Thy Kingdom Come

November 24, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Deacon Mark, Ordinary Time, Saints, Service

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
November 24, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dn 7:13-14 / Ps 93 / Rv 1:5-8 / Jn 18:33b-37
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, which is the closing of Ordinary time. Next week we begin the new Church year with the season of Advent, and the primary gospel will change from Mark to Luke. What is our King speaking to your heart for Advent? Pray, reflect, and act on His request. But for today’s homily, we will focus on Jesus Christ’s kingship in our everyday life and make it personal.

First, let’s get grounded in scripture. Jesus’ kingship is depicted throughout the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. In Genesis, we see the mysterious figure, Melchizedek, a biblical type for Jesus, for he was a king and priest like Jesus and made offerings of bread and wine. (Gn 14) In today’s first reading, Daniel prophesies about Jesus, “One like a Son of Man received dominion, glory, and kingship.” (Dn 7:13)

Later on, the prophet Nathan told King David that his throne would be firmly established forever. (2 Sam 7:16) God’s promise to King David leads us to Jesus in the gospels. Gabriel told Mary that, “The Lord God shall give [her future Son, Jesus] the throne of his father David and He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever.” (Lk 1: 32-33) In today’s gospel, Jesus clarifies that His kingship does not come from this world. In today’s second reading from the last book of the Bible, Revelation, the apostle John writes that Jesus Christ is “ruler of the kings of the earth.”

Scripture is crystal clear that Jesus is King of the Universe. We either give our lives to His service or we give them to the evil one. There are no other choices. Do I really want to serve Jesus the King?

Jeff Cavins suggests that we want to serve the King in His splendor and glory, not in the poor, the stranger, the sick, and imprisoned. Yet, when we intentionally, according to the King’s command, bring His love to others, His compassion, His mercy, and His good news, we are at once seeing and serving the King in them and yet doing so with His grace and with gifts He has given us for that moment.

To help bring home the personal nature of serving our King through others, I want to share something from the Hallow app. They have a Catholic Social Teaching series, and one of the reflections is on homelessness. Blake Brouilette, Director of Christ in the City, a missionary formation and homeless outreach program in Denver and Philadelphia says, “Homelessness is a person to encounter.” He goes on to share that we see the poverty and brokenness of the homeless, but that Mother Teresa saw more. While visiting the United States, she observed: “There is a poverty in your country that is just as severe as our poorest of the poor. In the West, there is a loneliness, which I call the leprosy of the West. In many ways, it is worse than our poor in Calcutta.”

Blake added that “By looking deeper at poverty, we see a common thread in the homeless and the poor which can be traced back to broken relationships. This rupture of relationships is with others, society, God, themselves, and creation – and it results in isolation. The absence of genuine connection is our deepest form of poverty.”

This leprosy of loneliness and absence of genuine connection is what our King is asking us to heal by being saints. Fr. Mike Schmitz identified a common characteristic of saints that really gets at the heart of this, and you likely can have it with just a little effort. Saints are available when needed, just like their King when He walked this earth. It is easy to overlook this simple disposition, necessary for us to be saints.

When Jairus asked Jesus, who was speaking with the crowds, to come and save his dying daughter, Jesus did so. The same happened when Mary and Martha asked Him to come save their brother. In another case, no one had to ask, He just spontaneously reached out in compassion. This was when He happened upon the widow mourning her only son, and He stopped to help. In all three cases, he raised a person from the dead and restored a family’s wholeness. The lonely and disconnected need our time, our presence, and our testimony, so they can be restored. By our being available to them, they become genuinely connected with our King and His family.

What robs us of our availability? The Jews said, “We have no king but Caesar.” Jeff Cavins suggests we ask ourselves a tough question using this verse:  Where have I, by the way I live, said, “I have no king, but (fill in the blank.)” What goes into this blank are our excuses and sins.

Regarding excuses, we have many. Some we overcome, some we do not. But our King is patient. He called me for years to be a deacon. My excuses for saying no were twofold. I was too unhealthy and too sinful. How did I get to the point of saying yes? Even though I could not see how it would work, I kept praying and reflecting on it. I kept the door open. And for His part, the King sent me affirmations through others, and He illuminated a scripture verse to ease my concern about my poor health: Ps 92: 13-16. He even moved a class start date an entire month when I was hospitalized just two years into formation. Had He not done that, I would have been at risk of dropping out. As a deacon I have been blessed with opportunities to serve our King through those in need.

Regarding sins, filling in the blank “I have no king but…” Is anything in my life where I say “no” to my King and “yes” to something He has commanded I do not do, or when I say “no” to something He has commanded that I should do? Sin makes us unavailable, because it imprisons us in a dungeon of selfishness.

Therefore, serving our King begins with confessing our sin to Him, so that He can set us free to be available. In a talk on people who oppose the King by rejecting His kingdom (think Catholic Church), Fulton Sheen said, “The basis for our opposition to the Catholic Church is our moral life, or immoral life.”

Speaking of our sin, Fulton Sheen shared a metaphor. “If I try to open a can with a pencil two things happen. I will fail to open the can, and I will ruin the pencil. So it is when I use my gifts in a way that is against [the King’s] will. Two things happen: I fail to achieve whatever happiness I thought I would gain, and I hurt myself.”

To illustrate this, he goes on to tell a story of a fallen-away Catholic actress who had fame and beauty and three men in her life; i.e. she was hurting herself. She agreed to meet him at the church, if he promised not to ask her to go to Confession. He promised. She arrived at the church as planned, and as they were walking down the side aisle of the nave to show her a painting, he pushed her into the confessional, thereby keeping his promise to not ask her to go to Confession.  She confessed her sins and experienced true repentance, a radical reorientation of her life. The King set her free from the dungeon of sin and selfishness, freeing her to follow His command to be available for those in need. She became a nun and was happier for it.

We, like that actress, see a lot of temptations in this world, but we cannot insulate ourselves from those evils by hiding in the church and Christian homes. Our King said as much to His Father, “I do not ask that you take them out of the world but that you keep them from the evil one.” (John 17:15) To protect us from the evil one, our King doesn’t have to do battle per se. His presence in us casts out all darkness. We simply need to ensure our King lives in us. How? The King said, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.” (John 14:23)

Our King’s promise is not an abstraction or warm fuzzy feeling for Christians who are Catholic! It is the reality of our King coming to us in the Sacraments. He cares for our sickness in Holy Anointing. He visits us imprisoned by sin, freeing us in Confession. He feeds our hungry souls in the Eucharist. His availability in the Sacraments frees us and strengthens us to be available for those in need, and then He and His Father make our soul their home. In essence, when caring for others, we free them from the leprosy of loneliness and give them genuine connectedness, for we visit them with their King and His Father.

Let’s close with words from our King’s lips that sum up all of this. Close your eyes and echo this prayer in your heart. Make it personal. Jesus, my King, in me may “thy kingdom come and thy will be done on earth as in heaven.” Amen.


Live With Readiness

November 17, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Eternal Life, Father Nixon, Heaven, Hope, Repentance, Trust

Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 17, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dn 12:1-3 / Ps 16 / Heb 10:11-14, 18 / Mk 13:24-32
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today’s readings are filled with powerful imagery and words about the End.  We hear a familiar message running deep in today’s readings: the reality of the End Times and the call to live in hope while awaiting God’s promise fulfillment.

We are approaching the culmination of the liturgical year, and the Church calls us to reflect on the End of Time and history.  On the 24th of November, which is next Sunday, we will be celebrating the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.  This is a reminder that Christ is to reign over all creation.  Soon after this is Advent, which is a time of expectation of Christ’s coming.

In our readings today, the prophet Daniel talks of “a time unsurpassed in distress,” but at the same time, the hope for deliverance of those “written in the book.”  The Letter to the Hebrews reminds us of the uniqueness and completeness of the sacrifice of Christ for salvation and forgiveness, once for all.  In St. Mark’s gospel, Jesus speaks about the sun and the moon being upset and a new world order, ultimately God’s plan.  Let us consider, as we face today’s challenging readings, three messages they offer us:  hope, readiness, and trust in God’s sovereignty.

In the book of Daniel, we hear about a time of suffering; however, it also promises that “the wise shall shine brightly,” and that those who lead others to righteousness are “like the stars forever.”  The merit of hope carries deep conviction in the words that no matter how much chaos exists, the justice and mercy of God will always prevail. As Pope John Paul II said, “Do not abandon yourselves to despair.  We are the Easter people, and Hallelujah is our song.”  This is an invitation for us to have hope, even in the face of adversity or suffering.  This is essential to our faith.  The promise is that, for those who remain faithful, the darkness of distress will give way to the light of God’s presence.  As Easter people, we are called to carry this hope, not only for ourselves but to light the way for others.

The Letter to the Hebrews brings us back to the reminder that through Christ’s one perfect sacrifice, we are forgiven and set free from sin.  Jesus’ sacrifice has already secured our salvation.  This is something in which we should have immense confidence and peace, as we await the culmination of God’s Kingdom.  Although we may not know the day or the hour, we do know God’s plan is one of love, mercy, and salvation.

The world we live in today is usually distinguished by political, environmental, and social confusion.  Many are uncertain about, or anxious for, their future.  Yet today, we are called upon to put our trust in God’s sovereignty.  As Pope John Paul II said, “Have no fear of moving into the unknown.  Simply step out fearlessly, knowing that I am with you.  Therefore, no harm can befall you.  All is very, very well.  Do this in complete faith and confidence.”

In the gospel reading from Mark, we hear Jesus speak of signs in the heavens, and He assures His disciples that His words will not pass away.  This can seem unsettling, yet Jesus intends to wake us up from complacency, reminding us to be vigilant and ready for His return.

In the next few weeks, we will start Advent.  Advent is a season of preparation, not only for the celebration of Christ’s birth, but also for His Second Coming. The season reminds us to live in readiness with hearts open to God’s grace.

C.S. Lewis, in his book, The World’s Last Night and Other Essays, says, “Precisely because we can’t predict the moment, we must be ready at all moments.” No one actually knows the day or the hour except God. The quote from C. S. Lewis captures the essence of Christ’s call to readiness, urging us to live faithfully every day knowing that Christ’s return will come unexpectedly.  This thought encourages us to view each day as an opportunity to prepare our hearts for the fullness of God’s kingdom.

It is so easy to focus on the temporary: our daily routines, our immediate goals, the here and now.  But these readings challenge us to live our days, every day, asking ourselves if we are spiritually prepared for Christ’s coming.  Are we aligning our lives with His teachings, living every day as if it may be our last?  God invites us to re-center our lives on Him, to live each day with purpose, and to nurture a readiness that is grounded in trust and faith.

Sometimes we ask ourselves:  Will I see the end of this world?  It would be rather interesting if that happens.  Yet, our readings today do not give us the answer to that question.  They do tell us, however, what the end will be like, even though we may not live to see it.  They tell us that many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awaken.  Some shall live forever, and others will be condemned and cast into everlasting horror and eternal disgrace.

We should not fear the End of Times.  The important thing for us to remember is that God is our Father, and that Jesus, His Son, came to save us.  This is a reality that no one should be able to hide from us.  Each human being, while he or she is here on earth, should try to be more perfect every day.  This earthly life is a preparation for the kingdom that God has prepared for us.  We should ask to see God, to see His face, and for Him to show us His glory.  This is the destiny that God wants for you and that He wants for me.  That is why He has given us the Holy Spirit, so that we can actually one day see Him.  I hope that day comes for all of us.

Today’s readings remind us of the certainty of Christ’s victory over darkness, sin, and death.  The End Times Jesus speaks of should not fill us with fear, but rather a sense of anticipation and purpose.  We are called to live in the light of the Resurrection, and to share this hope with a world often overshadowed by despair.  As we move closer to the Solemnity of Christ the King, let us see Jesus as our king, not only in words, but in the way we live our lives.  His kingdom is one of truth, mercy, and justice, and by following His ways, we prepare our hearts for Advent and His eventual return.  Let us hold onto hope, live with readiness, and trust deeply in God’s sovereignty.  In doing so, we will stand ready, as people of the promise, confident in God’s enduring love and mercy.

As we await the great day of the Lord, let us remember Pope John Paul II’s words, “We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of our Father’s love for us.”  With that truth, we can face any future, whether in this world or the next.  May we live this hope, confident in Christ’s promise, as we journey together toward the coming of the Advent season, and prepare our hearts for the coming of our Savior.


Giving From the Heart

November 10, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Faith, Father Nixon, Generosity, Humility, Love, Service, Trust

Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 10, 2024 — Year B
Readings: 1 Kgs 17:10-16 / Ps 146 / Heb 9:24-28 / Mk 12:38-44
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Our readings today call every one of us to think about and reflect on genuine generosity, trust, and humility.  The Church shows us that authentic giving is not a matter of abundance and high status, but a heart surrendered to God.  The poor widow in the first reading, the teachings from the letter to the Hebrews, and the praise of Jesus towards the widow’s action in the gospel, encourage us to ask ourselves about the meaning of true and genuine giving from the heart.

In today’s first reading, we have the story of the widow from Zarephath, a woman who humanly speaking, literally has almost nothing in this world.  Then she receives a visit from the prophet Elijah.  She is in the process of gathering her last bit of food to eat with her son, when Elijah approaches her and asks for some food.  This becomes a response of faith and obedience on her part, whereby God proceeds to bless her with an inexhaustible fountain of flour and oil.  She shows trust.  This act of kindness surely will bring even greater blessings, and so it does.

Most of the time we find ourselves in the same situation as the widow of Zarephath.  We often think that we only have enough for ourselves.  This could be true in our human world, as most of our priorities revolve around jobs, seeking wealth, entertainment, or leisure activities.  Elijah shows us a different picture.  The first thing in our lives must be faithfulness to God.  We might say, “No.  I must be busy with other things like feeding my family, educating my children, and allowing time for pleasurable activities.”  Elijah might agree with us but would probably begin the conversation by saying that those activities are fine and should be part of our lives, but first we should make our God “a little cake” and bring it to Him.

Paul’s letter to the Hebrews reminds us of the ultimate sacrifice of Christ, who gave not only from His earthly life, but also from His very being.  Christ’s offering was perfect and complete in that He did not stop at public display of duty but showed selflessness rooted in love.  This text points to the deepest part of generosity wherein heart and soul are fully committed toward service to others.

Finally, in the gospel, Jesus contrasts the conduct of the scribes with that of the poor widow who, without any show, drops two copper coins in the temple treasury.  The rich are giving out of their plenty, but this woman gives all she has for her livelihood.  Jesus sees her act as a profound witness of faith and love, not because of the amount she gives, but because of the heart with which it is given.  The poor widow received the praise of Jesus because she put in her last money, though she was poor.  As Jesus said, she gave all she had to live on.  The message of Jesus is very clear.  Every person is capable of sharing, no matter how poor or needy he or she is.

Some people give because they want something in return.  Jesus tells us today that genuine giving must be sincere.  It must come from the heart.  If we expect something in return, it is no longer considered giving, but rather a transaction.  If we think of helping a person now, while in the future expect that person to return the favor, it is not helping or giving, but rather a debt.  The real value of giving is not measured by the amount given.  If this is the case, then everyone can afford to do this.  But real giving is the generous giving of oneself, a sort of sacrifice on the part of the giver.

The readings today share a common message of sacrificial giving and trust in God.  It is a trust by which our authenticity leads to generosity.  We give, not from our surplus, but from the sincerity of our hearts.  In fact, Saint Ignatius of Loyola once said that love is shown more in deeds than in words.  Deeply inherent in today’s readings, each character shows faith and love in their actions, not merely with words.

Sacrificial giving generally runs counter to the culture of material wealth, social status, and appearance in this world.  The accumulation and guarding of resources are usually rewarded by society, while true acts of love and trust are mostly ignored.  This gospel reminds us, however, that God sees and values those acts of the heart.  The widow’s offering, indeed, had a small monetary value but was great in its spiritual value.

We are called beyond surface level generosity into the understanding of what it means to give in a way honoring God.  In financial resources, time, or love, each one of us has something we can give, even if it feels small or insignificant.  As we look at these examples of trust and selflessness, our own lives have to be considered.  Is our giving sacrificial, or do we simply give when it’s convenient?  Do we give only when it is easy, or are we willing to give when it requires faith?

Such trust and sacrificial giving are exemplified in the life of Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who is known for her service to the poorest of the poor.  Perhaps the following story about her is most fitting in reflecting on today’s gospel message. The story goes that one day, a woman came to her with a small bundle of rice, her only food for the day, and offered it to help the needy.  Mother Teresa was deeply moved, seeing in this woman’s gift the same spirit as the gospel’s widow: to give, not from her abundance, but from her very sustenance.  As Mother Teresa once said, it is not how much we give that is important, but how much love we put into giving.  Like the widow in today’s gospel, so too, this woman’s offering in material terms was trifling, but was great in faith and love.  Mother Teresa knew that it was in such little offerings of self that God’s love is most deeply revealed.  She often exhorted her sisters to give until it hurts, not because pain is the end, but because true giving often requires a willingness to go beyond what is comfortable or convenient.

As we continue to reflect today, we are called to consider our own generosity.  Are we like the wealthy in the gospel who give only what doesn’t disrupt their comfort?  Or is there courage deep within us to give in ways that require trust in God’s provision for us?  Today’s message is not only about money, but about all kinds of giving:  the giving of our time, attention, and kindness.  In this busy world, sometimes the best thing we can give is the gift of our presence.  Like the insignificant two coins of the widow, time spent comforting a friend or helping a stranger may be unimportant, but for God these are priceless.

Let us pray that we may obtain a heart similar to that of the widow, to trust, to give liberally no matter how humble our offerings may seem.  Let this example teach us that acts of love serve to display God to the world.  May the teaching of Saint Ignatius be remembered, to manifest our love by deeds rather than words.


Live What You Believe

November 3, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Faith, Father Nixon, Life, Love, Obedience, Scripture, Service

Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 3, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dt 6:2-6 / Ps 18 / Heb 7:23-28 / Mk 12:28b-34
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Brothers and sisters, our readings today show us a common theme of wholehearted love for God and neighbor. They highlight that true faith is rooted in all-encompassing love. True faith directs both our devotion to God and our relationship with our neighbors.

In the first reading, from Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the Israelites to love God completely. This love isn’t a mere feeling. It is a command to orient our lives toward God. This teaching underlines that our love for God isn’t just an aspect of our life. It is our life. When Jesus calls us to love with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, He is calling us to a love that pervades every part of our being, guiding our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others.

Moses calls Israel to love God “with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” This love is a foundational command, intended to guide the entire life of the people. It is not a selective or partial love. It is a love that integrates all aspects of one’s life, reminding us that our relationship with God demands every part of who we are.

In the second reading, from the letter to the Hebrews, we see Jesus as the perfect high priest. Unlike the priests of old, who are limited by sin and death, Jesus’ priesthood is eternal. He mediates for us not with offerings of animals but with His own life, showing us the ultimate example of love. In this sacrificial love, we glimpse the fullness of what it means to love God with all we have. Through Christ, we are given not only the command to love, but also the means to love, drawing from His example and grace.

This passage builds on this theme, showing Jesus as eternal high priest, who embodies the perfect love for God and humanity. Through His sacrifice, Jesus displays love in its fullest form, bridging the gap between God and humanity. His example demonstrates that love is willing to sacrifice for the beloved, underscoring the depth and constancy of divine love.

In the gospel, Jesus is approached by a scribe who asked, “Which commandment is the first of all?”  Jesus responds by quoting the Shema of Deuteronomy: “Hear, O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” He then adds, “The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Here, Jesus weaves together love for God and love for neighbor, teaching us that the heart of our faith is love.

Most of us create or interpret laws in a complicated and sometimes funny way. Some of these laws are as follows:

  • In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, it is against the law to sleep in a refrigerator.
  • In Gary, Indiana, you’re breaking the law if you attend a theater within four hours of eating garlic.
  • In Pocatello, Idaho, it is illegal to look unhappy.
  • If you snore loud enough to disturb your neighbors, you can spend a night or two in jail in North
  • It is illegal for chickens to cross the road in Whitman, Georgia.
  • Lastly, it is against the law in Alabama to wear a false mustache to church such that it makes people laugh.

Some of these laws likely originated as humorous exaggerations or myths that have since been debunked or repealed, while others were real but are now outdated or barely enforced.

In our gospel, Jesus simplifies and unites the Ten Commandments by declaring the two greatest commandments: to love God fully and to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Jesus highlights that authentic love for God naturally extends to others. Thus, the theme of wholehearted love is complete when it flows outward, encompassing not just our relationship with God but also our commitment to caring for others.

Reflecting on these words, we find a timeless call to deepen our love for God and for others. Bishop Fulton Sheen once said, “If you do not live what you believe, you will end up believing what you live.” This statement captures the heart of our readings today. When we live in a way that truly reflects love for God and neighbor, our faith becomes not just something we believe but something we live. It transforms us and those around us.

Jesus’ words in the gospel offer us a practical and profound way to live out this command: to love God with our whole being is to bring every aspect of our life in harmony to His will. This means that our thoughts, our words, our actions, and even our ambitions are all shaped by our desire to serve God. And the second commandment, to love our neighbor as ourselves, flows naturally from the first. We cannot claim to love God if we are indifferent to the needs of others.

Brothers and sisters, our readings call us today to begin each day by asking God to open our heart to His love. Before we can love others, we must receive love from God. Take time to pray. Read the scriptures in order for us to encounter God’s love, allowing it to shape your heart and actions. Let our love for Him flow into every aspect of our lives: relationships, work, and even leisure. As Bishop Sheen implied, when we let faith influence our actions, we are actively living what we believe.

In every encounter, let us remind ourselves that each person we meet bears God’s image. This may be especially challenging with difficult relationships, but Jesus calls us to a love that goes beyond convenience and comfort. Look for ways to serve. Listen and care for others as you would want others to care for you.

Let us also integrate love into our actions. Love is more than words. It is shown in what we do. This can be as simple as offering a kind word or lending a helping hand. It can also mean dedicating time to those in need; offering compassion to the suffering; listening to the lonely; or praying for those who are struggling.

The scribe’s response in today’s gospel reminds us that understanding God’s commandments is only part of the journey. Living them is the goal. Jesus commends him, saying, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” For us, too, the kingdom is close whenever we choose to love, whenever we respond with a yes to God’s call, both in our devotion to Him and in our care for our neighbors.

Our readings this Sunday remind us that love is the essence of faith. A love that involves the entirety of one’s heart, mind, and actions, transforming our relationship with God and the way we treat others. As we go forth, may we not only believe in the love of God but live it fully, becoming living witnesses to the greatest commandments, and in doing so, draw closer to God and His kingdom.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


Bartimaeus Begins to See and Follows Jesus

October 27, 2024 |by N W | 1 Comments | Deacon Mark, Evangelization, Family, Holy Spirit, Life, Mission, Wisdom

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jer 31:7-9 / Ps 126 / Heb 5:1-6 / Mk 10:46-52
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Today I will continue to preach on the theme of evangelization in accord with the third year of the Eucharistic Revival, which is focused on mission. And since part of our mission is to vote in harmony with our Heavenly Father’s will and purpose, I will take some time to look at the upcoming elections through God’s eyes.

In today’s gospel, “Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him.’” (Mk 10:49) Jesus is ever on the move, but He stops when someone calls out to Him in humility: “Have pity on me.”  He also commands us to bring those people to Him: “Call him.”  Is Jesus commanding you to call someone to Him? If so, will you “spring up” and follow Jesus that way?

Your answer to these questions has much to do with whether or not you are aware of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you received at your baptism and to the degree that you have intentionally opened the Holy Spirit’s gifts that were given to you in Confirmation. Let’s start with the gift of Knowledge.

The gift of Knowledge is to truly know God. Jeremiah reveals God’s heart to us in today’s first reading. God speaks tenderly to His people, whose country has fallen into ruin. “I will gather them from the ends of the world…They departed in tears, but I will console them…I will lead them to brooks of water, on a level road… (and those astonishing words) for I am a father.” (Jer 31:8-9) As Chris Tomlin’s song says, “You’re a good, good Father. It’s who You are.”  Knowing this is true and remains true even when we have messed up terribly, enables us to emulate Bartimaeus, to hear Jesus’ call and to spring up and follow Him when we do.

Two other gifts of the Holy Spirit can be seen in Psalm 126, Wisdom and Fortitude. Psalm 126 speaks of God’s people, “Although they go forth weeping, carrying the seed to be sown, they shall come back rejoicing.” (Ps 126:8) Through the Holy Spirit, we can persevere through difficulties, tiredness, and fears that can bring us to tears. This is Fortitude.

Fortitude enables us, in trying situations, to hang in there, so that we can use the gift of Wisdom. Wisdom helps us to see others as God the Father sees them. We see this playing out in the gospel. Jesus told his followers to call Bartimaeus. But they were only able to do so, because Jesus removed their blindness first, so that they could see Bartimaeus as God does, not as an annoying blind beggar on the side of the road, but (gift of Wisdom) as a beloved child. And because they evangelized as Jesus commanded, God opened Bartimaeus’s eyes, and he began to follow Jesus too.  In the Spirit, we sow the seed of the good news of the gospel. And when those people who hear us, like Bartimaeus, join our faith family here, that is a great day! This Psalm shows the hope of us as evangelists, carrying God’s Word to a hurting and lost world.

When evangelizing, as Jesus commanded his followers to do in the gospel saying, “Call him,” we should combine the Spirit’s gifts of Wisdom and Understanding. Understanding helps us to share the Faith’s truths with confidence and humility. The reading from Hebrews says, “He is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring, for he himself is beset by weakness…No one takes this honor upon himself but only when called by God.” (Heb 5:2) This is not written only for deacons, priests, and bishops, but for all the baptized.

The gospel too speaks of being called. Mary Healy describes chapter 10 of Mark’s gospel as being “all about Jesus opening the eyes of His disciples to His messianic mission and their call to follow Him.” (Healy 210) Bartimaeus shows us how to hear Jesus’ call in five steps:

1) Hang out where Jesus will be (Mass & Bible).

2) Call out to Him with humility as a beggar (Prayer).

3) Seek the help of His followers (Parishioners).

4) Repent and let Him change you (Confession & Eucharist).

5) Spring up and follow Him (Care for those in need and call them to Jesus…words are necessary).

The purpose of our Catholic faith is mission: a mission to evangelize, empowered by the Holy Spirit. He has given the baptized and confirmed seven gifts that enable us to share our faith effectively. (Is 11:1-2) However, for us to effectively evangelize inside and outside these walls, we must be free, which brings me to the upcoming elections.

They are important, because our freedom to follow our God-given conscience is being eroded (Little Sisters of the Poor vs. State of New York). I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but I am going to speak from the wisdom and heart of the Church, so that our votes are informed by our conscience, where the Holy Spirit speaks to us.

It is said that we should not vote on a single issue. Using the Holy Spirit’s gift of Understanding, which enables us to see through falsehoods, I would call that a false teaching. Here is one way to think about it. If a doctor discovers you have cancer, does that doctor dilute their treatment of it so that they can also focus on your bunions and allergies? No. They focus everything on that cancer, because they know it can spread and damage organs and bones and eventually bring death. So too, there is a single issue that spreads like cancer in our society. It is secular humanism.

Secular humanism is a deadly belief that we can solve all our problems, that there is no God, that we are accidents of evolution. This means there is no absolute moral standard and that human beings are not made for an amazing purpose by a loving God. Laws have been passed, are being passed, and are being proposed that impose this falsehood on our society.

Within secular humanism, humans, like gods, decide who lives and who dies…when people are too weak to defend themselves. The list of these defenseless people includes babies, prisoners, the elderly, the sick, and the despairing. These unjust laws communicate that human life is not sacred, that people are tools to be used as long as they are productive and can give us what we want, and that some people cannot be redeemed from the wrongs they have committed.

This secular-humanistic belief spreads from legalizing the taking of human life to other parts of society like cancer spreads to other organs and the bones. Secular humanists say, “If we can take human life like God, then we, like God, can define marriage. It can be between two men or two women.”  They are blind to how all of creation cries out that is false.

Marriage is to society what bones are to the human body. It gives society a foundation upon which communities grow strong and thrive. In marriage between one man and one woman, society becomes life giving (children), and within a family people learn to serve out of love for one another.

When secular humanists define marriage as being two people of the same sex, they open the door to redefining what a man or woman is. They say to themselves, “If we can define marriage to be between two people of the same sex, then why not choose our sex?” Thus, this cancerous belief spreads through laws that support this choice. Maybe no other choice more explicitly declares that God does not exist, and that if He does, He makes mistakes. And, not only can a person choose their sex, but they can punish those who follow their God-given conscience and refuse to recognize and celebrate that lie. Again, all of creation cries out that the ability to choose your sex is a false teaching.

Our votes need to support those who will best protect the truth that God is God, and we are not, that He alone decides when a person’s life is over, that He alone decides if we are male or female, that He alone defines marriage, and that He defined it as between one man and one woman.  We see these truths throughout creation. We do not need a bible to know they are true. (Rom 1:20)

We can kind of sum this up like this: God is a good, good Father. And His children vote for life not death, for fruitful love not sterility, and for the wonderful gift of our manhood and womanhood, not confusion and despair.

You see, cancerous beliefs like secular humanism are not the only thing that spreads. Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. (Rom 5:20) Love, life, and truth spread so much more effectively than falsehoods, for all people are made for Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6) So be bold in hope and share your faith and vote for the truth. We were made by God and for God, and it is only in our relationship with Him that we find true joy and peace. Amen.



  1. Mary Healy STD. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Gospel of Mark. Baker Academic 2008.




Small Things With Great Love

October 20, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Father Nixon, Humility, Love, Service

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 20, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Is 53:10-11 / Ps 33 / Heb 4:14-16 / Mk 10:35-45 
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

The readings for this Sunday, the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, show us a common theme of sacrificial service and humility as the path to true greatness.  The readings together point to the idea that true greatness and leadership in God’s eyes are marked by humility, compassion, and willingness to sacrifice for the good of others.  The past few Sundays’ gospel readings from Mark and our reflections have gradually developed a consistent theme:  discipleship, humility, and the course of following Jesus.

When you watch a TV series, before the start of the show, you will see a brief recap of the previous episodes.  So, allow me to give you a brief recap of the recent Sundays, and how they connect to this Sunday.

On the 27th Sunday, Jesus spoke about the sanctity of marriage and welcomed children, emphasizing the need for humility and dependence on God, like a child.  The readings highlighted humility, particularly in terms of recognizing our need for God and others, the openness and trust seen in children, and the servant-hearted attitude that Jesus speaks about this Sunday.

On the 28th Sunday, Jesus encounters the rich young man and teaches about the challenges of wealth in following Him, saying, “Go.  Sell what you have and give to the poor.”  The focus is on detachment and radical discipleship, putting God first above all possessions.  The theme of detachment continues, as Jesus calls His disciples to detach themselves from the culture of royalty and fame.

Today, the theme culminates in Jesus’ teaching on servant leadership.  The disciples, particularly James and John, are still thinking in terms of worldly power and honor.  Jesus redirects them to understand that His mission and kingdom are based on humility and self-giving love.

Over the past few weeks, Jesus has been preparing His disciples to embrace a life of humility and service, warning them against attachments to wealth, status, or power.  Today’s teaching makes this call really clear and definite.  True greatness in the kingdom is found in becoming a servant, even to the point of sacrifice.

In today’s gospel, we witness an audacious request from the apostles, James and John.  They ask Jesus for positions of honor in His glory.  They want to be seated at His right and left, envisioning power and prominence in a kingdom they imagine Jesus will soon come to reign.  The request shows their misunderstanding of what Jesus is about to accomplish.  They are still thinking in worldly terms of greatness and power, while Jesus is about to demonstrate that His kingdom operates on an entirely different foundation:  self-sacrifice and service.

Jesus responds to the request with a profound lesson: “Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.  Whoever wishes to be first among you will be the slave of all.”  (Mark 10: 43-44) This teaching flips our understanding of greatness upside down.  Instead of power and control, Jesus tells us that true greatness is found in humility and in serving others.

This message is reinforced by our first reading, from the prophet Isaiah, which speaks of the suffering servant, who, through his suffering and offering his life, brings healing and salvation to many.  “By suffering, My servant shall justify many.”  (Isaiah 53:11) Jesus embodies this prophecy. He is the suffering servant who gives his life as a ransom for many, showing us that love reaches its fullest expression in sacrifice.

Our second reading reminds us of the compassionate nature of Jesus as our high priest.  “We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has similarly been tested in every way.”  (Hebrews 4:15) Jesus is not distant or aloof from our human condition.  He knows our struggles and our sufferings because He has experienced them Himself.  He knows the cost of service and the pain of sacrifice.

I’d like to quote what Mother Teresa said, which perfectly captures this spirit of humble service and love.  “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”

In our lives, we may not be called to the kind of great sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross, but we are called to serve in small ways with love and humility.  It is in these small acts of kindness:  listening to someone in pain, comforting a friend, caring for the needy, that we participate in Christ’s mission of love.

The apostles wanted greatness, but Jesus shows them that greatness is not about status or recognition.  It is about serving others without counting the cost.  This call to service is not limited to extraordinary moments or grand gestures; it is lived out in the everyday moments of our lives, when we choose to put others before ourselves, when we act with compassion, and when we seek to love as Christ has loved us.

So, the question for us today is:  How can we live out this call to service in our own lives?  First, we must remember that Jesus calls us to humility.  This means recognizing that we are not above anyone, whether it is your family, friends, or strangers.  We are called to serve them, as Jesus serves.  We can begin by asking ourselves:  How can I serve the people around me?  What small acts of kindness can I offer today?

Second, we can imitate Jesus in His compassion.  As the letter to the Hebrews tells us, Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses, because He understands them.  In our interactions with others, we should strive to be compassionate and understanding, recognizing that everyone is carrying their own burdens.  Compassion begins by listening and by being present to those who are suffering or in need.

Lastly, let us humbly embrace the opportunities to sacrifice.  Sacrifice doesn’t always mean giving up something big.  It often means putting aside our own desires for the sake of others.  It means being patient when it is difficult, forgiving when it’s painful, and loving when it’s inconvenient.  In a world that celebrates individualism and self-promotion, Jesus invites us to embrace a different kind of greatness, one that is grounded in love, service, and humility.  As we go forth today, may we take to heart His words: “The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”  (Mark 10:45) Let us live this call in our lives, doing small things with great love, knowing that in God’s eyes, they are truly great things.



True Wealth

October 13, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Charity, Discipleship, Eternal Life, Father Nixon, Scripture, Wisdom

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 13, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Wis 7:7-11 / Ps 90 / Heb 4:12-13 / Mk 17-30
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today’s readings invite us to reflect on the deep and challenging call to follow Christ, especially when it comes to the things we value most in life.

We begin with the first reading, from the book of Wisdom, where King Solomon prays for wisdom.  He says, “I prayed, and prudence was given me.  I pleaded and the spirit of wisdom came to me.  I preferred her to scepter and throne.” (Wis 7:7-8)

Solomon, though a king with great wealth, acknowledges that true wisdom is far more valuable than gold or riches.  It is wisdom that leads us to God and guides our decisions toward the ultimate good.

The second reading, from Paul’s letter to the Hebrews, also emphasizes the power of God’s word: “Indeed, the word of God is living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12) God’s word penetrates our hearts, revealing our deepest desires, intentions, and motivations.  It uncovers what is truly important and what might be holding us back from fully embracing the Gospel.  It is a call to introspection and transformation.

In today’s gospel from Mark, we encounter the story of the rich young man who approaches Jesus and asks, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mk 10:17) Jesus responds by listing the commandments, but the young man, who has kept these from his youth, still senses that something is lacking.  Jesus tells him, “Go. Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.  Then come follow Me.”  (Mk 10:21) This invitation is too difficult for the young man, who leaves in sorrow because he had many possessions.

This gospel challenges us to ask ourselves, what do we truly value in life?  Are there things, relationships, or ambitions that we are holding onto more tightly than our relationship with Christ?  Jesus’ invitation to the rich young man is not about condemning wealth or success, but about removing whatever obstacle that prevents us from fully following Him.  For some, it might be wealth, but for others, it might be pride, ambition, or even fear of change.

Pope Francis, in his Apostolic Exhortation, “Evangelii Gaudium,” speaks to this directly: “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus…a joy ever new, a joy which is shared.”  The young man in the gospel did not experience this joy because his heart was weighed down by his possessions.  Pope Francis reminds us that true joy, lasting joy, comes only when we are willing to let go of our attachments and follow Jesus with a free and open heart.

An Argentinian entrepreneur, Enrique Shaw, who is on the path to sainthood, exemplifies how one can balance wealth with a deep commitment to faith and social responsibility.  Shaw was a successful businessman, but he did not let his prosperity distance him from the needs of his workers or his faith.  He founded a Christian workers association promoting fair wages and showed he cared deeply for the wellbeing of his employees.  During a financial crisis, instead of laying off his workers, he found ways to keep them employed, showing that his wealth was a means to serve others rather than serving himself.

Shaw’s life echoes the message of the gospel.  True wealth is found in following Christ and using what we have to serve others.  Like the rich young man, we are invited to examine our attachment to material things and ask whether we can let them go to follow Christ more fully.  Unlike the young man, Shaw shows us that it is possible to live generously, using our resources to reflect God’s love in the world.

In both the gospel and Shaw’s example, we see that it is not the possession of wealth, but how we use it and what we prioritize, that defines our discipleship.  Jesus calls us to place our trust, not in earthly treasures, but in the promise of eternal life.

Our readings today first remind us that we must seek wisdom like Solomon.  We should pray for the wisdom to discern what is truly important in our lives.  In a world that constantly pushes us toward material success and fleeting pleasures, we need wisdom to choose what is eternal, to value relationships over riches, and to seek God’s will above all else.

Second, we need to examine our attachments.  Are there things that we hold dear that might be hindering our relationship with God?  This could be our career, our possessions, our status, or even our comfort zones.  Jesus challenges us, like the rich young man, to let go of whatever prevents us from fully embracing the Gospel.

Furthermore, we are called to share our blessings.  Jesus’ invitation to give to the poor is a reminder that the blessings we have received are not meant to be hoarded but shared.  Whether it is material wealth, time, or talents, we are called to be generous and to use what we have to serve others, especially the poor and marginalized.

Finally, we must respond with joy.  The joy of the Gospel is something we are called to live and share.  When we place our trust in God and follow Christ, we experience a deep and lasting joy that no material possession can provide.  It is the joy of knowing that we are loved by God and that we are living out His plan for our lives.

Saint Padre Pio said, “In our spiritual life, he who does not advance goes backward.  It happens, as with a boat, which always must go ahead.  If it stands still, the wind will blow it back.”  This statement powerfully complements the message from today’s readings, emphasizing the necessity of continual growth in our relationship with God.  When we remain stagnant in our faith, we avoid that necessary challenge.  The rich young man was living a comfortable faith, but Jesus called him to something deeper.  Padre Pio’s words remind us that there is no neutral ground in our spiritual life.  We are either progressing toward God or being pushed backward by the forces of complacency, fear, and attachment.

In our lives, this means daily striving to deepen our relationship with Christ, continuously letting go of whatever holds us back and trusting in God’s wisdom to guide us forward.  If we do not advance, the spiritual whims of destruction, temptation, or worldly attachments will slowly pull us away from the path to eternal life.  Just as a boat must constantly move against the current, so too, must we always seek to grow closer to God.

As we reflect on today’s readings, let us ask for the grace to seek true wisdom, to examine our attachments, to be generous with our blessings, and to follow Christ with joyful hearts.  May we, unlike the rich young man, accept the Lord’s invitation with faith and courage, trusting that the treasure He offers us in heaven is far greater than anything this world can give.


Invite God Into Your Relationships

October 6, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Family, Father Nixon, Love, Sacraments, Uncategorized, Wedding

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 6, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Gn 2:18-24 / Ps 128 / Heb 2:9-11 / Mk 10:2-16
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today’s readings show us a common theme, which is the sanctity and unity of marriage rooted in God’s divine plan for humanity.  They also highlight the importance of relationships, God’s original plan for marriage, particularly the covenant of marriage, and how God is central to forming and sustaining those bonds.

The first reading, from the book of Genesis, helps to recall the main idea that marriage is the creation of God.  When God was forming man, He said, “It is not good for man to be alone.”  So, He made a woman to be with him and join him.  This is not an affiliation or mutual understanding between individuals.  It is a sacred covenant, established by God Himself.  Marital affection is supposed to resemble the love of God toward humanity:  loyal, productive, and eternal.

Today we have a culture that does not sanctify marriage and often questions its indissolubility.  The divorce rates are high, and the culture is learning to shift towards the thought of marriage as something that can be undone if it becomes uncomfortable.  This is far from what Jesus expects from all of us.  Jesus calls us to a higher standard.  He reminds us that marriage is a reflection of God’s covenant, which is unbreakable.

Venerable Fulton Sheen, in his wisdom once said, “It takes three to make love, not two:  you, your spouse, and God. Without God, people only succeed in bringing out the worst in one another.  Lovers with nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else.  Without a central loyalty, life is unfinished.”

Sheen’s statement is a powerful reminder that true love is not just a bond between two people, but a bond that includes God.  When we place God in the center of our lives and in the center of our marriage, He sustains it, nurtures it, and strengthens it.  If God is absent, however, marriage becomes fragile and can easily fracture under the pressures of life.  As Sheen points out, without God the relationship becomes empty, and people begin to bring out the worst in each other rather than the best.

This is why it is so essential for couples to keep God at the center of their lives, not just at the wedding ceremony, but throughout their marriage.   Praying together, seeking God’s guidance, and entrusting the relationship to His care, make all the difference.  The sacrament of marriage is not just about romantic love, but about a shared mission to reflect God’s love to each other and to the world.

In the second reading, we hear that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels and became like us in all things, suffered with us and triumphed over death to bring us salvation.  The best form of love is when one is willing to give himself over to protecting, providing, and caring for another person.  That is Jesus’ act of self-giving on behalf of humanity.  Marriage, also, requires such a love:  the love that is self-giving, the love which seeks the good of the other.  This is the love required from us in regard to our marriages, families, and friendships.  It is a love that follows the example of Christ, the greatest love that was ever demonstrated.

In order to understand the relationship between marriage and divorce, Jesus talks about it in today’s gospel.  Pharisees approach Jesus to test Him, by asking what He says about the matter of divorce between a man and his wife.  Jesus, however, does not just answer the question on the surface.  Instead, He drills down to the fundamentals, to the basic plan of creation, to the institution of marriage.

He says, “From the beginning of creation, God made them male and female.  The two shall become one flesh.  Hence, they are no more two, but one and the same.  What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate” (Mk 10:6-9).  This teaching may not be easy to comprehend in the world we live in now that presents relationships based on conditions that are temporary.  Still, Jesus invites us to look at marriage with faith, as a joining in God’s creative act.  In marriage, two people merge into one, and therefore reflect unity, vowed commitment, and reciprocal self-giving.

Just as God loved us first with an unconditional, full, and lifelong love, so too is marriage intended to be an unswerving love.  But Jesus doesn’t stop with the ideal.  He acknowledges human weakness and the brokenness that can enter into relationships.  The law of Moses allowed for divorce because of the hardness of hearts, but Jesus invites us to a higher calling, one rooted in forgiveness, patience, and the healing grace of God.

We are reminded that, while God’s design for marriage is beautiful, living it requires grace.  It is not easy, but with God’s help, married couples can live their vocation with joy and fidelity, even in the face of difficulties.

After this challenging discourse, the gospel takes on a new subject, which is children.  Jesus says, “Let the little children come to Me.  Do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs” (Mark 10:14).  This passage is a word of comfort to those who have childlike faith, faith being that which is simple and innocent, without doubt.  The combination of marriage and children in this gospel is not accidental.  It serves as a reminder that the values of humility, trust, and innocence are essential in all relationships.  Like the child who needs the parents, we too, are called to go to God to offer our struggles, our brokenness, and our hopes.

Let us remember, whether we are married or not, that we are called to live out the same principles of love and self-sacrifice in our relationships.  We must continually invite God into our relationships.  Take time to pray together as a couple or as a family, asking for His grace and guidance.

For those who are married, today’s gospel is a call to reflect on the gift of your marriage.  Are you nurturing the love and unity between you and your spouse?  How can you invite Christ into the heart of your relationship to strengthen and sustain it?

For those who are not married, this is an opportunity to consider how you are living out your relationships with your family, friends, and community.  Do you approach them with the faithfulness and love that Jesus calls us to?

Finally, the image of a child is a reminder to all of us to approach God with humility and trust, recognizing that in Him we can find the strength to live out the radical call to love in both marriage and all other aspects of life.  Let us pray for the grace to model our lives on Christ’s example of love, faithfulness, and mercy, in marriage and every other relationship we hold dear.  May we always remain like children before God, open to His will and eager to receive His blessing.


Bestow Your Spirit

September 29, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Forgiveness, Grace, Guest Celebrants, Healing

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 29, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Nm 11:25-29 / Ps 19 / Jas 5:1-6 / Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48
by Rev. David Stanfill, Guest Celebrant

In the first reading from the Book of Numbers, Moses says, “Would that all the people of the Lord were prophets, would that the Lord might bestow His spirit on all of them.”  And then Jesus says something very similar: “There’s no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time think ill of me, for whoever is not against us, is for us.”

I love what Moses said to the young man who was scandalized that the two stray men receive the Holy Spirit, but not in the planned way, and I love that Jesus says the same response when he tells His disciples, because they are upset that someone else who isn’t a regular follower was driving out demons in Jesus’ name.

God’s grace, God’s many gifts don’t always come in the pathways that we expect. It is an unfortunately natural jealous reaction in us that resents that someone isn’t a follower of Jesus the right way, and we’ve missed the great presence of the Lord working in that person, through that person, because it isn’t happening the approved way, the way that we think it should be.

Think about the current conflicts and controversies in the government, even in the Church concerning Pope Francis, and how he’s proclaiming the Gospel and the Church teachings in a different way than other popes or Church leaders have in the past. Because conservative Church leaders or conservative radio hosts don’t hear Francis standing up strongly for the issues or doctrines that they feel are most important, they say things to weaken the message that’s being given, they criticize.

And it’s easy to criticize, it’s easy to jump to conclusions, it’s easy to favor our own way of thinking.   Sometimes, if a person doesn’t like if you’re not from their team, their club, their fraternity, their political party, their theological direction, nothing you say will be good enough to please them. If we get in our mind that a person doesn’t like us, then we can interpret anything that they say as insulting or confrontational, even if what they’re saying is true.

I remember having some hard feelings towards my father when I was a teenager. He was always on me about my hair or other things too.  You wouldn’t think about it now to see me, but at one time, I had a really thick head of hair and wore it unkempt and long all the time.  He did not like that. My father came from a military family, you see, and he thought any head of hair that could hold a part was way too long. Finally, at my mother’s urging, to keep the peace, I went to the barber myself and I got a haircut that I thought was better, but probably still borderline.   So, I get home from the barbershop and my father takes one look at me and says, “Hey, nice haircut.”  And before his words registered in my brain, I jumped right back at him angrily and I said, “What do you mean by that?  You never like my hair!  Why can’t you just give me a break?”  He was giving me a compliment, and I took it as an insult. Selective hearing can get us into a lot of trouble, for sure.

People can too often easily condemn others, whether they are bad sinners or just people who don’t seem to be following the rules.  Jesus sees the presence of the Spirit where we do not sometimes. Thank goodness for that. Jesus is always looking for the good in us and in everyone.  So, we can be encouraged to look more deeply for the effects of the Spirit’s working, rather than in the externals.  Each of us can look for ways to do this.

In our reading from St. James, it’s quite concrete.  Several weeks ago, he challenged us to notice whether we treat wealthy visitors better than poor ones.  The next week, he reminded us of the importance of good works in the form of care for others as a sign of our true faith.  Then last week, he warned us about the results of jealousy and selfish ambition, as well as the divisive passions that are within us.  This week, he reminds us that wealth is corrosive and it will devour our flesh like a fire.  And he powerfully points out to us that our injustices towards others are crying aloud.

Jesus offers us a remedy from the things that take us in such dangerous, destructive, and sinful directions.  He tells us to cut it off, to separate ourselves from what is the source of our self-defeat.  The easiest way to begin that journey is for us to recognize the problem.   Why am I so judgmental? Why do I always seek to have more, to look better than others? Why do justice or care for those on the margins come to me with such difficulty?  What causes me to sin?

From there, we can ask for forgiveness in healing, and asking for healing can lead us to identify what instincts and practices and habits that I can change, what I should cut off from my life.   Change is difficult, that’s for sure. We only change something in our life, which has become habitual or addictive when we arrive at a deeper desire for something else, something better. Otherwise, it’s just so easy to deny that we even have a problem, even when we know we aren’t happy.  When we experience God’s love and mercy filling our hearts with gratitude, then we can want to be closer to the one who loves us.   Being closer to Jesus leads us to want to be more like Him.   Gradually, over time, His love heals our wounds, changes us, and it helps us to make our heart like His.   Let’s bow our heads now and pray for that right now.

Dear Lord, fill our hearts with Your love and then open our hearts to love the way that You love. Open our hearts to those who are different from us, difficult for us, to those who have hurt us in the past. Let us see, or at least believe, that Your own spirit is with them, in them somehow.   Let us believe there is a path to You from every human heart, even the most sinful, those who are most insecure and difficult. Transform us, O Lord, and help us become instruments of Your justice, real advocates for those in need. We ask this, trusting in Your spirit’s work within each of us.  Amen.


Change the World by Being the Servant of All

September 22, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Deacon Mark, Eucharist, Love, Obedience, Service

Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 22, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Wis 2:12, 17-20 / Ps 54 / Jas 3:16-4:3 / Mk 9:30-37
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

If you want to see a total mental meltdown, tell a toddler, “No.”  YouTube is full of entertaining toddler tantrums. Where do they learn that behavior? Parents do not train them to do that. Truth is, we are all born that way. King David, in Psalm 51, wrote, “I was born guilty, a sinner when my mother conceived me.” (Ps 51:5) You could say he is speaking of original sin. And no, I know toddlers cannot sin, for they are not at the age of reason. This is just an analogy. However, for those who are not baptized and not raised to know and love God and neighbor, the toddler tantrum syndrome continues into adulthood.

In the first reading, you see what I am talking about. “The wicked say: Let us beset the just one, because he is obnoxious to us; he sets himself against our doings.” (Wis 2:12) Adults do not like being told “no” any more than a toddler does. How many have left the Catholic Church because she binds and loosens in accordance with Jesus’ commands and with His authority? Many have left the Church because she says no to any marriage that is not between one man and one woman. Many others have left because of the Church saying no to divorce, to contraception and abortion, or even to capital punishment. To those people, the Catholic Church and her faithful children are “obnoxious.”

Just like those people in the first reading, those who view the Church as obnoxious, want to put us to the test. The LA Dodgers organization and Paris Olympic committee put us to the test, using cross-dressing men to belittle our consecrated religious sisters, the apostles, and Jesus, the Son of God, who died that they may be saved and that the poor may be given the good news. How can you not love Jesus?!

Today’s psalm shows us how to respond, “…haughty men have risen up against [us]…they set not God before their eyes. Behold, God is my helper…Freely will I offer You sacrifice; I will praise your name, O Lord, for its goodness.” (Ps 54:3,6) This is the Mass! We keep going to Mass to offer up the perfect sacrifice in a sacrament of thanksgiving, lifting our voices in praise by singing with the choir. The Mass inoculates us against the madness outside these walls.  It heals our minds and hearts and helps us reset, emptying ourselves of resentment and anger towards “those who test us,” so that our Lord can fill us with His compassion and love.

In the second reading, the apostle James describes people behaving badly and helps us understand why. He writes, “Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” (Jas 3:16) He asks: “Where do wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members?” (Jas 4:1) Then he tells them what they do not want to hear. “You ask [God] for [things] but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions.” (Jas 4:3) No doubt, James’s words are obnoxious to many, maybe even to us in our low moments.

This brings us to the gospel, where Jesus, as always, shows us the way out of our mess. He coyly asks a question that He already knows the answer to. “What were you arguing about on the way?” (Mk 9:33) The apostles remain silent, and it is not hard to imagine them staring at their feet, too embarrassed to tell the Lord that they had been talking about who was the greatest.  Their egos are an example of one of the passions James said are at war inside our hearts and minds.

This is something to stop and ponder! If we, who like the Twelve, walk with Jesus in our life, still fall to our passions on occasion, then surely those who do not walk with Jesus are absolutely enslaved by theirs. If you cannot say no to your passions, then you are bound and must obey a cruel master.

Jesus sits down (the typical posture of a teacher back then), calls the Twelve to Him, and says to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” (Mk 9:35 / Healy 185) To drive home the point, He puts His arms around a child.

The meaning of this action is better understood if we understand the original language and historical context. In Aramaic and Greek, the word for child can also mean servant. Children back then were “nonpersons who had no legal rights.” (Healy 186) Jesus was doing more than showing affection for the child. Dr. Mary Healy, a leading Catholic biblical scholar said, “He was teaching His disciples to have a whole new esteem for and responsibility toward those who seem the most helpless and inconsequential.” (Healy 186)

Regarding this lowly child, Jesus says, “Whoever receives one child such as this in My name, receives Me.” (Mk 9:37) Mary Healy opens up the astounding meaning of Jesus’ words. She wrote, “To receive a little one is to accept, lovingly serve, and care for those who most need it and cannot repay it. To receive “in Jesus’ name” is to welcome such a person for the sake of Jesus…This implies that Jesus identifies with those who are most insignificant in the eyes of the world – so much so that He Himself is mysteriously present wherever they are welcomed.”  (Healy 186) Our active love for those in need, in response to Jesus’ grace, neutralizes those destructive passions James warns us about, both our personal passions and the passions that are out of control in some of those we serve.

So how do we engage those who see us as obnoxious, because we love and follow Jesus? Here are three steps that flow from today’s readings. And they are in proper order.

  • Displace your own passions with Jesus’ grace, by going to Him in Confession and the Eucharist regularly.
  • At peace in Jesus’ grace, “accept, lovingly serve, and care for those who most need it and cannot repay it.” This begins at home with our spouse and children. If you think, “Wait a minute, my spouse can repay me.” True, but not when they are holding a grudge, or are overwhelmed by emotion, or are very sick.
  • Regular Confession, Eucharist, and care for our families cycles up Jesus’ grace within us, which enables us to then care for those outside the walls of our church and homes.

How do these three steps bring those who see us as obnoxious into the family of God?  Those three steps, brothers and sisters, are how the Catholic Church flourished under the persecution of pagan Rome and eventually displaced paganism with Christianity. Those pagans thought Christians were obnoxious because their very way of living made pagans feel guilty. Nevertheless, they were in time brought into the Church family by the Good News of the Gospel.

The good news is love, and love conquerors all, even death. This is the “wisdom from above” that James spoke of. He said this wisdom is “first of all pure.” (Jas 3:17).” What is pure and from above? Love is pure and from above; thus, Matthew wrote, “Blessed are the pure of heart, for they shall see God,” who is above. (Mt 5: 8)

Here is a closing analogy to sum this up. When, in purity of heart, a parent gives a toddler what it is often crying for, their loving attention, they fill its emotional fuel tank, and the toddler becomes peaceful (Dr. Campbell). So too, when we lovingly care for those in society who are most in need, it is seen by those testing us with toddler-like tantrums. And they are attracted to this pure love, for in it, they see what they truly seek in their fruitless, angry, and exhausting pursuit of their passions. They see the peaceful presence of Jesus, who is Love.

Remember these things when Father gives us the final blessing, and I tell you to, “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Amen.



  1. Ross Campbell. How to Really Love Your Child. David C Cook, April 1, 2015.
  2. Mary Healy STD. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Gospel of Mark. Baker Academic 2008.