Healing Is for Service

February 8, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Healing Is for Service | Discipleship, Guest Celebrants, Healing, Homilies, Lent, Mission, Service, St. Mark

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 8, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7; Psalm 147; 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23; Mk 1:29-39
by Rev. Richard Mooney

This entire stretch of time between the end of Christmas and the beginning of Lent, we are spending in the first chapter of the gospel of Mark. In that first chapter, we are being introduced to Jesus. One way to get a lot out of it is to read the chapter as if you had never heard these stories before. When you do that, you are more likely to get a sense of the challenge that is built into these stories. (more…)


Come after Me

January 25, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Come after Me | Discipleship, Evangelization, Faith, Guest Celebrants, Homilies, Joy, Mission, Ordinary Time, Service, St. Mark

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 25, 2015 – Year B

Readings: Jon 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 25; 1 Cor 7:29-31; Mk 1:14-20
Rev. David Hyman

Jesus says, “The Kingdom of God is at hand. Come after me.” Those are the key phrases for me this morning.

“The kingdom of God is at hand” simply means that Jesus is here. The final revelation of God is here. Come after me, sign up – you and I have done it. We’ve been baptized, we’ve been confirmed, we belong to the kingdom of God. We’d like to think that we’re all coming after in the ways in which we’ve been shown and the ways we’ve chosen to do it. And so it is. (more…)


Listening to the Voice of God

January 18, 2015 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Listening to the Voice of God | Discipleship, Guest Celebrants, Homilies, Mission, Ordinary Time, Prayer, Service, St. John, Trust

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 18, 2015 – Year B

Readings: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Psalm 40, 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42
by Rev. Louis J. Canino, ofm

This past week, I was in Syracuse NY for the funeral of an aunt who died at 102 years of age. It was quite a celebration of her life. I hadn’t seen some of my cousins and relatives in years. After the wake and funeral, we gathered together in my aunt’s house. There were about 30-40 of us. In one particular circle of people, I felt there were about 3 conversations going on at one time, and I didn’t know who to listen to. (more…)


Got Talent?

November 16, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on Got Talent? | Commitment, Discipleship, Evangelization, Father Salvador, Generosity, Homilies, Mission, Ordinary Time, St. Matthew

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014 – Year A
Readings:  Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Psalm 128; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

One of the most popular reality shows on TV today is “America’s Got Talent.” Maybe some of you have watched this show. The most common questions that the judges ask the contestants is, “Do you think the talent you will show us is worth a million dollars?” (more…)


What Is a Church?

November 9, 2014 |by HNMWebmaster | Comments Off on What Is a Church? | Commitment, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Evangelization, Homilies, Mission, Service, St. John

Feast of the Dedication of St. John Lateran in Rome
November 9, 2014 – Year A

Readings:  Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Psalm 46; 1 Cor 3:9C-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

In 2011, my family and I were fortunate enough to be able to go on a trip with my in-laws to Europe. During this trip we spent several days in Rome. One of the many places that we visited is the subject of today’s feast – the Papal Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. (more…)