Become a Saint

November 1, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Mission, Saints, Vocations

Solemnity of All Saints
November 1, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 / Ps 24 / 1 Jn 3:1-3 / Mt 5:1-12a
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Last night at the Vigil Mass for All Saints Day, there was a boy who was wearing a costume of a saint, maybe a pope or a priest.  And I smiled when he fell in line for Communion, and I gave my appreciation to the boy after Communion before the final prayer, simply because one meaning of Halloween is the eve of the holy, and if it’s the eve of the holy, what costume should our children be wearing?  It should be costumes for saints, not those scary things.  In fact, I mentioned it last night; yes, it’s only for fun, but it’s not something proper for that day, if we truly observe the eve of the holy, because it’s like inviting those unkind or evil spirits.  And once that evil spirit enters our homes, we call the priest.

This reminds me of when I was in my previous parish.  There was a Baptist lady who came to our church and asked for a blessing for her house. I told her she needed to go to her pastor, and she said that her pastor did not know what to do and told her to go to a Catholic priest.  As a priest, even though the person does not belong to your congregation, you help.  When people need help, we just have to help.  That’s our job as Christians, not only as Catholics, as Christians.

Brothers and sisters, we know that every November 1 we celebrate All Saints Day.  What is the purpose of the Church in celebrating All Saints Day?  The Church celebrates All Saints Day simply because this reminds us of our vocation to be holy.  By virtue of our baptism, Christ called us to follow Him, to become holy, to become saints.  A French Catholic novelist, Leon Bloy, said the only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life is not to become a saint.  True, although in life, we have many failures.  When we were children growing up, we had some failures – we disobeyed our parents, or in school we experienced failures.  These are part of life, in jobs, and in everything.   But at the end of our lives, the only thing that matters is our salvation.  To become a saint is the only thing that matters at the end of the day.

If we fail to become a saint, to be the person whom Christ expects us to be, then we fail in life.  That is why, brothers and sisters, if we understand this kind of thinking, our perspective in life will surely change.  The many things that we value a lot in life, we will realize that they are just trivial and that they are not really important.  The important thing in life is to become a saint, because one day all of us desire and dream to be in heaven, and we can only be there if we become a saint.  That’s why Leon Bloy was right that the greatest failure we have in life, the only failure that we will regret for the rest of our lives is not to become a saint.  That’s why when we realize this kind of thinking, we will have that wisdom in our lives.  Wisdom is having a sense of what is really important in life and what is secondary or less important.

We will start to realize that many things in this world are just not really important.  What is truly important are the things that help to bring us to our salvation and make us a saint.  Wisdom is the ability to discern what is of lasting value and what is of passing concern.  Yes, we may become popular, we may become a mayor, a governor, a president, priest, a nun, a deacon, or a bishop.  We might become rich and powerful.  But if we do not become righteous or a saint, everything is useless.  We don’t want to regret at the end of our lives that we failed to do that.

What is it to be a saint?  When we hear the word saint, we think of people who are perfect beings.  We think of people who are not tempted, people who never get angry.  These are the misconceptions that we have about saints.  Saints are actually human beings like us.  They also get angry, they fall in love, they have flaws and shortcoming in life.  Sometimes they also commit sin.  Pope Francis once said that saints are not superhumans; they are people who love God and who share this love with others.  And that is a saint.  We experience the love of God and we want to share that love of God with others.

In all ways, in all aspects of life, we just have to share that love with others, loving even those people who are difficult to love.  Saints try to follow the two commandments – love of God and love of neighbor.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  That’s why this beautiful quote is helpful for us:  Saints are sinners who never stop trying to do good.  That’s a real saint.  Saints are sinners who never stop trying to become better persons.   That’s what Mother Teresa tells us.

God does not call us always to be successful.  He always calls us to be faithful.  Every time our weaknesses resurface, our shortcomings will come out.  All we have to do is ask the Lord’s forgiveness and start all over again.  That’s the kind of life the saints have.

Bishop Robert Barron once said: “To be a saint is simply to become a friend of God.”  This means allowing God to live in us.  If we become friends of God, then we allow him to penetrate our whole being.  Saint Paul tells us, in his letter to the Galatians (Gal 2:20), “It is no longer I who live, but Jesus who lives in me.”  That’s very important; if we become true friends of our Lord Jesus Christ, we allow Him to enter into our being.  That’s why every time we go to Mass and receive Communion, it is a good reminder for us that before we receive Jesus, we believe that is Him – not a symbol of Jesus.  But that is Him that we are receiving.  He said, “This is my body.”  So that is Him that we receive.  That is why that every time we partake of Him, He becomes part of our being.  And by consuming Him, we pray and we hope that we think and we speak and we act like Jesus.

That’s very important.  Make that act of faith or prayer; do that prayer.  “Lord, I’m going to receive You right now.  I’m going to consume You.  And You are going to become part of my system and of my body.  You go to my stomach, and You will be distributed to all the parts of my body.  And I want You to transform me to become like You, so that everything that I think, everything that I will say and do and think will be like You.

But brothers and sisters, perhaps we may also ask the question about whether becoming a saint means that we lose our individuality.  Does becoming a saint mean that we also lose our personal life?  The answer is no.  In fact, it is surrendering of ourselves to Christ.  We discover ourselves and our true happiness.  Look at the saints; when they started to offer their lives to Christ, they became peaceful and happy.  They found meaning in their lives.  Why?  That’s just the grace of God.  We cannot explain that.  The world cannot give that kind of grace, that peace, that meaning in life to us.  Only the Lord can give that to us.  That is why, when Christ reigns in our lives, what will disappear?  In us, first our ego, our pride, our self-centeredness, our worldliness, and our greediness.  They will all disappear.  If Christ reigns in our lives, all of that will go away.  We won’t use our pride anymore to defend ourselves.  We remain humble in everything that we do.  So, in Christ we can truly be free.

So, who are the so-called saints?  One of the beautiful things in the Catholic Church is that are a variety of saints.  We know that there are saints who are both male and female.  There are saints who are both rich and poor.  Some are educated, and some are innocent.  Some are old, and some are young.  There is a variety of saints, and there is no one single type of saint; rather there is a wide variety of personalities with different styles and backgrounds and education.  But what do they have in common?  They all became friends of God.  They allowed Jesus to influence their lives.  They allowed Jesus to reign in their lives.  That’s why in everything that they do, they speak in reflection of the things that Jesus taught them.  There’s no saint that expresses the fullness of God; rather, each of the saints in his or her own unique way expresses something of the goodness of God.  True.  Only Jesus reveals to us the fullness of God, but the saints reveal only something or part of the goodness of the Lord.

That’s why many saints have many different ways of expressing the goodness and the love of God. That’s why nowadays, Pope Francis canonized few saints.  One of them is St. Titus Brandsma.  He died of lethal injection in a concentration camp, and one of his famous sayings is, “Do not yield to hatred.  We are here in a dark tunnel, but we have to go on.  At the end, an eternal light is shining for us.”  Amazing!  Despite the threat to his life, despite the difficulty and challenges that he faced, he remained trusting and having faith in God.

That is very important for us, especially when our faith is being tested.  I hear a lot of people questioning whether God really exists, with all the troubles of the world: “I’m worried about myself, I’m worried about my children.  What will happen to the world?  The church is being attacked.  God must not have seen what’s going on in the world.”  Of course, the answer is no.  If we think about persecution of the Church, the Church has experienced a lot of persecutions.  Remember those Dark Ages.  Remember those times when the Church was being suppressed by emperors and kings.  Those mighty powers with great powerful kingdoms – where are they all now?  They’re all under the ground.  But how about the Church that they were persecuting?  The Church has no guns or armies; it only relies on God’s grace and power.  It continues to grow even larger.  And that’s the face of God.  Perhaps, if we were in that time when the persecution happened, we would have said that God does not exist; he allowed my brother or my family member to be murdered, to be fed to the lions.  Perhaps we would have that kind of thinking that God does not exist.  Do you think those people in that time would believe in how the Church is growing today?  If they saw how the Church is growing right now, those people would likely have said that is impossible, and we would never think that the Church would continue to live.

But the grace of God works differently.  That’s why the scripture remains always true.  God will always humble the proud.  Those of you who pray the breviary every day know that plan.  And even Jesus is always true to His word – I will be with you until the end of time.  That is very true up to now.  Worrying about what’s going on in the world, God sees everything.  Trust and have faith in Him, and you will be free of anxiety and depression. Yes, it doesn’t mean that the problem will disappear; it will still be there, but it will not lead you to succumb to the depression and anxiety.  Because we know that there is a God who sees everything, and He can do anything He wants in this world.  He can transform anything in a split second.  All you have to do is to trust His will in our lives.

Another saint that we need to remember is Blessed Carl Acutis, who is the first millennial to be beatified by the Church.  In his short life of fifteen years, he showed to the world that he was a normal person.  Like any other young man or woman who likes to use a computer, he knew how to use the internet and social media.  But despite all this, Carlo Acutis loved God.  And he said that he used his skills to spread the good news.  In fact, he made a website that tells us of Eucharistic miracles that have happened in different parts of the world.

So, brothers and sisters, what should be our challenge today as we celebrate All Saints Day?  I think it would be very good for us to choose a saint to imitate.  Choose a saint that you can relate to, or one whose life you could follow.  Mother Teresa of Calcutta, because she was a saint who loved to take care of the neglected and the poor.  Or whatever saint you would want to imitate.  And pray for that saint and ask that saint to help and intercede for you.  I hope, brothers and sisters, despite your busy schedules, or the things that you enjoy in life, I pray and I hope that you will become friends of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And let us not forget the only real sadness, the only real failure, the only great tragedy in life is not to become a saint.


Bartimaeus Begins to See and Follows Jesus

October 27, 2024 |by N W | 1 Comments | Deacon Mark, Evangelization, Family, Holy Spirit, Life, Mission, Wisdom

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 27, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jer 31:7-9 / Ps 126 / Heb 5:1-6 / Mk 10:46-52
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Today I will continue to preach on the theme of evangelization in accord with the third year of the Eucharistic Revival, which is focused on mission. And since part of our mission is to vote in harmony with our Heavenly Father’s will and purpose, I will take some time to look at the upcoming elections through God’s eyes.

In today’s gospel, “Jesus stopped and said, ‘Call him.’” (Mk 10:49) Jesus is ever on the move, but He stops when someone calls out to Him in humility: “Have pity on me.”  He also commands us to bring those people to Him: “Call him.”  Is Jesus commanding you to call someone to Him? If so, will you “spring up” and follow Jesus that way?

Your answer to these questions has much to do with whether or not you are aware of the Holy Spirit in you, whom you received at your baptism and to the degree that you have intentionally opened the Holy Spirit’s gifts that were given to you in Confirmation. Let’s start with the gift of Knowledge.

The gift of Knowledge is to truly know God. Jeremiah reveals God’s heart to us in today’s first reading. God speaks tenderly to His people, whose country has fallen into ruin. “I will gather them from the ends of the world…They departed in tears, but I will console them…I will lead them to brooks of water, on a level road… (and those astonishing words) for I am a father.” (Jer 31:8-9) As Chris Tomlin’s song says, “You’re a good, good Father. It’s who You are.”  Knowing this is true and remains true even when we have messed up terribly, enables us to emulate Bartimaeus, to hear Jesus’ call and to spring up and follow Him when we do.

Two other gifts of the Holy Spirit can be seen in Psalm 126, Wisdom and Fortitude. Psalm 126 speaks of God’s people, “Although they go forth weeping, carrying the seed to be sown, they shall come back rejoicing.” (Ps 126:8) Through the Holy Spirit, we can persevere through difficulties, tiredness, and fears that can bring us to tears. This is Fortitude.

Fortitude enables us, in trying situations, to hang in there, so that we can use the gift of Wisdom. Wisdom helps us to see others as God the Father sees them. We see this playing out in the gospel. Jesus told his followers to call Bartimaeus. But they were only able to do so, because Jesus removed their blindness first, so that they could see Bartimaeus as God does, not as an annoying blind beggar on the side of the road, but (gift of Wisdom) as a beloved child. And because they evangelized as Jesus commanded, God opened Bartimaeus’s eyes, and he began to follow Jesus too.  In the Spirit, we sow the seed of the good news of the gospel. And when those people who hear us, like Bartimaeus, join our faith family here, that is a great day! This Psalm shows the hope of us as evangelists, carrying God’s Word to a hurting and lost world.

When evangelizing, as Jesus commanded his followers to do in the gospel saying, “Call him,” we should combine the Spirit’s gifts of Wisdom and Understanding. Understanding helps us to share the Faith’s truths with confidence and humility. The reading from Hebrews says, “He is able to deal patiently with the ignorant and erring, for he himself is beset by weakness…No one takes this honor upon himself but only when called by God.” (Heb 5:2) This is not written only for deacons, priests, and bishops, but for all the baptized.

The gospel too speaks of being called. Mary Healy describes chapter 10 of Mark’s gospel as being “all about Jesus opening the eyes of His disciples to His messianic mission and their call to follow Him.” (Healy 210) Bartimaeus shows us how to hear Jesus’ call in five steps:

1) Hang out where Jesus will be (Mass & Bible).

2) Call out to Him with humility as a beggar (Prayer).

3) Seek the help of His followers (Parishioners).

4) Repent and let Him change you (Confession & Eucharist).

5) Spring up and follow Him (Care for those in need and call them to Jesus…words are necessary).

The purpose of our Catholic faith is mission: a mission to evangelize, empowered by the Holy Spirit. He has given the baptized and confirmed seven gifts that enable us to share our faith effectively. (Is 11:1-2) However, for us to effectively evangelize inside and outside these walls, we must be free, which brings me to the upcoming elections.

They are important, because our freedom to follow our God-given conscience is being eroded (Little Sisters of the Poor vs. State of New York). I am not going to tell you who to vote for, but I am going to speak from the wisdom and heart of the Church, so that our votes are informed by our conscience, where the Holy Spirit speaks to us.

It is said that we should not vote on a single issue. Using the Holy Spirit’s gift of Understanding, which enables us to see through falsehoods, I would call that a false teaching. Here is one way to think about it. If a doctor discovers you have cancer, does that doctor dilute their treatment of it so that they can also focus on your bunions and allergies? No. They focus everything on that cancer, because they know it can spread and damage organs and bones and eventually bring death. So too, there is a single issue that spreads like cancer in our society. It is secular humanism.

Secular humanism is a deadly belief that we can solve all our problems, that there is no God, that we are accidents of evolution. This means there is no absolute moral standard and that human beings are not made for an amazing purpose by a loving God. Laws have been passed, are being passed, and are being proposed that impose this falsehood on our society.

Within secular humanism, humans, like gods, decide who lives and who dies…when people are too weak to defend themselves. The list of these defenseless people includes babies, prisoners, the elderly, the sick, and the despairing. These unjust laws communicate that human life is not sacred, that people are tools to be used as long as they are productive and can give us what we want, and that some people cannot be redeemed from the wrongs they have committed.

This secular-humanistic belief spreads from legalizing the taking of human life to other parts of society like cancer spreads to other organs and the bones. Secular humanists say, “If we can take human life like God, then we, like God, can define marriage. It can be between two men or two women.”  They are blind to how all of creation cries out that is false.

Marriage is to society what bones are to the human body. It gives society a foundation upon which communities grow strong and thrive. In marriage between one man and one woman, society becomes life giving (children), and within a family people learn to serve out of love for one another.

When secular humanists define marriage as being two people of the same sex, they open the door to redefining what a man or woman is. They say to themselves, “If we can define marriage to be between two people of the same sex, then why not choose our sex?” Thus, this cancerous belief spreads through laws that support this choice. Maybe no other choice more explicitly declares that God does not exist, and that if He does, He makes mistakes. And, not only can a person choose their sex, but they can punish those who follow their God-given conscience and refuse to recognize and celebrate that lie. Again, all of creation cries out that the ability to choose your sex is a false teaching.

Our votes need to support those who will best protect the truth that God is God, and we are not, that He alone decides when a person’s life is over, that He alone decides if we are male or female, that He alone defines marriage, and that He defined it as between one man and one woman.  We see these truths throughout creation. We do not need a bible to know they are true. (Rom 1:20)

We can kind of sum this up like this: God is a good, good Father. And His children vote for life not death, for fruitful love not sterility, and for the wonderful gift of our manhood and womanhood, not confusion and despair.

You see, cancerous beliefs like secular humanism are not the only thing that spreads. Where sin abounds, grace abounds much more. (Rom 5:20) Love, life, and truth spread so much more effectively than falsehoods, for all people are made for Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life. (John 14:6) So be bold in hope and share your faith and vote for the truth. We were made by God and for God, and it is only in our relationship with Him that we find true joy and peace. Amen.



  1. Mary Healy STD. Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture, The Gospel of Mark. Baker Academic 2008.




Embrace the Cross

September 15, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Charity, Faith, Father Nixon, Mission, Service, Strength

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 15, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Is 50:5-9a / Ps 116 / Jas 2:14-18 / Mk 8:27-35
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

This Sunday’s readings show us how to live our faith, regardless of how the world is treating us.  The readings then reveal to us how to put our faith into action and how our faith can give us the strength to carry the cross in our lives, not to suffer, but to be a symbol of love.

In the first reading, from the prophet Isaiah, we hear the suffering servant.  He speaks about his suffering and persecution but remains obedient to the Lord.  He relies on God’s assistance while others attack him and hurl abuse at him.  This passage refers to Christ as the eventual suffering servant, yet this passage also teaches us a lesson.  The example of Isaiah shows us in our lives today, as we are exposed to situations when we are limited in our opportunities, misjudged, or even persecuted for our beliefs, like the suffering servant, that we should have faith in God and remain committed to Him even in times of suffering.

Most of us have heard the poem, or listened to the song version, Footprints in the Sand.  But allow me to read it to you today.

Footprints in the Sand.

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.

Scenes from my life flashed across the sky.

In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.

Sometimes there were two sets of footprints; other times there was only one.

During the low periods of my life,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So, I said to the Lord,

“You promised me, Lord,
that You would walk with me always.

Why, when I have needed you most, have you not been there for me?”

The Lord replied, “The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child,
are when I carried you.”

It may seem that in our difficult times, we only see our footsteps, as if we are walking alone, and no one is helping us.  But in fact, it isn’t even our footsteps, but the Lord’s.  He’s been carrying us all along.  Whenever we go through some challenges in our lives, we can be assured that Jesus has gone through this path before us.  And that He still walks with us today.

The second reading, from James, highlights that faith without works is pointless.  James also teaches us that faith without works is dead, which means that we need to engage the world with our faith.  Even if we claim that we have faith, it is useless if we do not feed the hungry.  He gives us the illustration of a brother or sister who is hungry or poorly clothed, and, instead of feeding them or dressing them, one will just say to them, “Go in peace, and keep warm and well fed.”

Today there is so much suffering:  poverty, loneliness, lack of faith, and we cannot remain passive.  Jesus is asking us to be His arms and legs; to extend a hand and help our fellow brothers and sisters.  Thus, taking up our cross means living out the faith that can be seen to be real and active as it is expressed in love for the neighbor.

In today’s gospel, Jesus asks his disciples a pivotal question.  The question, “Who do you say that I am?” is the very question of our Christian faith.  Indeed, it is not a matter that just Peter and the disciples have to answer.  It is a question Jesus poses to each one of us.  The question, Who do you say that I am? determines how we live, what we do, and most importantly, how we relate to God.

Peter confidently replies, “You are the Christ.”  But when Jesus tells the disciples that being the Christ involves suffering, rejection, and death, Peter rebukes Him.  Everyone seems to have their own image of the Messiah.  It is not what they expected.  Jesus’ response struck Peter with these stern words: “Get behind me, Satan.  For you are not thinking as God does, but as human beings do.”  This is the message that Jesus wants to convey to His disciples, as well as to all of us who follow Him.

The cross:  It means self-sacrifice; picking up one’s cross and following Him.  The cross is closely connected to our identity as Christians.  It is not just a tool of pain and agony, but also a sign of love, sacrifice, and triumph.  Jesus was not forced to bear the cross, but He chose to do so because of our salvation, and to adopt us as God’s sons and daughters.  But equally as important is the call to take up our own cross by Jesus.

We can ask ourselves: “What does it mean for me to bear my cross today?”  The cross can come in different shapes and sizes in our daily lives.  It could be a challenging friendship, a disease, a family’s financial problem, or the things that one has to give up for the family.  It is, for example, defending what we believe in or helping others when it is not very comfortable to do so.  In whatever form we find ourselves, the cross calls for faith and the assurance that Christ is with us.

According to St. Thomas Aquinas, to love is to will the good of the other.  Taking up our cross means living this truth; choosing to love in the face of need, choosing the good of others over our own comfort, and trusting in God’s providence.

Today our Church compels us to be people of faith and to live it in concrete ways.  Let us ask ourselves the question that Jesus asked:  Who do you say that I am?  Do we really acknowledge Him as the Christ, the one who came to suffer, die, and rise for us?  If we do, then we’re being asked to follow Him and to carry our own crosses.  It may include forgiving, when one feels that forgiving others is difficult; serving others and defending the truth, even if it comes at a personal loss.  It means bringing the spirit of the Lord into every decision and action we take in our lives in order to become witnesses of the love of Christ.

In the world that we live in today, it is very tempting to think like Peter in our gospel, who wants an easy and comfortable life with Christ but without the price of the cross.  But Jesus wants more from us.  He calls us to deny ourselves, to embrace the cross, and to find true life in Him.

As we continue our Mass today, let us reflect on how we can live out our faith more fully.  How can we take up our crosses with greater love and trust?  How can we put our faith into action, by serving those around us?  May the grace of the Eucharist strengthen us to follow Christ more closely, to love as He loves, and to carry our crosses with courage and hope.


Eucharistic Revival – Jesus Feeds Five Thousand

July 28, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Deacon Mark, Eucharist, Faith, Generosity, Mission, St. John

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 28, 2024 — Year B
Readings: 2 Kgs 4:42-44 / Ps 145 / Eph 4: 1-6 / Jn 6: 1-15
by Rev. Mr. Mark De La Hunt, Permanent Deacon

Today is the first of five Sundays dedicated to the sixth chapter of John’s gospel, which is Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist. To place a greater emphasis on the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of the Catholic faith, Father Nixon and I will alternate preaching over these five Sundays. This is our way of participating in the Eucharistic Revival that the United States Catholic Church is in the midst of.

The big moment of the Eucharistic Revival occurred July 17-21, in Indianapolis, Indiana, the first National Eucharistic Congress in eighty-three years. Tens of thousands of on-fire Catholics gathered there to “encounter the living Jesus Christ, be healed and unified by His Real Presence, and to be sent out “for the life of the world (Revival).”

The prophets of our time gathered with them, Bishop Barron, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Sr. Miriam, James Heidland, Fr. Josh Johnson, Matt Maher, Bishop Andrew Cozzens, Jackie Angel, Sr. Josephine Garrett, Fr. Boniface Hicks, Jonathan Roumie, and Deacon Larry Oney and Fr. Dave Pivonka who led tent revivals at HNM, and many of your other favorites. Leading up to the Eucharistic Congress, four Eucharistic processions, walking with Jesus in the Eucharist from the north, south, east, and west collectively processed 6,500 miles to Indianapolis. Their procession paths formed the shape of a cross, blessing our entire nation.

I am challenging all of you to make this Sunday and the next four a personal Eucharistic Revival. Read and pray over John 6 while asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what the Eucharist means for your life. My license plate, by the way, is John6, because it is so essential to our faith, to bringing people to Jesus in His Catholic Church, and to His making all Christians one in His body again, as He intended from the beginning and as it was for over 1,500 years. Here is a trailer for John 6.

  1. In this Sunday’s gift, we sit with the five thousand Jesus fed from a few loaves.
  2. That miracle points to next Sunday, August 4, when Father Nixon will preach on the passage where Jesus tells the people that Moses didn’t give their ancestors manna from heaven, but His Father. He then tells them, “I AM the bread of life (Jn 6:35).”
    1. a. Side note. In this gospel Jesus refers to Himself with the name God gave for Himself to Moses in the burning bush, “I AM (Exodus 3:14).” Jesus is God. That is fundamental to understanding the Eucharist, for what God says, is.
  3. In the passage on Sunday, August 11, I will preach on how Jesus responds to His followers’ disbelief with even stronger words, “I AM the living bread…whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my flesh (Jn 6:51).”
  4. On Sunday, August 18, Father Nixon will preach how Jesus’ followers begin to argue among themselves over this. The people asked, “How can this man give us His flesh to eat (Jn 6:52)?”  Jesus answered them, “…my flesh is true food and, my blood is true drink (Jn 6:55).”  (Pay attention on how when we reject the Eucharist, we lose unity. Unity among Christians and unity within our families.)
  5. Finally, on Sunday, August 25, I will preach on the passage where we hear the sad news that because of this teaching, “many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him (Jn 6:66).” Think about how sad it is that these people, so hungry for God, were fed by Him but rejected His teaching because it did not fit their personal beliefs, so they returned to their unmet hunger. Jesus asks the twelve if they will reject Him too, and Peter responds for all Catholics down through the ages, saying in all humility, “You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God. (Jn 6:68-69).”

Ok, you have seen the trailer, now you are ready to start streaming Episode One, today’s gospel. Once I have spoken about the theology, I will share a local Eucharist story related to today’s gospel and wrap up with how to apply the theology and the story to your life.

Notice what Jesus did with the five barley loaves that the boy had. John wrote, “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them (Jn 6:11).”  Matthew recalled the same miracle this way, “Taking the five loaves…and looking up to heaven, [Jesus] gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to His disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people (Mt 14: 19).”

Matthew emphasized the priesthood with the disciples distributing the bread to the people. By the way, Luke and Mark also emphasized the priesthood. However, John, in his profoundly Eucharistic chapter 6, emphasizes that the bread comes from Jesus by having Him give it to the people.

One more detail that ties the passage to the Eucharist when we look at the spiritual meaning. What did Jesus ask them to do when all had eaten? “Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted (Jn 6:12).”  What does Father have me do after all of you have eaten the Bread of Life? He has me gather all the leftover Eucharist and place it in the Tabernacle to feed others during the week. And as for the fragments and crumbs, I meticulously wipe them out of the bowls, into the chalice with water and any drops of Jesus’ precious blood that are left as well. Then I consume them “so that nothing [sacred] will be wasted.”

By the way, when the deacon is doing this, the priest quietly prays, “What has passed our lips as food, O Lord, may we possess in purity of heart, that what has been given to us in time may be our healing for eternity.”

That wraps up the theology of today’s gospel; here is the Eucharist story. As I reflected on the left-over fragments in the gospel, it evoked a memory of First Holy Communion at Holy Name of Mary this year. Father became ill during Mass, before consecrating the bread and wine. While he was being cared for, I led the congregation in praying the rosary. Once Father was safely on his way to the hospital, I went to the tabernacle and opened the ciborium while a parishioner finished leading the congregation in praying the rosary. The ciborium was about half full, and it is a small ciborium.

The church was beyond capacity with all the families, extended families, and friends of the First Holy Communicants. Accordingly, we told the congregation there was not enough Eucharist for everyone, and in my mind, I imagined that only the children, their immediate family and a few others would receive until we ran out. I gave the children and their families the Eucharistic bread and then began to give it to others, breaking the Eucharist to feed as many His Body as I could. It bears repeating that every pew was packed. The narthex and the cry room were full. People were standing, because all the extra chairs were used. Yet, after everyone was fed His body, like the scripture says, “some [was] left over (2 Kgs 4:44).”  God is good.

Please don’t leave here and email the bishop that Deacon Mark said he multiplied the Eucharist like Elisha and Jesus multiplied bread. 😉 My point in sharing that story is that when we give what we have been given by Jesus, especially when we take a leap of childlike faith and give without prior warning and with no preparation, there is always enough of whatever we are giving. Jesus told St. Paul His grace is always enough. That is why he sent out his disciples with no money, no food, nor extra tunic (Mk 6:8-9).

Here is some guidance on what you can do with what the Holy Spirit has placed on your heart this morning. We go to Mass to receive the Eucharist, yes, but Mass isn’t just about getting. It is also about giving (Sri Podcast). During my training to be a deacon, it was made crystal clear that as wonderful as the grace is of preaching from the altar, it is what we do after we leave the altar that makes our preaching effective.

Dr. Sri, in his Revival podcast said it this way. Jesus didn’t hold anything back on the Cross. We are to be like Him. Don’t hold back in giving of yourself.  Peter Kreeft, in his reflection on this gospel, wrote that “All spiritual goods…multiply when shared (Kreeft 606).” Love, hope, and joy come to mind. My personal experience is that material goods also tend to be enough when shared.

So, after coming to the altar to receive Jesus’s body and blood, you must go out into the world and give away whatever Jesus has given you. No matter how meager it is, be confident in giving it to whomever He asks. In doing so, you will know the joy and strengthening of your faith that comes from experiencing firsthand Jesus’ abundant grace. Amen.



  1. Dr. Ed Sri. Hallow Eucharistic Congress Podcast. July 2024.
  2. Peter Kreeft. Food for the Soul. Reflections on the Mass Readings. Cycle B. Word on Fire 2023.

Bearers of God’s Kingdom

July 14, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Blessings, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Grace, Mission, Trust

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 14, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Am 7:12-15 / Ps 85 / Eph 1:3-14 / Mk 6:7-13
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

In today’s readings, we encounter themes of divine calling, mission, and the power of God’s grace working through us.  Each passage invites us to reflect on how we are called and sent forth as disciples in the modern world.

The prophet Amos is confronted by the priest of Bethel, who tells him to stop prophesying in Israel and to go back to Judah.  Amos responds by affirming that he did not choose this path for himself but was called by God.

“I was no prophet, nor a prophet’s son, but I was a herdsman, a dresser of sycamore trees.  And the Lord took me from following the flock, and the Lord said to me ‘Go.  Prophesy to my people of Israel.’”

This passage reminds us that God calls ordinary people to do extraordinary things.  Saint Therese of Lisieux summarized this beautifully when she said, “The Lord needs from us neither great deeds nor profound thoughts, neither intelligence nor talents.  He cherishes simplicity.”  Amos’s call from a humble background reflects the simplicity and obedience that God cherishes.

In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul writes about our spiritual blessings in Christ, emphasizing that God chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in love.  He speaks of our adoption as God’s children through Jesus Christ, the redemption through His blood, and the inheritance we have obtained.  Paul highlights the mystery of God’s will, revealed in Christ, and the sealing of believers with the Holy Spirit as a guarantee of our inheritance.

In today’s gospel, we read about Jesus sending out the twelve apostles, two by two, giving them authority over unclean spirits, and instructing them to take nothing for their journey except a staff: no bread, no bag, no money in their belts.  They were to wear sandals and not put on two tunics.  He also told them, “Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that place.  If any place will not welcome you, and they refuse to hear you, as you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet as a testimony against them.”  The apostles went out and told the people they should repent. They cast out many demons, anointed with oil many who were sick, and cured them.

Jesus’ instructions to the apostles are strikingly simple and direct.  He emphasizes the need for trust in God’s providence and the importance of humility and detachment from material possessions.  The mission of the apostles was to proclaim the Kingdom of God, call for repentance, and bring healing, both physical and spiritual.

The theme of trust and reliance on God is a timeless message that resonates deeply in our contemporary world, where self-reliance and material security are often prioritized.  This gospel passage challenges us to reflect on our own dependencies and consider how we might deepen our trust in God’s providence.  In a world where success is often measured by wealth, power, and self-sufficiency, the gospel invites us to reassess our priorities.  How often do we rely on our resources, rather than on God’s guidance?  The call to take nothing for the journey is a powerful reminder that our true security lies in God alone.

Moreover, the mission of the apostles to bring healing and proclaim repentance is as relevant today as it was in Jesus’ time.  We are surrounded by spiritual and physical suffering, and the need for repentance and transformation is ever present.  By living out our faith through acts of love, service, and healing, we become instruments of God’s grace in the world.

There are four things that Jesus reminds us of today.

First:  Trust in God’s providence.  Just as the apostles were called to trust in God’s provision, we, too, are invited to place our trust in Him, especially in uncertain times. This trust can manifest in various ways, such as relying on God’s guidance in making decisions or believing that He will provide for our needs when we are in distress.

Second:  Simplicity and detachment.  The apostles’ journey with only a staff calls us to reflect on our own attachment to material possessions.  In a society driven by consumerism, this message encourages us to find contentment in simplicity and to prioritize spiritual wealth over material wealth.

Third:  Community and hospitality.  Jesus instructs the apostles to depend on the hospitality of others, highlighting the importance of community.  In a more modern context, we are reminded to be open to giving and receiving help within our communities. This fosters a spirit of solidarity and mutual support, which is vital in a world where many feel isolated and disconnected.

Fourth:  Mission and weakness.  The apostles were sent out to preach repentance, cast out demons, and heal the sick.  We are called to continue this mission by being witnesses of Christ’s love and mercy in our daily lives.  Whether through acts of kindness, advocating for justice, or sharing our faith, we participate in God’s mission to bring hope and healing to the world.

In embracing these lessons, we echo the words of St. Francis of Assisi: “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”  By responding to God’s call with trust, simplicity, and a commitment to community, we become instruments of His grace, capable of transforming the world around us.  As we reflect on these readings, let us be inspired by the faith and trust of Amos, the assurance of our blessings in Ephesians, and the mission of the apostles.  May we, too, become bearers of God’s kingdom in our world today.



Rooted in Faith and Love

June 16, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Faith, Family, Father Nixon, Life, Mission, Service, Vocations

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 16, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Ez 17:22-24 / Ps 92 / 2 Cor 5:6-10 / Mk 4:26-34
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

This Sunday, we celebrate the liturgy with hearts open to the word of God, which reveals the mysteries of faith and the kingdom of heaven. Today’s readings, filled with imagery of growth and cultivation, invite us to reflect on the role of fathers, both earthly and heavenly, in nurturing and guiding the growth of their families and communities.

In the first reading, from Ezekial, God promises to take a tender shoot from the top of a cedar and plant it on a high and lofty mountain.  This tender shoot will grow into a majestic cedar, providing shelter and shade for all creatures.

This image is a powerful reminder of the role of parents as planters and nurturers. Fathers are called to plant seeds of faith, love, and virtue in the hearts of their children, trusting that God will bring these seeds into fruition. Just as the cedar grows strong and tall, so too do the seeds of guidance and example provided by fathers help their children grow in strength and character.

The psalm speaks of the righteous flourishing, like a palm tree and growing like a cedar of Lebanon, planted in the house of the Lord. This flourishing is not just physical, but spiritual and moral.  On Father’s Day we honor the fathers who, through their steadfast love and dedication, have created environments where their children can thrive. Their commitment and sacrifices are akin to the nurturing environment provided by fertile soil, allowing their children to grow deep roots in faith and moral integrity.

Karol Wojtyla Sr., father of the future Pope John Paul II, played a pivotal role in shaping his son’s spiritual life, as detailed in the book, John Paul II: Man of Prayer. Widowed when his son was just nine, Karol, known as “the captain,” was a quiet, upright, retired soldier and former tailor, who took on the roles of cooking, cleaning, and making his son’s clothes. He encouraged his son in his friendships, studies, and sports.

But most importantly, he instilled a deep faith in him. Their modest apartment in Wadowice, Poland was described by John Paul II as a domestic seminary. The elder Wojtyla set an example through his own deep and unselfconscious piety, praying often on his knees and making prayer a constant in their lives.  The two would read the Bible and pray the rosary together.

One significant detail from the book highlights this devotion.  Sometimes, young Karol would wake in the night to find his father kneeling in the dark, praying silently. This profound example of faith and integrity greatly influenced the spiritual formation of the future Pope.

Paul reminds us in the second reading that we walk by faith, not by sight. Fathers often embody this principle in their role as providers and protectors, making countless decisions and sacrifices, motivated by love and faith, even when the outcomes are uncertain. Paul’s message encourages fathers to persevere in their mission, trusting that their efforts, guided by faith, will be pleasing to the Lord.

Finally. in the gospel of Mark, Jesus uses the parables of growing seed and the mustard seed to illustrate the kingdom of God.  These parables highlight the mysterious and gradual growth of the kingdom, often unnoticed, but unstoppable. Fathers can draw inspiration from these parables, understanding that their efforts, even the smallest acts of love and guidance, are like seeds planted in the hearts of their children.  Though the growth may be slow and imperceptible at times, the impact is profound and enduring.

A man was visiting a farmer and saw him planting his field. “What are you sowing?” he asked. “Wheat” was the answer. “And what do you expect to reap from it?” he asked. “Wheat, of course,” said the farmer.

The very same day, some little thing provoked the farmer to go into cursing and swearing.  The visitor asked, “What are you sowing now?” The farmer said, “What? Do you take such serious views of every mood, word, and action?” The visitor replied, “Yes. For every word helps to form a permanent temper. And for every word we must give account, and every act aids to form a habit. And habits are to the soul what the veins and arteries are to the blood, the courses in which it moves and will move forever. By all these little words and actions, we are forming character, and the character will go with us to eternity, and according to it will be our destiny and the destiny of others forever.”

Jesus’ parable emphasizes the natural and gradual process of growth.  The seed grows night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up. This underscores the idea that spiritual growth and the advancement of God’s kingdom are often not immediately visible but occur continuously and inevitably over time.  It reassures believers that God is at work, even when we do not see immediate results. Our role is to plant the seed and trust in God’s timing for the growth and fruition.

The transformation from a tiny seed to a large plant signifies the profound impact the kingdom of God can have on the world and on individuals’ lives. The mustard plant becomes large enough that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.

This highlights the inclusive and expansive nature of God’s kingdom, providing shelter, refuge, and community. It challenges believers to consider how their faith and actions can contribute to creating a welcoming and nurturing environment for others.

The parable encourages us and those who may feel that their efforts are too small to make a difference. It reassures us that God values and can use even the smallest acts of faith and kindness in a world that often celebrates immediate success and grand gestures. This parable invites us to appreciate the humble beginnings and trust in the long-term impact of our faithfulness.

This Sunday, the Church calls us to trust in the power of small beginnings and our role in enhancing the growth of the kingdom of God. It encourages us to nurture our faith; be patient with the process; and contribute to a community where all can find refuge and support. This reflection invites us to embrace the mystery of God’s work in the world and our lives, holding onto the hope that even the small seeds of faith can grow into something magnificent.

Today, brothers and sisters, as we reflect on the readings and celebrate Father’s Day, let us give thanks for the fathers and father figures in our lives.  Let us recognize the vital role they play in nurturing, guiding, and supporting their families.  Their love and dedication reflect God’s love for us: a love that is patient, steadfast, and ever-present.

As we honor our fathers, let us also pray for them, that they may continue to be strong and faithful stewards of their families, and that they may be blessed with wisdom and grace to lead their children towards life rooted in faith and love. May all fathers find joy in their vocation, and may their children grow to be the living testimony to their tireless love and devotion.

May Jesus Christ be praised.



Mothers are Like Jesus

May 12, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Evangelization, Family, Father Nixon, Love, Mission

Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord
May 12, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Acts 1:1-11 / Ps 47 / Eph 1:17-23 / Mk 16:15-20
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

A story is told about a priest, who in talking about heaven in his homily said, “We bring nothing with us when we die; there is no money in heaven. People in heaven have no money.” The whole congregation was quiet until a little girl whispered to her mother loud enough for all to hear, “Mama, Mama, we’re already in heaven!”

As we come together to celebrate the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension, coinciding with Mother’s Day, we are presented with a unique opportunity to reflect on the profound love and sacrifice embodied in both events. Just as Jesus ascended into heaven, entrusting His disciples with the mission to spread the Gospel. mothers exemplify selfless love and nurturing care in guiding their children towards their purpose in life.

In the passage from Acts, we witness the disciples gazing upward as Jesus ascends into Heaven, leaving them with a profound sense of awe and wonder. Similarly, mothers often look upon their children with a sense of awe, marveling at their growth and potential. Just as Jesus entrusted His disciples with the mission to spread the Gospel, mothers nurture and empower their children to fulfill their God-given potential, instilling in them values of love, compassion, and faith.

In the letter of Paul to the Ephesians (Eph 1:17-23), we are reminded of the immeasurable power of God at work within us. Through the ascension of Christ, He is exalted above all things and His authority transcends earthly limitations. Mothers, too, embody a divine strength and resilience as they navigate the challenges of motherhood, drawing upon faith and inner grace to guide their children towards the path of righteousness. The prayer of Saint Paul echoes our longing for spiritual enlightenment and wisdom. Reflecting the aspirations of mothers, they impart wisdom and guidance to their children as they embark on their journey of faith.

The gospel reading from Mark encapsulates the Great Commission, in which Jesus instructs His disciples to go forth and proclaim the Gospel to all creation. This was not merely a suggestion, but a mandate for all believers to actively participate in the mission of evangelization. Similarly, mothers play a vital role in nurturing the faith of their children, serving as primary witnesses and teachers of God’s love and truth in the home.

What is the command of Jesus for us today? The first is that we should preach. What are those things that we should preach to others? The good news of salvation, that we are loved by God. Even if we are sinners, that we are brothers and sisters to each other, that life has dignity and meaning, and we too have dignity. That is the only way to eternal life. That is why all of us are called in order to preach and to teach. Busy people are not exempted from this mission. Let us not be afraid to tell the truth. Preaching is not only to be done within the church, but also in the office, in the workplace, in homes and many more.

Let me share with you a story about Radell Norris. He was a conscientious young man, but he was also a shy young man. He found it hard just to talk to people, much less to discuss religion with them. Then one day he got an idea. Radell did a lot of reading, and he was aware of the many pamphlets about the Catholic faith. So, he decided to set aside part of his weekly allowance to buy pamphlets. Radell placed his pamphlets in places where he thought people would pick them up and read them. For example, he placed them in waiting rooms and in reception areas.

One day, a young woman who was a friend of his family told his parents how she became a convert and how her husband returned to the Church. It all started with a pamphlet. She said, “I found it in the hospital waiting room.” You can imagine the boy’s excitement when he learned of the impact of just one of his pamphlets.

The story of Radell Norris points to an important point about proclaiming the Good News; there are many ways to do it. We can proclaim it directly as Radell did. Today, many people use the new technology of the internet, Facebook, websites, and cell phones to spread the Good News. Or we can proclaim it less directly. For example, by praying and giving financial support to the missionary activity of the Church.

The second is, we should heal. All of us are called to become healers. Not only as physical healers, but also as psychological and spiritual healers. Not tomorrow, but today.

Lastly, we should be witnesses, not just in words, but also most especially in action. As Saint Augustine had said, “Believe what you preach, teach what you believe, and live it.”

Brothers and sisters, as we reflect on the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension and celebrate Mother’s Day, let us express gratitude for the mothers in our lives who have guided us with unwavering love and sacrifice. May we honor their legacy, embracing our mission with courage and zeal, knowing that Christ’s Ascension marks the beginning of a new chapter in salvation history. Just as mothers selflessly devote themselves to the well-being of their children, let us strive to live in accordance with God, guided by the wisdom and grace bestowed upon us through Christ’s exaltation.

As we continue to celebrate our Mass today, may we ascend towards our true purpose, united with Christ in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be instruments of His peace and love in the world.

May Jesus Christ be praised.


The Transformative Power of Knowing Jesus

March 3, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Evangelization, Faith, Father Nixon, Forgiveness, Healing, Hope, Humility, Mission, Sin, Uncategorized

Third Sunday of Lent
March 3, 2024 — Year B  (Readings for Scrutiny Year A)
Readings: Ex 17:3-7 / Ps 95 / Rom 5:1-2, 5-8 / Jn 4:5-42
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

In our readings today, we have one of the most profound encounters recorded in the Bible, the meeting of Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well.  This passage is rich with lessons on faith, identity, and the transformative power of encountering Jesus.

At the outset, we find Jesus breaking social norms by engaging in conversation with a Samaritan woman, crossing boundaries of ethnicity, gender, and religion.  This interaction challenges us to examine our own prejudices and preconceptions about who is worthy of God’s grace and love.  Jesus shows us that His message is for all people, regardless of their background or status in society.  We also notice that the Samaritan woman has many excuses at the start of her encounter with Jesus.  In their dialogue, the woman’s responses are evasive.  Jesus is asking her to fetch her husband.  The woman says, “I do not have a husband,” instead of telling Jesus the truth that she has had six husbands.

This reminds me of the story of four high school students who decided to cut classes one morning and did not go to school until noon.  They told the teacher that they had a flat tire on the way to school and that was why they were late.  They were very relieved when they saw the teacher smile and heard her say, “Ok.  I understand, boys.  You missed a test, but you can make it up right now.”  She had them sit in the four corners of the room away from one another.  “Now,” the teacher said, “You will answer just one question.  Which tire was flat?”

Jews and Samaritans had been divided for centuries.  They had no dealings with one another, avoiding all social contact, even trade and intermarriage.  If their paths crossed, that meant that hostility would result.  When Jesus passed through Samaria, He did the unthinkable.  He conversed with a Samaritan woman, risking ritual impurity and scorn from His fellow Jews.  He also did something no strict rabbi would dare to do in public without losing his reputation.  He greeted a woman and spoke openly with her.  A rabbi during this time would not even talk to his own wife in public.  Not only was this person a woman, but a notorious adulteress as well.  No decent Jew would think of being seen with such a woman.

These are the interesting details of the process of the transformation or conversion of the woman.  Jesus guides the woman gradually to enlightenment.  Jesus talks back and forth with this woman seven times, more than with any other person in the gospels.  First, she started by calling Him, “Jew,” or outsider for Samaritans.  Second, “Sir.”  Third, “Give me this water.”  Fourth, “I do not have a husband.”  Fifth, “You are a prophet.”  Sixth, eventually, “Messiah.”  Seventh, leading the whole village to proclaim Him as savior of the world.

At the beginning, the woman was arrogant and proud, but one by one, Jesus broke down her defenses.  Jesus told the woman, “You are right because you have had five husbands, and the man with whom you are living is not your husband.”  In other words, her life was a mess.  But Jesus did not condemn her.  Neither did He excuse her and allow her to continue as she was.  At the end of their conversation, she was changed. Why was she changed?  Because she opened her heart.  She did not hold onto pride, rationalizations, and traditions that kept her from realizing and accepting the truth.  In other words, she let go, she surrendered, and just let Jesus take over her life.

But what is the point of Jesus’ exchange with the woman about water?  Water in this arid land was scarce.  Jacob’s well was located in a strategic fork in the road between Samaria and Galilee.  One can live without food for several days, but not without water.  Water is an absolute necessity of life.  We drink it, cook with it, and use it for keeping clean.  Water, too, is a source of life and growth for all living things.

The kind of water which Jesus spoke about in today’s gospel was living and running water.  Living water was a symbol for the Jew of the soul’s thirst for God.  As the conversation unfolded, Jesus revealed Himself to the woman as the source of living water, offering a deeper spiritual nourishment that transcends physical thirst.

In this encounter, we see the thirst of the human soul for something greater than worldly fulfillment.  Jesus satisfied this thirst by offering Himself as the true fulfillment of our deepest longings. The water Jesus spoke of symbolized the Holy Spirit and His work of recreating us in God’s image and sustaining in us the new life which comes from God.  The life which the Holy Spirit produces in us makes us a new creation in Jesus Christ.  The woman’s response is one of faith and openness.  She recognizes Jesus as a prophet and is willing to engage in dialogue with Him.  Her willingness to listen and learn, despite her past, demonstrates the transformative power of encountering Jesus.

Like the Samaritan woman, we are called to approach Jesus with humility and openness, allowing Him to reveal Himself to us and transform our lives.  As the passage concludes, we see the woman’s newfound faith leading to action.  She becomes an evangelist, sharing her encounter with Jesus with others in her community.  Her testimony serves as a powerful reminder that encountering Jesus leads to a mission of sharing His love and truth with others.

In reflecting on today’s readings, we are invited to examine our own encounters with Jesus.  Have we allowed Him to break down the barriers in our lives and reveal Himself to us?  Are we willing to respond in faith and allow His transformative power to shape our lives and actions?  Are we actively sharing the good news of Jesus with those around us?  May we, like the Samaritan woman, encounter Jesus anew and be transformed to live as His faithful disciples in the world.


The True Mission

February 4, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Discipleship, Evangelization, Father Nixon, Healing, Mission, St. Paul, Uncategorized

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 4, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 / Ps 147 / 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23 / Mk 1:29-39
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

The word “apostle” comes from two Greek words that together mean: one who is sent.  Each Christian has an apostolate to follow.  We have been called to evangelize, to be sent out like St. Paul and the twelve apostles, to announce the Good News of the love that God has for us all.

Today in our gospel reading, St. Mark continues his story about the first days of Jesus’ public life.  Mark tells us that Jesus preached in the synagogues, and that upon leaving the synagogues, He drove out many demons.  One day after preaching in a synagogue in Capernaum, the town in which Simon Peter and Andrew lived, Jesus decided to visit their home, together with James and John.  When He arrived, Jesus was told that Simon Peter’s mother-in-law was sick with a fever.

Jesus immediately decided to cure her.  That was how Jesus’ miracles occurred.  He saw the plight of the people that wanted to be cured, and He cured them.  Jesus approached Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, grasped her hand, and she was cured.  She immediately got out of bed and began to serve Jesus.  This was the way she showed that she was thankful for being cured.

After learning of this occurrence, the townspeople spread the news of the Lord’s miracle.  The news went from home to home, and soon the entire population of the town crowded around the door of the house.  From the surrounding area, people brought all who were sick or possessed by demons.  Jesus cured those who came to Him in faith.  The next day before dawn, Jesus went off to a certain place where He prayed.  Jesus was praying when the apostles arrived to tell Him that everyone was looking for Him.  People who wanted to be cured continued to arrive, but instead of returning to town, Jesus said to the apostles, “Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also.  For this purpose have I come.”  Our Lord’s true mission was to evangelize, to announce to all humanity the Good News of the love that God has for all human beings.

The gospel reading for this Sunday presents a glimpse of Jesus’ ministry, for He not only preached, but also engaged in acts of healing and compassion.  After healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law and numerous others, Jesus retreated to pray, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a deep connection with the Father.  He then expressed His mission to preach the Gospel to other towns, underlining the purpose of His coming.  Jesus came to preach.  He came to proclaim the Good News of the kingdom of God, to invite all humankind to let God reign as king in their hearts and in their lives, to reconcile us with God and with one another.

Much of the sickness, poverty, and suffering that exists in our world is traceable to the disharmony or sin that separates us from God and from one another.  By healing this root cause of all of our problems, we find ourselves in a position to receive God’s abundant blessings in all areas of our lives:  spiritual as well as physical, moral as well as material, social as well as psychological.  But to try to seek physical healing and material well-being without first making peace with God is to miss the point.

In reflecting on the gospel passage, we are invited to consider our own response to the call of discipleship.  Like Jesus, we are called not only to receive His healing and grace, but also to actively participate in the mission of sharing the Good News.  Our faith is not meant to be passive, but dynamic, influencing our actions and interactions with others.

St. Paul invites us in the second reading to follow the example of the Lord to evangelize.  The true mission of all Christians is to proclaim the gospel to a world that needs to hear the word of God.  Our second reading reminds us of what St. Paul said to the Christians of Corinth, that for him, preaching was an obligation.  He did not do it for his own glory or to become rich.  He did not even start to do it on his own initiative.  He had been given a task to do:  to be a missionary of the Word of God, to become all things to all, so that he could save at least some.

St. Paul did not do this without problems, but despite the difficulties, he continued to announce the gospel.  He continued on the mission that he had been given.  If we want to do the same, we have to do as St. Paul did.  Our mission does not end when we walk out of the doors of this church after Sunday Mass.  It continues.

At Baptism, all Christians receive the same mission:  to evangelize within the boundaries of our own lives, every day, whether at school, at work, or in the home, in our words, our example and our way of life.  We are obliged to show that we are Christians, that we follow Christ, and that because we follow Christ, we constantly fight against evil and injustice in this world.  As Jesus’ message spreads to other communities, those people, too, receive His message and consolidate it, nurture it, and allow it to become part of them, abiding deep within them.  The Holy Spirit builds on it, in and through the people who hear and respond to it.

There is so much to be done, so much we can do, so little time to do it.  There are never enough hours in the day, days in the year. We do what we can and keep our eyes on the big picture. We draw strength, inspiration and vision from our prayerful “time-outs” with God to focus our energy, direct our choices, and lead us mindfully through the busy-ness of our days comprised of so many different possibilities and needs.  We can’t do everything.  We are all too aware of our limitations, so we ask the Lord to help us do what we can do, well, with focus, clear priorities, and above all, with love and compassion.

As we continue to celebrate the Holy Eucharist, let us reflect on the ways we actively participate in the mission of Jesus.  Are we open to being instruments of healing, compassion, and reconciliation in our communities?  Do we recognize the urgency of sharing the Good News in a world that thirsts for hope and meaning?

May we, like Jesus and St. Paul, respond to the call of discipleship with enthusiasm, trusting that God’s grace will empower us to fulfill our mission in the world.  Let us also ask the Virgin Mary to help us to be faithful to the mission that God has given us, just as she was.  And let us thank God for having called us to carry it out.


The Ultimate Authority

January 28, 2024 |by N W | 0 Comments | Commitment, Discipleship, Father Nixon, Mission, Obedience, Scripture, Trust

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 28, 2024 — Year B
Readings: Dt 18:15-20 / Ps 95 / 1 Cor 7:32-35 / Mk 1:21-28
by Rev. Nixon Negparanon, Pastor

Once, a government surveyor brought his equipment to a farm, called on the farmer, and asked permission to go into one of the fields and take readings.  The farmer vigorously objected, fearing that the survey was the first step toward the construction of a highway through his land. “I will not give permission to go into my fields,” said the angry farmer. Whereupon the surveyor produced an official government document that authorized him to do the survey. “I have the authority,” he said, “to enter into any field in the entire country and take necessary readings.”

Faced with such authority, the farmer opened the gate and allowed the surveyor to enter the field. The farmer then went to the far end of the field and opened another gate, through which one of his fiercest bulls came charging. Seeing the raging bull, the surveyor dropped his equipment and ran for his life.  The farmer shouted after him, “Show him the paper! Show him your authority!”   Yes, the unfortunate surveyor has the authority, but the farmer’s bull has more convincing power.

Brothers and sisters, the same can be said about the gospel we preach and teach. The people of Capernaum received sacred instruction in their synagogue every Sabbath.  One Sabbath they had a different teacher, Jesus.  What Jesus taught them that day, as well as the way He presented and demonstrated His message, simply astonished them. Why?  It is because He taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. Jesus’ teaching contrasted sharply with that of the scribes. In one word: Jesus taught with authority. The scribes did not.

Jesus astonished the people around Him for three big reasons. First, the teaching of Jesus is from the heart and not just from the head. He teaches with absolute conviction in his message, because He knows that His message is in accordance with the mind of God.  As He says in the gospel of St. John, when trying to persuade His unbelieving audience, “Very truly I tell you, we speak of what we know and testify to what we have seen, yet you do not receive our testimony.” His preaching is a personal testimony of His intimate relationship with God, His Father, unlike the scribes. They got their knowledge, not from their personal communion with God, but from their long and intricate commentaries on the law. As a result, most of their teaching is from the head and not from the heart.

If we claim to have faith in Christ, it is essential that we must listen to Him. We need to open ourselves to His wisdom and authority. The bottom line is not to take His teachings on the level of theories and ideas. Rather we must situate it into our faith life experience. For faith, devoid of practical action, is empty.  Theology without praxis is nothing. Knowledge waning in application is useless.

Second, it focuses on the spirit, and not on the letter of the law.  The scribe seeks to apply the prescription of the law to the letter. Jesus goes deeper, to find out the spirit, the original intent of the law, like for example, the law of the Sabbath observance. The scribes would busy themselves trying to determine precisely when the Sabbath begins and ends, and what constitutes work and what does not. Jesus would rather seek the mind of God, who gave the law to His people as an expression of His fatherly care and love.  His conclusion is that the Sabbath is a day we keep away from our work in order to serve God and do God’s work.

Lastly, it inspires a positive change of heart in the hearers, and not just to make the people feel bad. Like, for example, the man born blind.  The scribe seeks to explain why he is blind: whether it was he who sinned, or his parents. Jesus, on the other hand, is only interested in curing the blindness. For this reason, Jesus performed healings and exorcisms together with His teachings to show that His primary concern is to change the human situation and not just to explain it.

These are the three big reasons why people get astonished with Jesus: He teaches from the heart and not just from the head. He focuses on the spirit and not on the letter of the law. And he inspires a positive change of heart in the hearers.

There was an Indian prince who was a lover of knowledge. He had collected thousands of books in his large library. It happened that he was appointed the right hand of the king.  This position demanded that he travel almost always, in the kingdom’s vast territory and neighboring kingdoms, to represent the king. He brought along with him his books; thirty camels were needed to carry them.

Realizing the impracticality of loading all the books, he said to his chancellor, “Read all the books and then give to me the only book that is most important for my journey.”  After some time, the chancellor gave to the prince the book that summarized all the wisdom of the world. It was the Bible.  The prince asked, “What authority does this book have for it to be the only one that I should carry with me? Whereupon the chancellor replied, “It is the authority of the Son of God.” Shortly afterwards, the prince was baptized.

Brothers and sisters, we witness Jesus’ teaching in the synagogue with a profound authority that astounds the people. The crowd is amazed, not just by His words, but by the power with which He speaks. His authority is not like that of the scribes but comes from a deeper source. It is the authority of the Son of God, the Word Made Flesh.

As we reflect on this gospel passage, we are invited to examine our own lives and consider who or what holds authority over us. Do we recognize Jesus as the ultimate authority in our life, or are we swayed by the many competing voices in the world?

Jesus’ authority is not oppressive, but liberating. It brings healing, freedom, and a deeper understanding of God’s love.

In our daily lives, we may encounter challenges and struggles that test our faith. The authority of Jesus is a source of strength and hope during these times. When we submit to His authority, we open ourselves to the transformative power of His love and mercy.

So, as we continue to celebrate the Holy Mass, may we take a moment to reflect on the authority we recognize and submit to.  Let us renew our commitment to follow Jesus, allowing His authority to shape our thoughts, words, and deeds. In doing so, we embrace the freedom and joy that come from being in communion with the One who has authority over all creation.

May Jesus Christ be praised.