire should we ever play down the entire content of divine revelation, seeking our redress as portrayed in the funny response of the pious traveler to the atheist in the story.

In the second reading, St. Paul orders the Corinthian Church to waste no time in embracing the message of the Good News and in renewing their lives with repentance.  Whereas, the gospel reading describes the summary of Jesus’ preaching, “Repent, and believe in the Good News.”  It also describes how Jesus called His first set of disciples, Andrew, Peter, James, and John, which portrays how we sinners need to respond to God’s call with total commitment by abandoning our accustomed style of sinful life.

Today’s readings are all rather extraordinary.  Each of them shows an immediate and wonderful response.  First Jonah preaches, and the Ninevites surprisingly repent and change immediately.  Then Paul calls upon everyone to live in the immediate moment, for the day of the Lord is imminent.  Then Jesus calls His disciples, and they leave immediately.

Jesus’ call is offering a whole new world, a new vision and a new set of relationships.  The values of the Gospel are revealed in their fullness.  If the disciples had paused and thought about what they were doing, they could have dreamed up heaps of reasons why they should not go – their business, their insecurities, and so on.  They did not let these things get in the way.

Thank goodness they responded to the call straightaway.  This is not encouraging recklessness, because surely Jesus called people after a lot of prayer and discernment, and He called disciples whom He had observed were already living in the way that showed their longing for the value of the Kingdom to be established in its fullness. Along comes Jesus and He says, “The time has arrived.  Come, follow me.”  And they do – immediately.  It is what they had been waiting for.

In our lives, brothers and sisters, Jesus calls each one of us in big and small ways.  In the daily events of life, in our words, actions, and priorities, let us respond immediately and with trust.  As we reflect on the readings today, let us prayerfully consider the nature of God’s call in our lives.  Are we attuned to His voice?  Are we ready to leave behind our nets and respond with unwavering trust?  May the example of the first disciples inspire us to embrace our calling with joy and purpose, recognizing that in our response lies the potential for transformation, both for ourselves and for the world.