Journey with Our King

Journey with Our King

November 22, 2015 | HNMWebmaster | Blessings, Father Salvador, Homilies, St. John, Thanksgiving

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 22, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Dn 7:13-14 / Psalm 93 / Rv 1:5-8 / Jn 18:33b-37
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

St. Augustine once said that the world is a book and those who do not travel, read only one page. All of us have been traveling with the Lord Jesus in the company of God’s family at Holy Name of Mary since November 30, 2014, the first Sunday of Advent. Today, which is the feast of our Lord Jesus Christ, as King of the universe, marks the end of our spiritual journey in cycle B in our liturgical calendar.

After listening to God’s words for the whole year and trying our hardest to put them into practice in our daily lives, we once again proclaim today, that our Lord Jesus Christ is not only King of the universe, but He is the King of our hearts and our souls. We also take this opportunity to thank Him for all the blessings that He gave us this past year, and we thank Him in advance for all the graces that He will shower on us and our loved ones this coming year.

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day this coming Thursday, may we have in mind St. Paul’s words in his first letter to the Thessalonians when he said, “In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus”.