Food for Our Journey

June 7, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Food for Our Journey | Eternal Life, Eucharist, Faith, Father Salvador, Homilies, Hope, Joy, St. Mark, Strength

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
June 7, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Ex 24:3-8 / Psalm 116 / Heb 9:11-15 / Mk 14:12-16, 22-26
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Someone has said, “Eat right, exercise, …and die anyway.” As God’s children, we don’t subscribe to this idea. In the spiritual sense, we believe that, if we eat the food that Jesus gave us, and do the spiritual exercises he prescribed, we will live with God for all eternity. (more…)


You’ll Never Walk Alone

January 11, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on You’ll Never Walk Alone | Baptism, Comfort, Courage, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Eucharist, Faith, Grace, Holy Spirit, Homilies, St. Mark, Strength, Trust

Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
January 11, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Is 42:1-4, 6-7; Psalm – Isaiah 12; Acts 10:34-38; Mk 1:7-11
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

From September 1940 until May 1941, Hitler’s Luftwaffe carried out an intense bombing campaign of London. His intent was to demoralize the British people and and encourage them to surrender quickly. The damage inflicted on the city was great and causalities were high. The destruction in the East End of London was especially bad. In spite of this and against the advice of many of his advisors, King George VI and his wife Elizabeth decided to stay in London instead of evacuating to the countryside. (more…)


A Power Meal: The Supper of the Lamb

June 24, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on A Power Meal: The Supper of the Lamb | Eternal Life, Eucharist, Faith, Father Salvador, Homilies, St. John

Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
June 22, 2014 – Year A
Readings: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Psalm 147; 1 Cor 10:16-17; John 6:51-58
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

The last time I was at home in the Philippines, I admired the big lighthouse on my island. I said to my cousin, “You must be getting rich here; that lighthouse is so big and must cost thousands of dollars.” He answered, “Yes, it’s expensive, but it was donated to us by a generous benefactor.” I said, “That’s good that it’s free, but what about the electric bill that you pay every month?” He said, “The good news is we don’t pay for the electricity. It’s solar powered.” Although that light is so big and can be seen for hundreds of miles, it generates its own power from the sun. (more…)


The Paraclete at Your Side

May 25, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on The Paraclete at Your Side | Deacon Eddie, Eucharist, Holy Spirit, Homilies, St. John

6th Sunday of Easter
May 25, 2014 – Year A

Readings:  Acts 8:5-8, Psalm 66, 1 PT 3:15-18, Jn 14:15-21
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

[FIRST COMMUNION MASS – directed toward the children – but all are welcome to listen!]

In a town, there was a gifted painter who was often hired to paint murals.  On one occasion, he was brought in by a church to decorate the back of their altar. When his work was complete, the pastor and the building committee came in to see his masterpiece. (more…)