Trust in the Lord

February 16, 2025 |by N W | 0 Comments | Blessings, Eternal Life, Father Nixon, Hope, Joy, Trust

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 16, 2025 — Year C
Readings: Jer 17:5-8 / Ps 1 / 1 Cor 15:12, 16-20 / Lk 6:17, 20-26
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

As we reflect on today’s readings, we see a striking contrast between those who trust in themselves and those who place their trust in God.  The scriptures challenge us to examine where we have placed our hope and security.  In a world that often measures success by wealth, power and influence, Jesus’ words in today’s gospel are radical and countercultural, but they also lead us to true and lasting joy.

The prophet Jeremiah gives us a clear image of two kinds of people.  First, those who trust in human strength are compared to a barren bush in the desert: dry, lifeless, and unable to bear fruit.  On the other hand, those who trust in the Lord are like a tree planted near water, with deep roots that withstand heat and drought.  The prophet makes a sharp contrast between those who trust in human strength and those who trust in God.  Cursed is the one who trusts in human beings.  Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.

Jeremiah’s message is clear:  human strength alone is unreliable.  It is not a warning against human relationships or seeking counsel from others, but rather a call to recognize that our ultimate goals – security and happiness – rest in God alone.  Everything in this world, including wealth, power, and even human approval, passes away.  God alone remains our firm foundation.  When we rely on our own wisdom, wealth, or power, we eventually find ourselves spiritually dry and empty.  But when we root ourselves in God, we can endure trials and bear good fruit even in difficult seasons.

St. Paul, in our second reading from first Corinthians, reminds us of the ultimate reason for our trust in God:  the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  If Christ has not been raised, our faith is vain.  Because He has risen, we, too, have the promise of eternal life.  This truth transforms our understanding of what it means to be truly blessed.  The world may see poverty, suffering, and rejection as curses, but in Christ these trials become paths to holiness, purification, and ultimate joy.  This reading connects beautifully with Jeremiah’s message.  The one who trusts in human ways alone is like a person who believes this life is all there is.  The one who trusts in Christ, however, understands that our lives are not limited to this world.  We are called to something eternal.

Today, and for the next two weeks, our gospel is the teaching of Jesus, which in St. Matthew’s gospel we know as the Sermon on the Mount.  Luke and Matthew present essentially the same material, but there are some notable differences.  While St. Matthew tells us that Jesus went up the mountain to teach, St. Luke depicts Jesus descending the mountain after prayer to teach on level ground.  For this reason, St. Luke’s version of Jesus’ teaching is often called the Sermon on the Plain.  Both evangelists begin with the Beatitudes, in which Jesus proclaims that those who follow His way are blessed, or happy.  St. Matthew records eight Beatitudes, while St. Luke gives us four, followed by four corresponding woes.  Despite these variations, the message remains the same:  True blessedness is not found in worldly success or fleeting pleasures, but in faithfulness to God.

Today’s liturgy provides us with a key to understanding these Beatitudes by giving us the passage from the prophet Jeremiah.  Jesus blesses the poor, the hungry, those who weep, and those who are hated for His sake.  In contrast, he warns those who are rich, full, and comfortable, telling them that their rewards are temporary.  At first glance, this may seem unfair.  Why would Jesus bless those who suffer and warn those who are successful?  The answer is found in where we place our trust.  Those who are poor in spirit recognize their need for God, while those who are self-sufficient may fall into the delusion that they do not need Him.

Fulton Sheen once said, “The world’s greatest tragedy is not suffering, but is suffering wasted.”  The Beatitudes and woes in Luke’s gospel call us to see life through the eyes of faith.  Jesus challenges the values of the world, where wealth, abundance, and human approval are seen as signs of success.  Instead, He teaches that true joy is found in trusting God, even in the midst of suffering.  Those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and rejected in this life are not abandoned but blessed because they are more open to God’s grace and the promise of His kingdom.  Conversely, those who place all their trust in material wealth, comfort, and human praise risk losing sight of what truly matters.

Answering God’s call requires trust and perseverance even though the path is difficult.  It reminds us that true happiness is found in God alone.  The Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1716, says the Beatitudes respond to the natural desire for happiness.  This desire is of divine origin.  God has placed it in the human heart in order to draw man to the One who alone can fulfill it.

The Beatitudes, we are promised, confront us with decisive moral choices.  They invite us to purify our hearts of bad instincts and to seek the love of God above all else.  In a world that constantly seeks happiness in temporary things, we are called to root ourselves in the eternal promises of God.  This means trusting God in our struggles, serving the poor, standing firm in our faith, even when it is unpopular, and finding joy in God rather than in the approval of others.  It means seeing suffering, not as a meaningless burden, but as an opportunity to grow in holiness and draw closer to Christ.

Jesus calls us to a different standard, valuing humility, compassion, and faithfulness over riches and power.  We should seek to serve, rather than dominate; give, rather than accumulate; love, rather than compete.  When we experience trials, we must remember that our true hope is in Christ’s victory over death.  The difficulties of this world are temporary.  Our true reward is eternal life with Him.

The world tells us to trust in riches, power, and comfort, but Jesus tells us to trust in Him.  Today, let us reflect where we place our trust.  Are we like the barren bush that relies on itself, or are we like the tree planted by the water, nourished by faith in God?  May we have the courage to place our trust in God alone, living out the Beatitudes, not just as words, but as a way of life.  Let us remember the wisdom of Jeremiah, the hope of the Resurrection proclaimed by St. Paul, and the challenge of Christ in the gospel.  For those who trust in the Lord, there’s no fear; only the promise of eternal life and true joy in Him.


The Spirit of Christmas

December 25, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Christmas, Father Nixon, Hope, Humility, Joy

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
December 25, 2024 — Year C
Readings: Is 9:1-6 / Ps 96 / Ti 2:11-14 / Lk 2:1-14
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Many of us may be familiar with the song, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.” It starts with, I heard the bells on Christmas Day, their old familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the words repeat, of peace on earth, good will to men. The song starts nicely, but on the third and following verses it continues:

Then from each black, accursed mouth
            The cannon thundered in the South,
            And with the sound the carols drowned
            Of peace on earth, good will to men.
            It was as if an earthquake rent
            The hearthstones of a continent,
            And made forlorn the households born
            Of peace on earth, good will to men.
            And in despair I bowed my head;
            “There is no peace on earth,” I said,
            “For hate is strong and mocks the song
            Of peace on earth, good will to men.”

 The stanzas suddenly seem to get dark and sad, and we can ask ourselves, what is this song all about? If we go to the origin of the song, we realize what actually is happening.

This song was written in 1863 by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. He was a poet and a literary critic. Longfellow had faith to some degree but also had pain and suffering mark his life. His wife perished in a fire that he tried to extinguish, even with his own body. His eldest son was shot during the Civil War, and the youngest son also died at a young age.

Longfellow is a widower surrounded by tragedy:  his son’s being killed in the Civil War and devastating things happening in that war, such as the pain, the number of lives that were being lost, and his own grief. Sitting in his home on December 25, 1863, he hears the bells of the local church ringing. He is inspired to write the poem, “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day.”  Longfellow’s experience had shown him that there wasn’t peace on earth.  He knew that there was violence on earth, there was ugliness on earth. He writes about hearing the cannon thundering in the South and of how many houses are empty of their sons because of this Civil War. In this song, you see a man with a broken heart in a broken world on Christmas Day.

Perhaps many of us here today may have similar experiences. Some have lost a loved one, are away from families, have lost a job, have an illness of some sort. We all live in a broken world where wars are still present in some parts of the world, poverty and corruption still exist. It seems that, just like the song, “hate is strong, and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Then, however, Longfellow in his last stanza says,

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
            “God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
            The wrong shall fail, the right prevail,
            With peace on earth, good will to men.”

This is actually the message of Christianity. The message of Christmas is that even though this world is broken, even though this world is full of suffering and pain, hate and evil, God is not dead, and He does not sleep. God the Divine Word leaped like a warrior to this earth, and He allowed the brokenness and the hate and the evil and death to overwhelm Him so as to conquer the evil and the hate and the violence and the death. He transformed it so that you and I, in the midst of a world that is broken, in the midst of the world where bells still ring even though cannons still boom, can still have hope. We can still ring those bells in the midst of wars.  We can still ring those bells in the midst of grief. We can still ring those bells when we have been broken. We know that this is the true meaning of Christmas.

Today, the world pauses and holds its breath, for we gather to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The gospel passage we just heard from Luke tells the most extraordinary story in the simplest of terms. In the humblest of settings, amidst the quiet fields of Bethlehem, God enters our world not as a mighty king, but as a vulnerable child. It is a story of hope, humility, and uncontainable joy. In the silence of the manger, we see the love of God unveiled in its purest form.

The narrative begins with the decree from Caesar Augustus, a reminder of the vast power of the Roman Empire. Yet amid the show of worldly authority, God chooses to reveal His divine power in the stillness of a manger. Joseph and Mary, obedient to the call of God, travel to Bethlehem, fulfilling the prophecy that the Messiah would be born in the city of David. Consider the mystery of this moment. The King of Kings is born, not in a palace, but in a stable. His crib is a manger. His first visitors are shepherds, simple marginalized people of the time. Through this humility, God shows us His heart. He comes not to overwhelm us with grandeur, but to draw close to us in our everyday lives, in our struggles and simplicity.

When the angel appeared to the shepherds, they were terrified. But the angel’s message was clear: “Do not be afraid, for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.”  These words echo across the ages to us today. The birth of Christ is not just a moment in history. It is a message of salvation, a promise that God is with us: Emmanuel.

Notice also the role of the shepherds. They are the first to hear and to respond. They go in haste to find the child and share the good news. In doing so, they become the first evangelists of the Gospel. This reminds us that God often chooses the humble and the unexpected to be His messengers. Perhaps this Christmas, He is calling us to share His love and joy with those around us. The shepherds, the first witnesses of this miracle, were not the powerful or the elite. They were ordinary people, just like many of us. Yet they were chosen to hear the angelic proclamation, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men.”  This message reminds us that God’s love is for everyone, regardless of status or circumstance.

The heavenly host proclaims, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”  This peace is not merely the absence of conflict, but the profound peace that comes from being reconciled with God. It is the peace that heals broken hearts, restores relationships, and offers hope in times of darkness.

This message of peace and Longfellow’s poem resonate profoundly during this Jubilee Year of Hope. Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025.  In the Pope’s Bull of Indiction, he said, “During the Holy Year, we are called to be tangible signs of hope for those of our brothers and sisters who experience hardships of any kind.”

That hope is born of love and based on the love springing from the purest heart of Jesus upon the cross. “For if, while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more surely, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life.”  (Romans 5:10) That life becomes manifest in our own life of faith, which begins with baptism, develops in openness to God’s grace, and is enlivened by a hope constantly renewed and confirmed by the working of the Holy Spirit.

As we reflect on the birth of Christ, we are reminded that hope is not an abstract idea, but a person, Jesus Christ. The Jubilee Year calls us to renew our trust in God’s promises and to be beacons of hope in a world that often feels weighed down by despair. The light of Bethlehem that shines in the darkness is the same light that we are invited to carry in our lives and communities, illuminating the path toward reconciliation, justice, and joy.

Today, as we gaze upon the Nativity scene, let us open our hearts to the mystery of God’s love. The birth of Jesus is an invitation to encounter God in the ordinary, to embrace humility, and to share His joy with the world. Let us also embrace the call of this Jubilee Year of Hope. This year is an opportunity to live out the message of Christmas in tangible ways by reaching out to those in need, by fostering unity in our families and communities, and by trusting in the transformative power of God’s grace.

Let us remember that the miracle of Christmas is not just that God came to dwell among us, but that He continues to dwell within us. Every Eucharist we celebrate is a reminder of this truth. Christ is Emmanuel, God with us. May this Christmas also remind us that God is not dead, nor does He sleep. Even in the midst of grief, we worship Him. In the midst of grief, we pray. In the midst of grief, we love each other. In the midst of grief, we ring those bells, because we know the truth is that God has become one of us. He’s not dead. He does not sleep.  He’s near, and He loves you and me.

As Christians, we are called to radiate the light of Christ, especially during this joyous season. We are tasked to share the spirit of Christmas with our brothers and sisters and our community. Let us be witnesses of joy. Joy is the hallmark of Christmas. Let us be beacons of hope and positivity, reflecting joy of the incarnation in our words and actions. Let us also reach out to those who may feel lonely and forgotten. A simple invitation, a warm meal, or heartfelt conversation can embody the love of Christ. Also let us not forget to serve the needy. The birth of Jesus in a manger reminds us of God’s special love for the poor and marginalized. Let us be generous in sharing our resources with those in need.  Most importantly, let us live the Gospel. Our faith becomes a powerful testimony when we live it authentically. Let our lives inspire others to seek the peace and love that only Christ can give.

Our Church reminds us today that Christmas is not merely a day, but a way of life. It is an invitation to enter into the mystery of God’s love and to share that love with the world. Let us carry the spirit of Christmas beyond this day, making every moment an opportunity to glorify God and bring His peace to others.

As we leave this holy place today, may the joy of the shepherds, the faith of Mary and Joseph, and the peace of Christ fill your hearts. Let us go forth, as they did, glorifying and praising God for all we have seen and heard. Let the hope of this Jubilee Year inspire us to be agents of God’s love and mercy. May the light of Christ shine through us, so that the world may know the hope born in Bethlehem. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to all.



Rejoice in God’s Presence and Promise

December 15, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Advent, Christmas, Comfort, Faith, Father Nixon, Joy, St. Paul

Third Sunday of Advent
December 15, 2024 — Year C
Readings: Zep 3:14-18a / Is 12 / Phil 4:4-7 / Lk 3:10-18 
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Today, on the Third Sunday of Advent, we celebrate Gaudete Sunday, a day of joy and rejoicing as Christmas draws near.  The rose-colored candle of the Advent wreath, known as the Shepherd’s Candle, reminds us of the joy proclaimed to the shepherds on the night of Jesus’ birth: “Do not be afraid.  I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”  This joy is not merely a fleeting emotion, but a deep and abiding sense of hope rooted in Christ.  Let us explore the joy found in today’s readings and what these readings mean for us in our world today.

The prophet Zephaniah, in our first reading, exhorts the people of Israel to rejoice: “Shout for joy, O daughter Zion!  Sing joyfully, O Israel!”  This is a remarkable declaration, as it follows chapters warning of judgment and exile.  Yet, Zephaniah concludes his prophecy with a vision of restoration.  God promises to be in the midst of His people to renew them in His love and to banish fear and despair.  This reminds us that joy is not the absence of struggle, but the presence of God.  In the hardships of life, whether personal trials or global crises, we can find joy in the assurance that God is with us, rejoicing over us with gladness.  Mother Teresa said, “Joy is an act of love by which you can catch souls.”  When we live in the joy of God’s presence, we share His love with others.

Paul’s letter to the Philippians continues this theme of joy: “Rejoice in the Lord always.  I shall say it again:  rejoice!”  Writing from prison, Paul’s exhortation carries profound weight.  His joy is not tied to external circumstances, but to his relationship with Christ.  He reminds us that the Lord is near and encourages us to bring our needs to God in prayer, trusting that His peace will guard our hearts and minds.  In our current world, filled with anxiety and uncertainty, Paul’s message is particularly relevant.  How often do we let fear and worry rob us of joy?  Yet, as Paul assures us, when we entrust our burdens to God, His peace, which surpasses all understanding, will fill our hearts.  Joy rooted in faith becomes a powerful testimony to others, drawing them toward the hope we have in Christ.

In today’s gospel, John the Baptist calls the people to repentance, emphasizing the tangible expressions of faith:  sharing with those in need, practicing integrity, and avoiding exploitation.  When asked what we should do, John provides practical guidance for living a life aligned with God’s will.  His message is both a challenge and a promise, as he points to the coming Messiah who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.

There was a little boy, praying and shouting to God in a synagogue, that he might be given ten silver coins because his mother was sick.  It also happened that a tax collector, who was also praying, heard the prayer of the little boy.  The problem was, he had only seven silver coins, not enough to meet the needs of this child.  Regardless, he gave these to the boy by putting them near the altar.  When the boy saw the coins, he said to the Lord, “Thank you Lord for giving me the coins, but next time, don’t show the tax collector.  I’m sure he got the other three coins.”

St. John shows us that we should be honest in our way of life, that we should not try to take advantage of others.  He tells us that even if we see that someone is trying to take advantage of us, even when by doing good, we will be thought of as fools, we should still share.  We should not be discouraged; we should always be willing to continue to help others.

John’s call to action reminds us that true joy comes, not from self-centered pursuits, but from living in love and service to others.  In a world often characterized by greed and division, this gospel invites us to embody the spirit of generosity and justice.  As Mother Teresa beautifully put it, “A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love.”  When we love as Christ loves, our joy becomes a light for those in darkness. As we reflect on the theme of joy this Gaudete Sunday, we are reminded that true joy is not found in our circumstances, but in our trust in and surrender to God.

There is a story of the life of Blessed Chiara Badano, a young Italian girl who offers a profound witness to this truth.  Born in 1971, Chiara grew up as an ordinary teenager who loved her family, friends, and sports.  Her life took a dramatic turn, however, when she was diagnosed with bone cancer at the age of 17.  While many would understandably despair, Chiara’s faith allowed her to transform her suffering into a profound encounter with Christ.  Even as her body weakened and her pain became unbearable, Chiara radiated an inner joy that inspired everyone around her.  She embraced her illness as a way to unite her suffering with Jesus, often saying, “If this is what you want, Jesus, so do I.”  Chiara never lost her smile and insisted that her room be filled with light and love, as she wanted to bring hope to her visitors.  She believed that her suffering was a way to serve others spiritually and her faith only grew stronger.  Chiara’s life was a living testimony to what St. Paul teaches, “Rejoice in the Lord always.”  Her joy, rooted in her relationship with Christ, reminds us that true joy is found, not in avoiding hardship, but in allowing God’s love to transform it.

As Catholics preparing to celebrate Christmas, this gospel challenges us to examine how we are living our faith in practical ways.  John’s instructions: to give generously, act justly, and avoid greed, reflect the heart of the Christmas message, God’s love made manifest in the gift of His Son.  During this Advent season, we are reminded that Christ’s coming calls us to transformation.  Just as the shepherds shared the good news with others after encountering Jesus, we, too, are called to be a witness to His love through our actions.  Moreover, the image of Jesus baptizing with the Holy Spirit and fire speaks to the renewal and purification that Christ’s coming brings.  Christmas is not merely a commemoration of a past event, but an invitation to allow Christ to transform our lives today.  The joy of the season lies in aligning our hearts with His, living out the values of compassion, justice, and generosity.

The common message in today’s readings is the call to rejoice because of God’s presence and promise.  This joy is deeply connected to trust in God, prayer, and acts of love.  It is a joy that sustains us through trials and empowers us to be agents of hope and transformation in the world.  In our contemporary world, marked by conflict, economic disparity, and environmental crises, today’s message is a beacon of hope.  Our Church invites us today to trust in God’s plan for restoration.  Like the Philippians, we are called to bring our worries to God and embrace His peace.  Like the crowds in the gospel, we are challenged to live out our faith in practical ways, sharing joy through acts of love and justice.  As we light the pink candle of the Advent wreath, let is remind us of the joy that Christ’s coming brings to our hearts and to the world.  May we, like the shepherds, share this joy with others, proclaiming the good news of God’s love through our words and actions.  Let us rejoice always, for the Lord is near.


The Light of Christ’s Resurrection

March 31, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Easter, Father Nixon, Healing, Hope, Joy, Life, Resurrection

Easter Sunday – The Resurrection of the Lord
March 31, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43 / Ps 118 / Col 3:1-4 / Jn 20:1-9
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Easter Sunday, the summit of the liturgical calendar, invites us into the heart of the Christian faith:  the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In the readings for this glorious day, we encounter the profound truths that death has been conquered, sin has been defeated, and life eternal has been won for all who believe.  As we journey through the scriptures today, let us reflect on the transformative power of Christ’s resurrection and how it continues to shape our lives and our faith.

The Gospel of John paints a clear picture of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, through the eyes of Mary Magdalene.  In today’s gospel, we witness the profound encounter at the empty tomb, where sorrow turns to astonishment and despair gives way to hope.  Let us delve into this powerful passage and reflect on its timeless message of resurrection and redemption.

As the first light of dawn breaks, Mary Magdalene arrives at the tomb where Jesus had been laid.  To her shock and dismay, she finds the stone rolled away, and the tomb empty.  In her distress, she runs to Peter and the beloved disciple, bearing the weight of grief and uncertainty.  This moment captures the raw emotion of loss and confusion that often accompanies profound encounters with the divine.

Peter and the beloved disciple rush to the tomb, driven by Mary’s urgent plea.  Racing against one another, they look over into the empty tomb.  Grappling with disbelief and wonder, what they find defies all expectations.  The linen burial cloths lie neatly folded, devoid of the body they once enshrouded.  In this moment of profound mystery, the disciples confront the reality of Christ’s absence and the presence of His resurrection.

Upon entering the tomb, the beloved disciple experiences a revelation that transcends the physical realm.  He beholds the evidence of Christ’s resurrection—the empty tomb and the discarded burial garments—and believes.  This act of faith marks a pivotal moment in the narrative, as the disciple grasps the truth of Jesus’ triumph over death.  His new-found conviction becomes a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness.

After Peter and the beloved disciple depart, Mary remains at the tomb, weeping in sorrow.  In her anguish, she encounters two angels who inquire about her distress.  But it is not until Jesus himself appears to her, calling her by name, that her tears are turned to joy.  In this intimate moment of recognition, Mary becomes the first witness to the resurrection, commissioned to proclaim the good news to the disciples.

There is a story of a certain kindergarten teacher who was telling her students the story of Jesus.  In her class was a little boy who came from a non-Christian family.  He was paying very close attention to the story because it was all new to him.  As the teacher told how Jesus was condemned and nailed to the cross to die, the boy’s countenance fell and he murmured, “No, that’s too bad.”  The teacher then went on to tell about how, on the third day, Jesus rose from the dead and came back to life.  The boy’s eyes lit up with delight and he exclaimed, “Totally awesome!”

On Good Friday, we heard the story of the suffering and death of our Lord Jesus Christ.  Like the little boy, many of us felt like, “No, that’s too bad.”  Today we hear the rest of the story and, again, with the little boy, we can now exclaim, “Yes, it’s totally awesome!”  Today we can again sing the Alleluia that we have not sung all through Lent.  As our Psalm says, “This is the day the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad.”

Why do we rejoice today?  We rejoice because our faith in Christ has been vindicated.  Truth has triumphed over falsity, justice over injustice, and tragedy has turned into comedy.  It is like watching an episode of one of the superhero movies.  First you see an innocent and helpless victim being attacked, robbed, kidnapped, assaulted, and tortured by a wicked assailant.  We feel so bad seeing the triumph of the bad guy.  Then, almost at the point where the victim has given up hope and is at the point of death, down from the skies, comes the hero to the rescue.  He battles and defeats the bad guy and rescues the innocent victim, and we feel happy inside at the triumph of justice.

The story of the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday is the story of the triumph of falsity over truth, of injustice over justice, of evil over goodness.  Jesus was falsely charged with crimes He did not commit and then unjustly sentenced to a death He did not deserve.  His good friend betrayed Him, His trusted friends deserted Him, and His number one man denied Him.  The people He loved demanded His crucifixion and chose to have the bandit, Barabbas, released in place of Him.  It is a story of betrayal and lies, dishonesty, and meanness, unfaithfulness and wicked violence directed against an innocent and apparently helpless victim.

All this comes to a head on Good Friday, when we see Jesus scourged, mocked, led on a death march, and nailed to the cross, where He dies after a few hours and is hastily buried in a tomb.  If that were the end of the story, that would be a very bad story, a tragedy.  But Glory be to God, it is not.

Our readings today invite us to ponder the profound mystery of Christ’s resurrection, and its transformative impact on our lives.  Like Mary Magdalene and the kindergarten student, we may find ourselves confronted with moments of doubt, despair, and uncertainty.  Yet, in the midst of our darkest hours, the light of Christ’s resurrection shines forth, offering hope, healing and redemption.  The empty tomb is not merely a symbol of absence, but a testament to the power of God to overcome even the bonds of death.  It is a sign of promise, reminding us that the new life emerges from the depths of despair, and that hope springs eternal in the heart of God.

As we journey through life’s trials and tribulations, may we fix our eyes on the risen Christ – the source of our salvation, and the embodiment of God’s unfailing love.  As we celebrate Easter Sunday, let us embrace the promise of resurrection with hearts full of gratitude and joy.  Let us live as Easter people, bearing witness to the reality of Christ’s victory over sin and death in our words and actions.  May the radiance of the resurrection shine brightly in our lives, drawing others into the eternal light of God’s love.  Let us carry the light of Christ’s resurrection into the world, illuminating the darkness with the hope and joy of new life.  May the reality of the resurrection inspire us to live with faith, courage, and love, knowing that Christ is truly risen and that, in Him, we, too, shall rise to share in His glory.






Spiritual Blindness

March 10, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Faith, Father Nixon, Healing, Hope, Joy, Lent, Trust

Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 10, 2024 — Year B  (Readings for Scrutiny Year A)
Readings: 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a / Ps 23 / Eph 5:8-14 / Jn 9:1-41
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Most Catholics know that the third Sunday of Advent is also known as Gaudete Sunday, the day on which our excitement for the coming of the Lord is heightened, because the Church assures us that it will soon be upon us.  Less known is Laetare Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent.  Both days refer to happiness.  In fact, the word Laetare means “rejoice” in Latin.  Gaudete means “joyful.”  The connection is obvious, as they are both days of joyous anticipation in the midst of what might seem like darkness.  In fact, Easter is exactly twenty-one days from Laetare Sunday.

As we journey through the Lenten season, the fourth Sunday of Lent offers us a profound opportunity for introspection and spiritual renewal.  This Sunday invites us to rejoice amidst our penitential practices, for we are reminded of the boundless mercy and love of God.

The gospel reading for this Sunday tells us the story of the man born blind, whom Jesus heals.  This miraculous healing serves as a powerful metaphor for the spiritual blindness that afflicts humanity.  Like the scribes in the story, we, too, can be blinded by our own pride, prejudice, and self-righteousness.  We may fail to recognize God working in our midst, and the transformative power of His love.

Someone once said to Helen Keller, “What a pity you have no sight.”  Helen Keller replied, “Yes, but what a pity so many have sight but cannot see.”

Jesus, toward the end of the gospel, says, “I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see may see.  And those who do see may become blind.”  In other words, this gospel passage concentrates on the distinction between physical and spiritual blindness.

The early Christians saw physical blindness as a metaphor for the spiritual blindness that prevents people from recognizing Jesus.  This story of healing of the man born blind testifies to the power of Jesus to heal not only physical blindness, but above all, the spiritual blindness of the heart.

How many blind men do you think are in our gospel today?  I’m sure most answers will be “one,” because there is only one identified blind person.  But I would rather say that there are four cases of blindness in this story.  The first blind ones are the apostles themselves, because they ask, “Who sinned, the parents or the blind man himself?” instead of helping the person.  The Jews believed that a person got sick because he was being punished for his sin or his parents’ sin.

The second blind ones are his parents, relatives, and neighbors.  Even though they witness that it is Jesus who heals the blind man, they refuse to say it.  They refuse to witness because of their fear that they would be expelled from the synagogue by the Pharisees.

The third blind ones are the Pharisees, because they refuse to acknowledge that Jesus had performed the miracle of restoring sight to the blind man.  They suspend their belief because of their biases against Him.  Instead, they call Jesus a sinner because He violated the law of the Sabbath.  They are blind to the truth already in their eyes.

The fourth blind one is, of course, the blind man himself.  A source said that eighty percent of our work depends on our eyes.  Eighty percent is rather a big chunk of activities.  It means that totally blind people have an output of only twenty percent with regard to work.  But based on experience by most blind people, even if they cannot see with their own physical eyes, God finds means by sharpening their other senses in order to go on with life.

This could be the case with the blind man.  He could not see with his physical eyes, but he could see and sense with his heart.  This could be the reason why he easily feels the accepting and healing attitude of Jesus toward him.  But Jesus cures him because of his faith and trust in Him.  Though he was blind physically, he could see with his heart.  The other three groups could see with their eyes, but not with their hearts, as fear, cowardice, prejudices, biases, and their own selfish interests blind them.

Today’s gospel gives us hope because Jesus Christ performs miracles for us.  He cures us of our sickness and feeds us with His Word, Body, and Blood.  But above all, He died for us and then rose from the dead and brings us to eternal life.

Like Jesus who is our light, and shows us the light of truth in our path, let us all, too, show the light and be a light while we are still alive.

There is a story about two soldiers who found themselves recovering in the same hospital room during World War II.  Every day, the one beside the window of the room would describe the outside world to the other soldier, who was paralyzed from the neck down.  Not only did he share many beautiful and exciting stories about the outside world, he also continued to give cheer and hope to his disabled comrade.

Then, one morning, the soldier beside the window died.  On that same morning, the disabled soldier was transferred to that other soldier’s bed upon his request, near the window.  He found out that there was nothing beautiful outside the window.  There was just a wall.  His friend who had just died was blind.

Our readings today challenge us to examine our own spiritual blindness and to seek the healing touch of Christ.  They call us to open our eyes to the marginalized and oppressed, to see the humanity in every person, and to respond with compassion and love.  Just as Jesus restored physical sight to the blind man, He invites us to open our hearts to His light, allowing it to illuminate the darkness within us and guide us on the path of righteousness.

As we continue our Lenten journey, let us embrace the message of hope and joy that Laetare Sunday brings.  Let us rejoice in the mercy of God, who calls us to repentance and offers us forgiveness and redemption.  May we open our eyes to see His presence in our lives and in the world around us.  And may we respond with gratitude and love.


He Is in Our Midst

December 17, 2023 |by N W | 0 Comments | Advent, Father Nixon, Joy, Sacraments, Scripture

Third Sunday of Advent
December 17, 2023 — Year B
Readings: Is 61:1-2A, 10-11 / Lk 1:46-48, 49-50, 53-54 / 1 Thes 5:16-24 / Jn 1:6-8, 19-28
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

The Third Sunday of Advent is a time of preparation for the coming of the Lord.  The readings for this Sunday focus on the theme of joy.  Isaiah proclaims a message of good news and glad tidings.  Our second reading encourages us to rejoice always and to pray without ceasing.  Then John in the gospel tells us that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

Advent is a time during which we prepare for the coming of the Lord.  He is coming to us sacramentally at Christmas.  He is coming to us individually at the end of our lives.  He is coming to us collectively at the end of time.

Now suppose we are told that the Christ whom we are waiting for is already here in our midst as one of us.  What difference would it make?  Here is a story of the enormous difference that the awareness of the presence of Christ among us could make in our lives as individuals and as communities.

A certain monastery discovered that it was going through a crisis.  Some of the monks left, no new candidates joined them, and people were no longer coming for prayer and consultation as they used to.  The few monks that remained were becoming old, depressed, and bitter in their relationship with one another.

The abbot heard about a holy man, a hermit living alone in the woods, and decided to consult him.  He told the hermit how the monastery had dwindled and diminished and looked like a skeleton of what it used to be.  Only seven old monks remained.  The hermit told the abbot that he had a secret for him.  The secret was that one of the monks presently living at the monastery was actually the Messiah, but that He was living in such a way that no one could recognize Him.

With this revelation, the abbot returned to the monastery, summoned a community meeting and recounted what the hermit had told him.  The aging monks looked at each other in disbelief, trying to discern who among them could be the Christ.  Could it be Brother Mark who prays all the time?  But he has this holier-than-thou attitude toward others.  Could it be Brother Joseph who is always ready to help?  But he’s always eating and drinking and cannot fast.

The abbot reminded them that the Messiah had adopted some bad habits as a way of camouflaging His true identity.  This only made them more confused and they could not make any headway in figuring out who was the Christ among them.  At the end of the meeting, what each one of the monks knew for sure was that any of the monks, excepting himself, could be the Christ.

From that day on, however, the monks began to treat one another with greater respect and humility, knowing that the person they were speaking to could be the very Christ.  They began to show more love for one another.  Their common life became more brotherly and their common prayer more fervent.  Slowly, people began to take notice of the new spirit in the monastery and began coming back for retreats and spiritual direction.  Word began to spread, and soon candidates began to show up. The monastery began to grow again in number as the monks grew in zeal and holiness.  All of this came about because a man of God drew their attention to the truth that Christ was living in their midst as one of them.

In today’s gospel, John the Baptist tries to announce the same powerful message to the Jews of his time who were anxiously waiting for the coming of the Messiah.  John tells them, “Among you stands one whom you do not know, the one who is coming after me.  I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal.”

The reason why today we would not be able to recognize Jesus as our Lord and Messiah is because, like the Jews in Jesus’ time, we have definite ideas about how the Messiah is going to come.  For the Jews, the Messiah would suddenly descend from heaven in His divine power and majesty and establish His reign by destroying the enemies of Israel.  No one would know where He came from, humanly speaking, because He came from God (John 7:27).  When finally, Jesus came, born of a woman like every other person, they could not recognize Him.  He was too ordinary and unimpressive.

Since then, God has continually reached out toward us, but we resist His coming by hiding in layers of distractions.  Christ wants to speak to us in the silence of prayer, but we drown His voice with noise from televisions and cell phones.  Christ wants to talk to us through His words.  Hearing God’s word on Sundays is not like listening to a TV recording being played.  When God’s word is proclaimed, it enlightens our minds on what to do.  It challenges us and tests our wills and moves and inspires our hearts.

He comes in the sacraments, especially in those of the Eucharist and Confession.  As Christians, we may recognize the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, in the Eucharist and the other sacraments.  We may also recognize Him in our fellow human beings, especially among the poor, the marginalized, those who have no voice in society.  Jesus said, “Whatever you do to the least of my brethren, you did this to Me.”

There are other ways in which God comes to our lives.  The list includes events, both good and bad, people we encounter daily, the beauty of nature, books, plays, and movies that have cultural and Christian values.  The season of Advent is a time for us to get in tune with all of the ways in which Christ comes, so that when He comes at Christmas, we will be ready to recognize Him, regardless of the form in which He chooses to appear.

As Angelus Silesius said, “Do not seek God in outer space. Your heart is the only place in which to meet Him face to face.”  This Sunday we are called to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Lord.  We can do this by living in joy, by praying without ceasing, and by reflecting on the mystery of the incarnation.  As we prepare for the Lord, let us also remember those who are in need.  We can show our love for our neighbors by reaching out to those who are suffering and by working to create a more just and compassionate world.


The Invitation

October 15, 2023 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Eternal Life, Father Nixon, Grace, Heaven, Joy, Repentance, Uncategorized, Wedding

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 15, 2023 — Year A
Readings: Is 25:6-10a / Ps 23 / Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 / Mt 22:1-14
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

The world is full of opportunities knocking on our doors, just waiting for us to open them.  It is full of opportunities for us to live life to the fullest.  However, they are not always present.  We must seize the opportunity while we still have the time and the opportunity, or else we will end up blaming ourselves, not others.

An invitation is an example of an opportunity knocking on our door, waiting to be opened.  But rather than getting up to open the door, we sometimes whine about the noise.

There was a story of a young man who went away to other places in search of fortune.  A few years later, he returned to his home with trucks loaded with riches. “Now I’m going to play a trick on my relatives and friends,” he said to himself.  He donned some ragged clothes and went to see his cousin Mike first.  “I’m your long lost cousin,” he said.  “I’m back home after several years in other places.  Just look at me, how miserable I am.  May I stay with you for a while?” he said.  Mike said, “I’m sorry, but there’s no room here for you.”

The man visited some more of his relatives and friends, but he was not accepted by any of them.  So he decided to return to where he had left his riches, dressed himself in luxurious clothes, rode through this place with a large entourage of servants, purchased all the businesses about to close down, and began to build a majestic mansion.  After only a few days, the news of his riches had spread all over the place.

“Who could have imagined it?” asked one of the relatives and friends who had rejected him.  “If we had only known, we would have acted differently.  But it is too late now; we’ve missed the riches.”

The readings today show us what joy there is in accepting God’s invitation and what sorrow there is in refusing.  The word of God challenges us to examine our own response to His call.  God extends to us the greatest invitation we will ever receive:  Come to the feast.  Come to the banquet of eternal life.  Sooner or later, each of us has to give Him an answer.  Our RSVP can either be “Yes, I’m coming,” or “No, I will not come.”  The choice is ours and it has eternal consequences.

In today’s gospel reading, Jesus tells a parable directed to the chief priest and the elders.  A king arranges a wedding banquet for his son, and sends out his servants to call the guests.  Strangely, the invited guests flatly refuse to come.  When the king tries again, those being invited treat the servants shamefully, even violently.

When we first read this, it may sound absurd.  People simply don’t act that way when they are invited to a royal feast.  Why would anyone respond so negatively when being invited to something so wonderful?  But the parable is not about an earthly wedding feast.  It is about the Kingdom of God.  Jesus is exposing the disgraceful ways in which we respond to Him.  Like the invited guests, sometimes we simply refuse for no logical reason.  We do not want to be bothered.  When we hear God’s call, His words, His commandments, His prompting in the heart, we reject it, without even considering it.  Other times, we consider other things more important right now:  our farm or business, or any number of high priority matters.  God’s will is simply not that important to us.

Then there are times when we have an outrageous reaction to God’s invitation.  We do not literally kill the messenger, but the word of truth can make us hostile and defensive.  When we are called to repentance, we get angry.  We act as if we have been imposed upon, or insulted, or threatened.  Interiorly, we fight, complain, ridicule, resist.  What at first seems to be a rather absurd reaction by some strange people in a parable becomes, upon closer inspection, a disconcerting reflection of our own hearts.

God truly is like a king who wants to fill His banquet hall with guests.  The blessings He has in mind for us are symbolized by the glorious feast so beautifully described in the first reading.  The prophet Isaiah foretells a feast of rich foods and choice wines, which the Lord of Hosts will provide for all peoples.

There is more to this feast than good food.  This is a prophecy of eternal life.  God promises that He will destroy death forever.  The veil of mourning that enshrouds all peoples and nations, the tears that are shed by every generation, the wave of death that ensnares every person will be destroyed.

What God is inviting us to is a victory celebration: a feast of everlasting rejoicing, a life without tears, or mourning, or death; everything we mean by the word Heaven.

In our Lord’s time, wedding invitations went out well in advance, and were accepted definitively.  The final call just before the event occurred was a mere formality.  It would be an unspeakable insult to decline when the final call arrived.  They had already accepted and had made their firm commitment.  And so the master in the parable sends out messengers to the highways and byways, that is, to everyone, respectable or not.  All are invited.  From now on the invitation is being made, not to a select and exclusive minority of privileged people, but to the wider public forum, to all people.  All who respond are welcome.  There is no special preference anymore.  Sinners, outcasts, gentiles—and you—are all invited.

Those accepting the invitation are not any better than those who declined.  It’s just that the poor and the outcasts, not having any other options and seeing what a rare gift this was, accepted and attended.  Again, it reminds us not to be complacent or superior, as all of us are truly blessed to be invited.

This parable reminds us that this invitation is for all of us.  But the invitation can be refused.  The kingdom is open to all, but guaranteed to none.  We don’t earn the kingdom, but we sadly can decline it, which would be madness.

One final thought:  The waifs and strays enter the banquet, but then one gets kicked out for not wearing a wedding garment.  It seems unfair at first glance.  Consider, however, that although the invitation is for all, acceptance means a change of standards and values.  These are symbolized by being clothed in the garment that resembles and represents the baptismal garment of goodness and Christ-like living.  We must wear this robe with devotion and humility, keeping the Gospel values of Christ in our hearts, very central and very safe.


True Happiness

January 29, 2023 |by N W | 2 Comments | Blessings, Father Nixon, Joy, Life, Obedience, St. Matthew

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 29, 2023 — Year A
Readings: Zep 2:3; 3:12-13 / Ps 146 / 1 Cor 1:26-31 / Mt 5:1-12a
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

A newspaper in England once asked this question of its readers: Who are the happiest people on earth?  The four prize-winning answers were: a little child building sandcastles; a craftsman or artist with a job well done; a mother bathing her baby after a busy day; and a doctor who has finished a difficult and dangerous operation to save a human life.

The editors of the newspaper were surprised to find that virtually no one submitted kings, emperors, millionaires, or others of wealth and rank as the happiest people on earth.  Even W. Béran Wolfe, a psychiatrist and author, said, “If you observe a really happy man, and you find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias in his garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert, he will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under a radiator.   He will not be striving for it as a goal in itself.  He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living twenty-four crowded hours of the day.”

In our gospel today according to St. Matthew, Jesus is talking about this popular heavenly constitution – the Beatitudes.  In Greek, the word beatitude is makarios, which means happiness.  So the meaning of the word “blessed,” as Jesus told it, is that this is happiness.  All that Jesus wants is for us to be happy, not according to the understand of the world of what happiness is all about, but according to what God meant by this word.

“Happiness is that which all men seek,” so says the great philosopher Aristotle.  Aristotle also observed that everything people do twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, is what they believe will bring them happiness in one form or another.  But the problem is that what people think will bring them happiness does not, in fact, always bring them true and lasting happiness.

Think of the drunkard who believes that happiness is found in a beer bottle – one bottle too much and he is driving home, runs the red light, hits a car, and wakes up the following morning in a hospital with plaster and stitches all over his body.  Then it begins to dawn on him that the happiness promised by alcohol may be too short lived.

Or take the man who frequents the casinos to deal with excitement – by the end of the month he finds that his account is in the red, and that he can no longer pay his mortgage.  Creditors go after him until he loses his house and his car.  Then it dawns on him that the happiness promised by the casino is fake.

So, Aristotle says that the ethical person is the person who knows and does what can truly bring them not just excitement or pleasure, but true and lasting happiness.

Another word for true and lasting happiness is blessedness, or beatitude.  In today’s gospel, Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, shows that He wants His followers to have true and lasting happiness – the happiness that the world and everything in it cannot give.  This is the state of blessedness that Jesus calls being in the Kingdom of God or being in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The beatitudes that we have in today’s gospel constitute a road map for anyone who seeks to obtain the happiness of the Kingdom.  So why does Jesus deem it necessary to establish this guidepost to the Kingdom from the very first teaching that he gives the disciples?  It is because of the importance of this teaching.  Everyone seeks happiness, but often we look for it in all the wrong places.

Ask people around you what makes them happy and compare the answers you get with the answers Jesus gave.  We see that the values prescribed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount are in fact countercultural.  We cannot accept these teachings of Jesus and at the same time accept all the values of the society in which we live.

Of course, Jesus does not demand that we abandon the world, but He does demand that we put God first in our lives, because only God can guarantee the true happiness and peace that our hearts long for.  Nothing in the world can give this peace, and nothing in the world can take it away.  Our God wills us to be happy.

It is interesting to note that the first miracle of Jesus happened in the wedding party at Cana, where everyone was enjoying the occasion, the wine, and the food.  He chose such an occasion of joy to make His first miracle in order to show that He was a happy person who could love and enjoy Himself.  He wanted to show that each of us has a right to happiness.

Happiness is not wrong or a sin.  Since joy is one of the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit, a happy person does not fall into sin very easily.  Satan stays away from happy and joyful people; they are too hard to tempt.

The eight beatitudes do not describe eight different people such that we need to ask which of the eight suits us personally.  No, they are eight different snapshots taken from different angles of the same godly person.  The question for us today, therefore, is this – do we live our lives following the values of the world as a way of obtaining happiness or do we live by the teachings of Jesus?

If we live by the teachings of Jesus, then we may rejoice and be glad, for the reward in Heaven is great.



The Visitors’ View

January 8, 2023 |by N W | 0 Comments | Christmas, Deacon Barry, Eucharist, Faith, Joy, Sacraments

The Epiphany of the Lord
January 8, 2023 — Year A
Readings: Is 60:1-6 / Ps 72 / Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6 / Mt 2:1-12
by Rev. Mr. Barry Welch, Guest Homilist

At 8:22 PM on November 23, 1949, a bright light appeared in the Blue Ridge.  It flickered on and off for a few seconds, just before lighting up for good.  There were two hundred twenty-five mayors from all the surrounding areas who traveled from afar to watch and witness this spectacle, along with many locals and media.  Originally meant to be just a seasonal Christmas decoration, it has become a symbol of the region and one of the most recognized icons in Virginia, as well as one of the most photographed.  I’m talking about the Roanoke star.  It attracts visitors from all over to walk beneath its paths and to relax while enjoying the incredible view.

My family moved back to the area in 1994.  I have to confess that even though this star is so attractive and draws so many visitors from all over, I had not gone up to see the Roanoke star until 2015, some twenty-one years later.  What drew me there then was a high school graduation party we had for our oldest son.  We thought it would be a great place for our out-of-town guests to come and get an iconic view of what it is like here.  They were coming from New Jersey, New York, Richmond, and numerous other places.

It’s funny how we tend to take things for granted, like the incredible gifts available to enjoy right in our own backyards, like the Roanoke star, the Peaks of Otter, and from where I grew up, the mighty New River, Smith Mountain Lake, D-Day Memorial, Appomattox Courthouse and many others.  Very often, it takes out-of-town guests, outsiders, to illuminate this beauty and joy.  Outsiders, coming from afar, like the Magi in the Epiphany story we’re celebrating today, help us recognize the gifts around us every day.

We can become a little like the chief priests and scribes in the gospel today, because they had this beautiful thing occurring, but they had become complacent.  They had become bland and comfortable in their situation there in Jerusalem with their own things to do, their own busy-ness.  Herod probably didn’t care a whole lot about the Jewish religion and prophecies, but those around him were steeped in Hebrew scriptures, especially of the prophets, and Herod had access to that.  They all would have known the prophecy of the coming Messiah.  They knew that Bethlehem was to be the location of this future ruler.  They knew of the glory and joy about to come in this future leader, a savior, the Messiah.

This knowledge, however, wasn’t urgent or important.  The scribes knew about Jesus, but they did not seek Him.  It took out-of-town visitors, out-of-town guests talking about a rising star, to illuminate for them this new beauty and joy to be given to the world.  These Magi, astrologers, wise men gazing at the stars, looking at their charts, sought Jesus without really knowing, like the scribes did, who He was.  The scribes missed Him entirely.  They took Him for granted, even eventually becoming critical and working against the Messiah.

We, too, can become complacent and comfortable, even to the point of ignoring and criticizing lots of great things in our lives.  When guests come around, however, we see things anew.  That’s human nature.  It happens to all of us.  We become complacent and self-satisfied, missing what is important, even when it’s right in front of our eyes.

This happens with our faith life, in our church, with our faith, our doctrines, and in our own parish.  Sometimes it takes outsiders coming in, guests coming to visit, or people interested in RCIA, to bring out the noble and humble welcoming parish that we want to be.

We notice, then, that sometimes we don’t see what is important.  We can get to where we argue, complain, or just go about our busy-ness, forgetting Who is here, Who has come and why.  When a visitor comes asking questions, seeking illumination, then our light begins to stutter and flicker.  Then our love of Christ, His Church, and this parish begin glowing and we begin to brag about her, like we do of our children.  We forget about our dislikes and disagreements.  In a parish that could be disagreements about decorations, music, homilies, etc.  Instead, we beam with the honor of serving such a wonderful and loving king as our Jesus is and we are happy to share our love of Him and His Church, and our parish.  We forget about her human flaws, and we see more clearly her mission.

No matter where you are, visiting anywhere in the world, your parish is home, where the important thing, the reason the Church exists, the reason we are all here, comes.  We are here for an encounter with Him, our Lord and Savior, the Messiah, Jesus Christ.  Every time we are at Mass and participate in the Eucharist and any of the sacraments, we have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.  That encounter is attractive, effective, beautiful, and joyful every single time.  We want to cherish it, savor it, and make it last.

The Epiphany story gives us a subtle clue of what life is like once you have this encounter with Jesus, once you truly let yourself go and let sink in the significance of that encounter.  It becomes your own Epiphany.  Afterwards, nothing is the same.  You find that your journey has been altered.  The journey of the Magi was altered as well.  After their encounter with the baby Jesus, they departed for their country in a completely different way.  Life was different.  Their trajectory, your trajectory, is different.  Everything is different.  Your new path is illuminated now by Jesus.  You are carrying with you a light to shine upon others.  (“Shine upon” is an ancient meaning of the word, epiphany.). You are carrying a light to shine upon others.  You are the epiphany.


His Coming in Gentleness

December 25, 2022 |by N W | 0 Comments | Christmas, Comfort, Father Nixon, Hope, Humility, Joy, Love, Thanksgiving

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
December 25, 2022 — Year A
Readings: Is 52:5-10 / Ps 98 / Heb 1:1-6 / Jn 1:1-18
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

There was an inquisitive 4-year-old who happened to be rooted strongly to the “why” and “tell me” stage of life. The little boy was helping to sort out ornaments and said, “Daddy, what does ‘ignore’ mean?” The father explained, “Ignore means not to pay attention to people when they talk to you.”

Immediately, the little boy looked up at his father and said, “I don’t think we should ignore Jesus.” Puzzled, the father knelt closer to his animated son and replied, “I don’t think we should ignore Jesus either, son. I think we should give Him our full attention. So why do you say that we ignore Him?” “But daddy, that’s what the Christmas carol says: O come let us ignore Him.”

Kids sure say the darnedest things sometimes. But you know, brothers and sisters, often we actually get so caught up in the frenzy of preparations — parties, shopping, and decorating — that we appear to ignore the true meaning of Christmas and fail to prepare a place in our hearts to come and adore Him.

Let us adore the baby Jesus in the manger. A baby easily wins the heart and love of anyone with human feelings, but how much more does this baby win our heart and love? Imagine Jesus, the son of God and our savior, born in a stable and placed in a manger instead of a crib. When God comes, He usually comes in humility, silently and peacefully, without causing a great disturbance.

God’s humble coming in Jesus would not surprise us if we knew God better, but of course we will never know God sufficiently to understand. So, no matter how much we try to understand God becoming human in Jesus, we will not be able to comprehend. It will remain a mystery. The best reaction is that of the shepherds, simply to praise God.

So let us praise God now in our own words. As we look at the baby Jesus, we think of the mystery of God’s love for us, and ask ourselves: Why did God, who is almighty and all powerful, become small and powerless as a baby? Quite simply out of love for us. God became human so that we might become more like God. If Jesus had not come as a human like us, we might have had difficulty in believing God really loved us, but now we know for sure.

John the Evangelist says this is the revelation of God’s love for us: that God sent His only son into the world that we might have life through Him. This Christmas, brothers and sisters, let us thank God for revealing His love for us in Jesus, that He who is so big and powerful became so small and weak for us, that He became one of us to help us be more like Him, to have life through Him.

So, as we see baby Jesus in the manger, we reflect on God’s way being a way of gentleness and tenderness. God’s way is not one of violence, but gentleness. There’s a lot of goodness and love in the world but God is always tender and loving. As we look at baby Jesus in the manger, we see that He is the answer to today’s problems.

Instead of violence, in baby Jesus in the manger we see gentleness. Instead of hatred, in baby Jesus in the manger we see tenderness. Instead of selfishness, in baby Jesus in the manger we see love for us. So let us ask baby Jesus to help us to be gentle, tender, and loving with those around us, as He was in the manger.

Jesus in the manger gave us hope. In the darkness of our world His light has shone. His coming in gentleness encourages us to hold out the hand of reconciliation, to help one another, to work for peace. And we remember the message of the angels: Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth, peace!