Connecting With the Lord

March 29, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Connecting With the Lord | Comfort, Courage, Evangelization, Family, Father Salvador, Lent, Mercy, Prayer, Resurrection, Trust

Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 29, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Ez 37:12-14 / Ps 130 / Rom 8:8-11 / Jn 11:1-45
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Ever since I have had a Facebook account, I usually deactivate it during the season of Lent. Three years ago, after the forty days of Lenten season, for one reason or another, I just didn’t bother to reactivate it. So my Facebook account was practically dead for about thirty-six months. (more…)


Faith, Our Antidote for Fear

March 22, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Faith, Our Antidote for Fear | Comfort, Courage, Faith, Father Salvador, Healing, Hope, Lent, Prayer, Resurrection, Trust |

Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2020 – Year A
Readings: 1 Sm 16:1B, 6-7, 1-13A / Ps 23 / Eph 5:8-14 / Jn 9:1-41
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

This morning I had the chance to talk with my relatives in New York and California. Because of this coronavirus, we now have more time, not only to reconnect with our relatives and friends in other parts of the country and the world, but also many of us have rediscovered our relationship with our God. And this is indeed a silver lining in the dark cloud of this COVID-19 pandemic. (more…)


Begin Again

March 24, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Begin Again | Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Grace, Holy Spirit, Humility, Lent, Repentance, Sacraments, Strength

Third Sunday of Lent
March 24, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Ex 3:1-8A, 13-15 / Ps 103 / 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12 / Lk 13:1-9
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Today I want to focus on one event in “The Lord of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien. It is the part where the band of heroes is forced to go underground and travel through the mines of Moria, a dark, foreboding, and evil place. They travel safely for a few days and are almost at the end, when they are discovered by the evil orcs who live there. A fight ensues and they must flee for their lives. This fight culminates when they have to cross the bridge of Khazad-dûm. (more…)


Desert Experience

March 17, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Desert Experience | Commitment, Father Salvador, Lent, Mission, Repentance, Saints, Self-Reflection, Trust

Second Sunday of Lent
March 17, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 / Ps 27 / Phil 3:17 – 4:1 / Lk 9:28B-36
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

In my first few years in the priesthood, I had the privilege to minister to the residents of a remote, small, country town in the Pacific. It happened to be within my parish jurisdiction, so I had to be there quite often. People who have never been there consider it to be a God-forsaken place because there are no hospitals, no department stores, and yes, no electricity. But the folks that live there are the happiest and healthiest people in that region. Those who happen to visit that place, usually by accident, often have a desert experience. As a side note, one hundred percent of the residents there are Roman Catholics. When they have difficulties, their only recourse is to turn to God, since they are miles away from modern civilization. (more…)


Let Go To Be Free

March 10, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Let Go To Be Free | Faith, Father Salvador, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Lent, Prayer, Repentance, Trust

First Sunday in Lent
March 10, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Dt 26:4-10 / Ps 91 / Rom 10:8-13 / Lk 4:1-13
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Although the beginning of Spring is still ten days from now, the fact that we have already made the “spring forward” of our clocks tells us that Spring is here. As you all know, Lent is the ancient word for Spring. This is the time when we members of the mystical body of Christ take a closer look at our relationship with our God and our neighbor. The good news is that even if we had a long hard winter in our spiritual life, our good and merciful God is always giving us a new springtime, so we can start all over and leave the past behind. (more…)


Be Changed

March 3, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Be Changed | Blessings, Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Lent, Repentance, Self-Reflection

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
March 3, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Sir 27:4-7 / Ps 92 / 1 Cor 15:54-58 / Lk 6:39-45
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Today is the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. We have been in the same book of the Gospel of Luke for the past three weeks. This part of Luke’s Gospel is called the Sermon on the Plain, and it’s a parallel to St. Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. They share many similarities.

Let me refresh your memory on the gospels for the past few weeks. Two weeks ago, Jesus was talking about blessings: “Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are hungry, for you will be satisfied.” He goes on: “Woe to you who are filled now, for you will be hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will grieve and weep.” (more…)


Living the Triduum

March 29, 2018 |by N W | Comments Off on Living the Triduum | Baptism, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Easter, Eucharist, Lent, Service

Holy Thursday
March 29, 2018 – Year B
Readings: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14 / Ps 116 / 1 Cor 11:23-26 / Jn 13:1-15
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Welcome to the start of the Holy Triduum. The Holy Triduum is three nights: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and it ends with the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. If you pay attention, you’ll notice that it really is one whole long liturgy strung together. Tonight will not end like a Mass normally ends. Tomorrow night won’t start like it normally does and also, tomorrow night the ending will be a little bit different. Then, if you come to all three liturgies, you will notice that the Easter Vigil does not start normally either. This is a solemn time. (more…)


Hope for the Living Dead

March 18, 2018 |by N W | Comments Off on Hope for the Living Dead | Comfort, Eternal Life, Father Salvador, Healing, Hope, Lent, Resurrection

Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 18, 2018 – Year A Readings
Readings: Ez 37:12-14 / Ps 130 / Rom 8:8-11 / Jn 11:1-45
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

The Spring 2018 issue of Discover Smith Mountain Lake magazine has an article titled “Taking the Sting Out of Death.” (The article is posted on the parish bulletin board, and the magazine is available for free at the Bedford Welcome Center.) It is good reading during the season of Lent.

The writer, Kate Hofstetter, interviewed two men of God, as she put it, about their experience ministering to the dying. Both of these clergy said that a strong faith in God and the spiritual support of their loved ones takes the sting out of death for those who are about to be born into life eternal. (more…)


Seeing With the Eyes of Faith

March 11, 2018 |by N W | Comments Off on Seeing With the Eyes of Faith | Baptism, Deacon Eddie, Easter, Eucharist, Joy, Lent, Light, Self-Reflection

Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 11, 2018 – Year A Readings
Readings: 1 Sm 16:1B, 6-7, 1-13A / Ps 23 / Eph 5:8-14 / Jn 9:1-41
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Good morning and welcome to Laetare Sunday. Laetare is Latin for YAY! Laetare means rejoice. It is good to see everyone here so bright-eyed, more or less. It’s almost as though everyone is missing an hour of sleep.

I want to see a show of hands. How many people have missals with them today? How many of you read the readings today before you came to Mass? Good job! Now some of you may be thinking, “Wait a minute – we just heard the wrong readings! Aren’t we in Year B?” (more…)


Thirst for Living Water

March 4, 2018 |by N W | Comments Off on Thirst for Living Water | Baptism, Blessings, Easter, Evangelization, Father Salvador, Holy Spirit, Joy, Lent, Love

Third Sunday of Lent
March 4, 2018 – Year A Readings
Readings: Ez 17:3-7 / Ps 95 / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Today we celebrate the Third Sunday of the season of Lent, which is also the first scrutiny for our four catechumens here at Holy Name, who will be receiving the sacrament of Baptism at the Easter Vigil. We also have catechumens in our sister parish, and this is the first time that both parishes will be welcoming new members to the Church. For those of you using your own missal, we use the readings for Year A when we have scrutinies for the catechumens. (more…)