Embrace Change

February 7, 2016 |by N W | Comments Off on Embrace Change | Commitment, Courage, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Evangelization, Lent, Mission, Self-Reflection, Vocations

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 7, 2016 – Year C
Readings: Is 6:1-2A, 3-8 / Ps 138 / 1 Cor 15:1-11 / Lk 5:1-11
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

This Sunday is not the World Day of Prayer for Vocations.  But with these readings, it very well could be.  These readings have a common theme going through them: the theme of God calling and people answering, plain and simple. (more…)


God Forgives and Forgets

March 22, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on God Forgives and Forgets | Father Salvador, Forgiveness, Grace, Homilies, Lent, Love, St. John

Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2015 – Year B
Readings: Jer 31: 31-34, Psalm 51, Heb 5:7-9, Jn 12:20-33
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Ron Davis, in his book, A Forgiving God in an Unforgiving World, told a story which I love to read over and over again, and which I also like to tell over and over again. So if you’ve heard the story from me a second or third time, it is intentional. (more…)



March 15, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Rejoice! | Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Faith, Grace, Healing, Homilies, Lent, Love, St. John

Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015 – Year B

Readings: 2 Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23; Psalm 137; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Today is Laetare Sunday. This is a Latin word meaning “rejoice”. It’s the beginning of the introit for today’s Mass:

“Rejoice, Jerusalem, and all who love her. Be joyful, all who were in mourning;…”



We Are God’s Temple

March 8, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on We Are God’s Temple | Comfort, Discipleship, Eternal Life, Faith, Father Salvador, Homilies, Lent, St. John, Trust

Third Sunday of Lent
March 8, 2015 – Year B
Readings: Ex 20:1-17 / 1 Cor 1:22-25 / Jn 2:13-25
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Spring is here, although not formally, not until March 20, but we already spring forward. I love those words: “Spring forward.” We don’t spring backward, we always spring forward. And this is what we do with our spiritual life. We always move forward. (more…)


The Joy of Listening to Jesus

March 1, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on The Joy of Listening to Jesus | Comfort, Faith, Father Salvador, Homilies, Hope, Joy, Lent, St. Mark, Trust

Second Sunday of Lent
March 1, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Gn 22:1-2, 9A, 10-13, 15-18; Psalm 116; Rom 8:31B-34; Mk 9:2-10
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

While I was away, Holy Name of Mary was in the Catholic Virginian again with Colleen’s article, “It All Began with a Word.” After consistently reading the sacred scriptures for several days, she got the inspiration to start the Holy Spirit Prayer Ministry. One of those who recently attended the Prayer Ministry said, “I came feeling sick and depressed. I left feeling joyful!” (more…)


Coming Home

February 22, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Coming Home | Faith, Father Salvador, Forgiveness, Grace, Homilies, Lent, Love, St. Mark, Trust

First Sunday of Lent
February 22, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Gn 9:8-15; Psalm 25; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

I would like to thank all of you for praying for me while I traveled back from the Philippines. It’s quite a change from 90-degree temperature all the time to 8 degrees with snow. 99 percent of my relatives & friends in my hometown have never seen, much less touched, snow. So when they heard there was a snowstorm here, they asked me to try to explain snowflakes and snow formation. I tried, but (more…)


Prescription for Healing

February 18, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Prescription for Healing | Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Generosity, Grace, Healing, Homilies, Lent, Prayer, St. Mark, St. Matthew

Ash Wednesday
February 18, 2015

Readings: Jl 2:12-18; Psalm 51; 2 Cor 5:20-6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

You may have noticed that, for the past few Sundays, Jesus the Great Physician has been very busy. Since the beginning of Ordinary Time, we have been in the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark. Now, Mark doesn’t beat around the bush. His Gospel is the oldest and the shortest and he gets right down to business. He spends just 20 verses telling us about the events that led up to Jesus’ ministry. Contrast that with John who devotes 51 verses, Matthew who spends 87, and Luke who spends 183. (more…)


Healing Is for Service

February 8, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Healing Is for Service | Discipleship, Guest Celebrants, Healing, Homilies, Lent, Mission, Service, St. Mark

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
by Rev. Richard Mooney

This entire stretch of time between the end of Christmas and the beginning of Lent, we are spending in the first chapter of the gospel of Mark. In that first chapter, we are being introduced to Jesus. One way to get a lot out of it is to read the chapter as if you had never heard these stories before. When you do that, you are more likely to get a sense of the challenge that is built into these stories. (more…)


The Reward of Welcoming Jesus

April 27, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | 0 Comments | Comfort, Father Salvador, Homilies, Hope, Lent, Love, St. Matthew

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
April 13, 2014 – Year A
Readings: Mt 21:1-11, Is 50:4-7, Psalm 22, Phil 2:6-11, Mt 26:14-27:66
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A few minutes before Mass, I was talking to Deacon Eddie. He reminded me of a story from when his daughter Carrie was in kindergarten. She said that the best part of her day was when she saw her mom waiting for her at the bus stop after school. This is precisely the same feeling that travelers on a journey in the desert during the time of our Lord would have when they saw their friends and relatives waving palm branches to welcome them. (more…)


He Who Believes in Me Will Live

April 9, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Faith, Forgiveness, Homilies, Lent, St. John, Trust

5th Sunday of Lent, Year A
April 6, 2014
Readings: Ez 37:12-14, Psalm 130, Rom 8:8-11, Jn 11:1-45
by Rev. Mr. Sal Clarizio, Permanent Deacon

In the gospel reading of today from St. John we hear the story of the raising of Lazarus from death. This miracle is the seventh and greatest of the ‘signs’ that Jesus works in St. John’s gospel. (more…)