Live Worry Free

February 26, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Live Worry Free | Comfort, Courage, Father Salvador, Hope, Service, Strength, Trust

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 26, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Is 49:14-15 / Ps 62 / 1 Cor 4:1-5 / Mt 6:24-34
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A story is told about two business executives who met for lunch, and Gene asked Ed, “How’s your health?”   

Ed replied, “I feel great!  My ulcers are gone; I feel really great!”    (more…)


Chasing Happiness?

January 29, 2017 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Chasing Happiness? | Discipleship, Faith, Father Salvador, Grace, Homilies, Hope, Joy, Ordinary Time, St. Matthew

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 29, 2017 – Year A

Readings: Zep 2:3, 3:12-13 / Psalm 146 / 1 Cor 1:26-31 / Mt 5:1-12a
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

We all know that everybody wants to be happy. The courses on the science of happiness are becoming more and more popular in colleges and universities when, not too long ago, they were not even part of the curriculum. The song entitled “Happy” by Pharrell Williams was number one on the billboard charts for many weeks. It was downloaded more than a million times, and was used in music videos and animations. All these are confirmations of the fact that happiness is indeed a basic human desire. (more…)


Light in Darkness

January 22, 2017 |by N W | Comments Off on Light in Darkness | Comfort, Faith, Father Salvador, Hope, Light, St. Matthew, Strength

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 22, 2017 – Year A
Readings: Is 8:23-9:3 / Ps 27 / 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17 / Mt 4:12-23
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Today is once again the first day of the rest of our lives. Not only our life here on earth, but our lives that will never end.   (more…)


Rewards of Waiting Patiently

December 11, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on Rewards of Waiting Patiently | Advent, Christmas, Eternal Life, Father Salvador, Hope, Trust |

Third Sunday of Advent
December 11, 2016 – Year A
Readings: Is 35:1-6A, 10 / Ps 146 / Jas 5:7-10 / Mt 11:2-11
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor 

One of the priests in the diocese of Columbus, Ohio, by the name of Father Joshua Wagner, once told a story that as a young boy he really wanted a Transformer action figure for Christmas. His parents had a rule that the children couldn’t get out of bed until 5:00 a.m. to wake them up and open gifts on Christmas morning. But at that time he couldn’t stand it, so at 4:00 a.m., he snuck down to have a look at the Christmas tree surrounded with presents. (more…)


The Resurrection of the Body

November 6, 2016 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on The Resurrection of the Body | Deacon Eddie, Eternal Life, Eucharist, Faith, Heaven, Homilies, Hope, Ordinary Time, Resurrection, St. Luke

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 6, 2016 – Year C

Readings: 2 Mc 7:1-2, 9-14 / Psalm 17 / 2 Thes 2:16-3:5 / Lk 20:27-38
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

In case you haven’t noticed, the year is coming to an end. While 2016 is indeed coming to an end, our church year ends before then. The liturgical year will end at the completion of the second period of Ordinary Time, and a new liturgical year will begin with the first Sunday of Advent. Additionally, the year is broken up into seasons and there is a 3 year cycle of readings – A, B and C. In 2016 we have been reading from cycle C which focuses on the Gospel of Luke. When we begin the next year we will read cycle A, which focuses on Matthew. (more…)


Saving the Lost

October 30, 2016 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Saving the Lost | Eucharist, Faith, Father Salvador, Grace, Homilies, Hope, Humility, Joy, Ordinary Time, St. Luke, Trust

31st Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 30, 2016 – Year C

Readings: Wis 11:22-12:2 / Psalm 145 / 2 Thes 1:11-2:2 / Lk 19:1-10
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Each and every one of us, who is old enough to have a life history, must have experienced being lost sometime in the past, either literally or figuratively. On a dark, winter night a few years ago, I was on my way to attend the priest gathering at the rectory of Fr. Dan Kelly in Nelson County. (more…)


Prayer Power

October 16, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on Prayer Power | Blessings, Father Salvador, Healing, Hope, Prayer, Saints, Trust

Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 16, 2016 – Year C
Readings: Ex 17:8-13 / Ps 121 / 2 Tm 3:14-4:2 / Lk 18:1-8
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Many years ago, a young Catholic lady got married to a man who not only was a pagan, but also had a very bad temper.  But she bore all her sufferings with patience and with fervent prayer. (more…)


Seek What Is Above

July 31, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on Seek What Is Above | Father Salvador, Hope, Love, Self-Reflection

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 31, 2016 – Year C
Readings: Ecc 1:2, 2:21-23 / Ps 90 / Col 3:1-5, 9-11 / Lk 12:13-21
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A few hours ago Pope Francis gave his final blessing to approximately two million people during the last Mass of World Youth Day in Poland. I surfed the internet to read more articles about World Youth Day and was directed to which has the Bible verse “Be not afraid” at the top of its web page. (more…)


You Have a Friend

June 5, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on You Have a Friend | Compassion, Father Salvador, Generosity, Hope, Service, St. Luke

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 5, 2016 – Year C
Readings: 1 Kgs 17:17-24 / Ps 30 / Gal 1:11-19 / Lk 7:11-17
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

The song, “You’ve Got a Friend,” written by Carole King and popularized by James Taylor, has been in existence for forty-five years now.  It is still being used as a theme song in movies and commercials and is played on the radio and on many other occasions.  In fact, at the funeral of my aunt, they used “You’ve Got a Friend,” and that was only a few years ago.  A couple of lines from this song go something like this: “When you’re down and troubled, and you need a helping hand, I will be there to brighten up even your darkest night.” (more…)


Mother’s Wisdom

May 8, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on Mother’s Wisdom | Comfort, Father Salvador, Hope, Mary, Trust

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
May 8, 2016 – Year C
Readings: Acts 1:1-11 / Ps 47 / Eph 1:17-23 / Lk 24:46-53
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

To all mothers, godmothers, foster mothers, adoptive mothers, stepmothers, spiritual mothers and those who fill the role of mother – Happy Mother’s Day.  This is something that all of us without exception have in common.  Regardless of who we are or where we were born, we were all nourished, loved and cherished unconditionally for nine months in our mother’s womb. (more…)