Holy Detachment

May 10, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Holy Detachment | Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Faith, Generosity, Saints, Service, Trust

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 10, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Acts 6:1-7 / Ps 33 / 1 Pt 2:4-9 / Jn 14:1-12
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Once there was a young couple who decided, for their first anniversary, that they would take a camping trip to Disneyworld. At this time the husband was working long hours at his job, so it fell to the wife to do most of the preparation. But lucky for this husband, his was a very industrious, hard-working wife.

She planned everything out: She planned where they would stop. She planned the menu. She even went as far as chopping all the things that were going to go in the meals for the week, so that it would require less time to prepare. (more…)


Give Yourself Away

April 9, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Give Yourself Away | Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Generosity, Grace, Lent, Mission, Service

Holy Thursday
April 9, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 / Ps 116 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / Jn 13:1-15
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

We are certainly living in some strange times. This coronavirus pandemic is a reminder that nothing is a given. If you look at the news at all, or if you have conversations with people, you probably have seen people making references to past events in history. Oftentimes, they’re talking about past pandemics like the great plague or the Spanish flu pandemic. Or they’re talking about difficult times in the past, like wars. (more…)


Be God’s Loving Children

February 23, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Be God’s Loving Children | Commitment, Father Salvador, Forgiveness, Generosity, Holy Spirit, Love, Mercy, Prayer, Saints, Strength, Wisdom

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 23, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18 / Ps 103 / 1 Cor 3:16-23 / Mt 5:38-48
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Mark Twain, the famous American writer during the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, once said: “If you look out on a cold winter’s night, with the snow and sleet coming in, and you see under the lamppost a little puppy, and the puppy is shivering because it is open to the elements. If you go down and you pick the little freezing puppy up and bring him upstairs, and you wash him with warm water, and you put him near the fire, and you feed him the best that you have to offer. That dog will never, never bite you.” And then he goes on, “That’s the main difference between dogs and human beings.” (more…)


The Gift of Now

December 25, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on The Gift of Now | Blessings, Christmas, Deacon Eddie, Generosity, Grace, Self-Reflection, Thanksgiving

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
December 25, 2019—Year A
Readings: Is 9:1-6 / Ps 96 / Ti 2:11-14 / Lk 2:1-14
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

I’m sure most of you have seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Charlie Brown is being typical Charlie Brown and is stressing out over the over-commercialization of Christmas. He knows that something about this is not quite right, but he’s not sure why. Throughout the show, he’s looking for the true meaning of Christmas. (more…)


Life-long Repentance

December 8, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Life-long Repentance | Advent, Baptism, Compassion, Discipleship, Generosity, Guest Celebrants, Mission, Repentance, Service, Sin

Second Sunday of Advent
December 8, 2019 – Year A
Readings: Is 11:1-10 / Ps 72 / Rom 15:4-9 / Mt 3:1-12
by Father Louis Benoit, Guest Celebrant

We heard in the gospel about John the Baptist in the desert – wearing weird clothes and eating weird food. He’s attracting quite a crowd, calling people to repent. His baptism is a baptism of repentance. Repentance basically means to make a 180-degree turn – to turn away from a sinful life to a life of the Lord.

Of course, for Jesus to be born in our hearts, we have to repent. I suggest that repentance is not a once-and-for-all thing: one time you’re here and then suddenly you’ve done a 180. It’s a life-long process. We have to spend a life turning away from sin and evil and turning toward what Jesus wants for us. We have to keep working on it. (more…)



October 13, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Gratitude | Blessings, Father Salvador, Generosity, Grace, Self-Reflection, Thanksgiving

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 13, 2019 – Year C
Readings: 2 Kgs 5:14-17 / Ps 98 / 2 Tm 2:8-13 / Lk 17:11-19
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Last Sunday, a few minutes before I celebrated the 8:00 Mass here, I greeted a parishioner from our sister parish on the lake on his way in. Knowing that he had to drive almost an hour to get here, I said “I am so happy to see you!” He replied, “At my age, Father, being seen is always better than being viewed. Thanks be to God.”

Just the mere fact that we can see each other is reason enough to express our gratitude to our Creator and our God. But we all know that the “attitude of gratitude” is not a common trait even among Christians. This has been the case since the time of Christ. (more…)


What Have You Failed To Do?

September 29, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on What Have You Failed To Do? | Blessings, Compassion, Discipleship, Eternal Life, Father Salvador, Generosity, Service, Sin

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 29, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Am 6:1A, 4-7 / Ps 146 / 1 Tm 6:11-16 / Lk 16:19-31
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A story is told about David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank traveling through South America. A group of bank officials of the government of Uruguay invited him for lunch, hoping for a sizable loan. The affair was held at a club that was famous locally for its magnificent appetizer buffet. Rockefeller passed through the buffet line first, and thinking that this was the entire meal, served himself generously. When seated, he noticed that others had taken skimpier portions. He said to the President of Banco Central, “I have so much and you have so little.” The host responded, “I am glad you mentioned that, Mr. Rockefeller, because that is exactly what we want to talk to you about.” (more…)


Lost and Forgiven

September 15, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Lost and Forgiven | Discipleship, Father Salvador, Forgiveness, Generosity, Healing, Love, Mercy, Repentance, Sin

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 15, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Ex 32:7-11, 13-14 / Ps 51 / 1 Tm 1:12-17 / Lk 15:1-32
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A story is told about a teenager who, after Sunday morning Mass, went to his pastor for advice. He said, “Father, I left home and did something that will make my dad furious when he finds out. What should I do?” The pastor replied, “Son, I have known your dad for many years. He is a good and holy man. Go home, tell him your sins, ask for forgiveness, and he will surely forgive you and treat you like the Prodigal Son in the Gospel.”

Sometime later the boy reported to his pastor. “Well, I told Dad about what I did.” The priest was so happy to hear the good news, and asked, “Well, did he kill the fatted calf for you?” The boy answered, “No, but he almost killed the Prodigal Son!” (more…)


Make a Difference

August 4, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Make a Difference | Commitment, Compassion, Discipleship, Father Salvador, Generosity, Love, Mission, Service

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 4, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Ecc 1:2; 2:21-23 / Ps 90 / Col 3:1-5, 9-11 / Lk 12:13-21
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A story is told about a professor in a prestigious university who, when he was about to receive tenure, suddenly left his position and took a job teaching in a poverty-stricken neighborhood. One day, one of his former colleagues sees him shopping in a small grocery store. The colleague approaches him and asks him what he’s doing with his life. He responds that he’s teaching in an inner city high school, and that he is happy and finding fulfillment in helping the poor school students.

The colleague asks the question he really wants to know: “So, what do you make?”

He answers, “I make a difference.” (more…)


Taking Time to See Jesus

July 21, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Taking Time to See Jesus | Compassion, Discipleship, Generosity, Guest Celebrants, Mission, Self-Reflection, Service

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 21, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Gn 18:1-10A / Ps 15 / Col 1:24-28 / Lk 10:38-42
by Father Louis Benoit, Guest Celebrant

In the Bible, hospitality was a very important thing. That’s the first reading, with Abraham and his visitors. And in the gospel, Martha welcomes Jesus into her home. Hospitality: a very important thing.

However, Martha gets so involved in making this meal for Jesus. Mary, her sister, is just sitting at Jesus’ feet, doing nothing about the serving. Martha gets rather ticked off, so she comes to Jesus, “Tell my sister to help me.” Notice Jesus: “You are anxious and worried about many things. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her.” (more…)