Mary Knows the Way

October 1, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Mary Knows the Way | Discipleship, Father Salvador, Love, Mary, Prayer

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 1, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Ez 18:25-28 / Ps 25 / Phil 2:1-11 / Mt 21:28-32
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Today is the first day of October, the month of the Holy Rosary. In just two months and twenty-four days, we will be celebrating Christmas 2017. But this month we will first celebrate the feast of the Holy Rosary, this coming Saturday, then we will be joining more than 1.2 billion Christian Catholics all over the world on October 13 in celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s last apparition at Fatima. (more…)


Get Out of the Boat

August 13, 2017 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Get Out of the Boat | Commitment, Courage, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Homilies, Love, Ordinary Time, St. Matthew

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 13, 2017 – Year A

Readings: 1 Kgs 19:9a, 11-13a / Psalm 85 / Rom 9:1-5 / Mt 14:22-33
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

When I looked at the readings for today, I was excited because this Old Testament reading happens to be my favorite one. There are many good stories in the Old Testament, but this is my favorite.

It will help to understand how great this reading is if you know some of the backstory. (more…)


It’s God’s Time For You

July 30, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on It’s God’s Time For You | Commitment, Courage, Discipleship, Guest Celebrants, Mission, Service, Vocations

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 30, 2017 – Year A
Readings: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12 / Ps 119 / Rom 8:28-30 / Mt 13:44-52
by Rev. Mike Boehling, Guest Celebrant

Six years ago, John Christian was the very last person to apply to the seminary that year.  I remember that he was anxious, and as I met with him time and again as the Vocations Director, there was anxiety about taking the next step.  (more…)


What We Know for Sure

June 18, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on What We Know for Sure | Compassion, Discipleship, Eucharist, Generosity, Guest Celebrants, Homilies, Humility, Love, Service

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
June 18, 2017 – Year A

Readings: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a / Psalm 147 / 1 Cor 10:16-17 / Jn 6:51-58
by Rev. Paul O’Donnell-Duggan, Guest Celebrant

Can you imagine Oprah Winfrey being stuck for a word? She said it happened once when she was being interviewed by Gene Siskel, the Chicago Sun Times film critic, in an interview before he died. He asked her a question that stumped her, “Tell me, Oprah, what do you know for sure?” That’s a great question, and she said, “Um, uh, I know for sure . . . actually, Gene, I need more time. I can’t answer that question right now.” (more…)


Courage to Witness

May 28, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Courage to Witness | Courage, Discipleship, Evangelization, Guest Celebrants, Service, Strength

The Ascension of the Lord
May 28, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Acts 1:1-11 / Ps 47 / Eph 1:17-23 / Mt 28:16-20
by Rev. Paul O’Donnell Duggan, Guest Celebrant

Tomorrow is the hundredth anniversary of the birth of President John F. Kennedy.  To mark the occasion, the Post Office put out a beautiful stamp of Kennedy.  Of course, we all know his most famous statement.  If you ever visit Arlington National Cemetery, you’ll see the Eternal Flame and the words from his inaugural address in stone:  “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”  (more…)


Loving His Way

May 21, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Loving His Way | Discipleship, Grace, Guest Celebrants, Love, Self-Reflection, Service

Sixth Sunday of Easter
May 21, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Acts 8:5-8, 14-17 / Ps 66 / 1 Pt 3:15-18 / Jn 14:15-21
by Rev. Paul O’Donnell Duggan, Guest Celebrant

I’ve always been impressed by the quality of the hospitality of Filipino families. I have spent almost fifty years in New Jersey, and in every parish I was in, we always had Filipino families.

There was one in particular that would call at least once a month, sometimes twice, “Father Paul, can you come over?” It’s 8 o’clock at night or 9 o’clock, and I say “Oh, I’d love to, certainly.” At that hour, I’ve already had my dinner. When I go over, there is a huge dinner waiting. (more…)


Hope, Not Fear

April 16, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Hope, Not Fear | Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Easter, Hope, Trust

The Resurrection of the Lord
April 16, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Acts 10:34A, 37-43 / Ps 118 / Col 3:1-4 / Jn 20:1-9
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

If you’ve spent any time on the internet looking at social media, you have encountered a “meme.”  Even if you don’t know the word “meme,” you probably do know what I’m talking about.  I had been seeing these things for a long time and had no clue what they were called until one day my teenagers informed me of the proper term for these things.  (more…)


Commissioned To Do Good

April 13, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Commissioned To Do Good | Commitment, Discipleship, Eucharist, Father Salvador, Mission, Service

Holy Thursday
April 13, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 / Ps 116 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / Jn 13:1-15
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A few months before Bishop Fulton Sheen died, he allowed himself to be interviewed on television. During the interview, the TV reporter asked him, “Your Excellency, you have inspired millions of people, not only in this country but all over the world. Can you tell us who inspired you? Was it the pope?” Bishop Sheen responded that it wasn’t the pope, nor a cardinal or another bishop, or even a priest or a nun. He said it was an eleven-year-old girl.   (more…)


Children of Light

March 26, 2017 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Children of Light | Compassion, Discipleship, Father Salvador, Homilies, Lent, Light, St. John

4th Sunday of Lent
March 26, 2017 – Year A

Readings: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a / Psalm 23 / Eph 5:8-14 / Jn 9:1-41
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Last December 25th, 2016 – just three months ago – a man in Roanoke was celebrating his 95th birthday. He wished to celebrate it by taking a bouquet of flowers to the grave of his wife at a Roanoke cemetery. Since someone had told him that plastic flowers are much better because they are not only cheaper, but last much longer than real ones, that is what he bought. But on his way to the cemetery, a speeding vehicle smashed the right side of his car. Though he had only minor injuries, his car was totally damaged. When the cops arrived at the scene of the accident, he was still picking up what was left of those flowers that had been scattered all over the road. (more…)


Up and Down the Mountain

March 12, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Up and Down the Mountain | Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Evangelization, Faith, Lent, Mission

Second Sunday of Lent
March 12, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Gn 12:1-4A / Ps 33 / 2 Tm 1:8B-10 / Mt 17:1-9
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Last weekend my wife and I were in Munich, Germany.  We went there because my wife was invited to give a recital at the Gasteig.  It’s a big concert hall with multiple venues, similar to the Kennedy Center or Carnegie Hall.  It’s very active:  They do a thousand events there a year. (more…)