The Qualities of Good Shepherds


The Qualities of Good Shepherds

July 21, 2024 | N W | Compassion, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Love, Reconciliation, Service

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 21, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jer 23:1-6 / Ps 23 / Eph 2:13-18 / Mk 6:30-34
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

We find a common theme of leadership, compassion, and unity in our readings today. Each passage presents a different aspect of God’s relationship with His people, highlighting the desire for their care, peace and guidance.

Our first reading gives a stern warning to the shepherds who failed in their duties. The leaders of Israel tasked with guiding and protecting the people have instead led them astray, yet this passage is also filled with hope. God promises to gather His scattered flock and raise up new shepherds who will care for them. This prophecy ultimately points to the coming of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd who will lead His people with justice and righteousness.

Paul speaks of the profound unity brought about by Christ in his letter to the Ephesians. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus has reconciled humanity with God and with each other. He has broken down the barriers that once separated Jews and Gentiles, creating one new humanity. This message is especially relevant today as we continue to face divisions within our own communities and the world at large. Those words remind us that true peace and unity can only be found in Christ.

In today’s gospel, we see Jesus welcoming back the apostles, who have been sent out on their mission. They were tired, having worked hard, and Jesus recognizes their need for rest. “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while,” He tells them. However, when they arrive at the deserted place, they find a large crowd waiting.

Despite His own need for rest, and the disciples’ weariness, Jesus is moved with compassion for the crowd. Because they were like sheep without a shepherd, He begins to teach them many things, attending to their spiritual hunger before anything else.

This scene highlights Jesus’ profound compassion and His role as the Good Shepherd, echoing the imagery from Jeremiah, where God promises to raise up a shepherd who will lead with justice and righteousness. Jesus exemplifies this shepherding by putting the needs of the people before His own, demonstrating the sacrificial love and care that characterizes His ministry. The rest and nourishment He offers are not just physical, but deeply spiritual, addressing the core needs of the human heart.

The connection to the second reading from Ephesians is also significant. Paul speaks of Jesus breaking down the dividing wall of hostility and making peace through His sacrifice. This peace is not just the absence of conflict, but a deep abiding presence of God’s love and grace, uniting us with God and with each other. Jesus as the Good Shepherd invites us into this peace, guiding us towards unity and reconciliation.

There was once a small town known for its high school basketball team. The team had an exceptional coach, Coach Thompson, who was deeply committed to his players. He wasn’t just concerned with their performance on the court, but also their well-being off it. He would often stay late to help them with their homework, listen to their personal struggles and offer guidance and support.

One season the team had a particularly grueling schedule. They practiced hard and played intense games almost every week. By mid-season, the players were exhausted. Coach Thompson decided to give them a break. “Let’s take a weekend off,” he said. “Rest, spend time with your families, and recharge.”

However, that weekend Coach Thompson received a call from one of his players, Jake, who was going through a tough time at home. His parents were fighting, and he felt lost and alone. Despite the need for his own rest, Coach Thompson didn’t hesitate. He drove to Jake’s house, took him out for a meal, and spent the day with him, listening and offering words of comfort.

Coach Thompson’s actions resonated deeply with the entire team. They saw how he lived out his commitment to their well-being, even at the expense of his own comfort. This compassion and selflessness not only strengthened their bond, but also inspired them to look out for each other, both on and off the court.

This story mirrors Jesus’ response to the crowd in today’s gospel. Just as Coach Thompson put his players’ needs before his own, Jesus prioritized the spiritual and emotional needs of the people, exemplifying the true Shepherd’s heart. Both coach Thompson and Jesus demonstrate the transformative power of compassion and sacrificial love, reminding us of our call to care for one another in our journeys.

Reflecting on these readings, we are called to examine our own roles as shepherds in our families, communities, and workplaces. How are we guiding those entrusted to our care? Are we living in compassion, justice, and righteousness as Christ exemplified?

In a world often marked with division and hostility, Paul’s message in Ephesians challenges us to be instruments of peace and reconciliation. We must strive to break down the walls that divide us, fostering unity through our common faith in Christ.

Finally, we learn from Jesus’ example in the gospel: Even in times of weariness, He prioritized the needs of others, teaching us the importance of compassion and selflessness. As followers of Christ, we are called to be attentive to the needs around us, offering guidance, support, and love, even when it demands personal sacrifice. May we take these lessons to heart, embodying the qualities of good shepherds in our daily lives and striving for the peace and unity that Christ has won for us.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

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