
Forgive and Be Forgiven

September 13, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Forgive and Be Forgiven | Deacon Eddie, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Repentance, Self-Reflection

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time
September 13, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Sir 27:30-28:7 / Ps 103 / Rom 14:7-9 / Mt 18:21-35
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

All of us know that learning never stops. We go to school and learn the basics, but we have to constantly keep up. My kids can’t imagine a world without the internet. It shows how the world has progressed in availability.

But just learning isn’t enough. Memorizing information can only get you so far. You have to process that information and actually learn the concepts. This can also happen with our faith. When we are young children, we learn Bible stories and our prayers. Hopefully, we don’t stop there. We don’t just repeat what we have learned but digest the information and internalize it and learn the lessons it is meant to teach. (more…)


Presence: God’s Blessings

August 30, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Presence: God’s Blessings | Blessings, Comfort, Faith, Father Salvador, Joy, Prayer, Self-Reflection, Wisdom

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 30, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Jer 20:7-9 / Ps 63 / Rom 12:1-2 / Mt 16:21-27
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

A couple of decades ago, I had the privilege of being around a group of Religious who were just sparkling with joy. They are called Dominican Sisters of Sparkill and I happened to be their chaplain for a couple of years. I would say those were “heaven on earth” experiences. It was a joy to watch those nuns, especially those who lived in the retirement section and the infirmary. They spent the whole day thanking and praising the Lord. (more…)


Go Forth With Faith

August 9, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Go Forth With Faith | Commitment, Courage, Deacon Eddie, Discipleship, Faith, Self-Reflection, Trust

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 9, 2020 – Year A
Readings: 1 Kgs 19:9A, 11-13A / Ps 85 / Rom 9:1-5 / Mt 14:22-33
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

For the past few years, during religious education, I have given a church tour to various classes. These seem to go over pretty well. I show them many things within the church area – we talk about the holy oils, the tabernacle, the altar and the relics of the two saints who reside within the altar. This week as I was doing some research, I came across a piece of information that I knew but hadn’t thought about. I was reminded that the main part of the church is called the NAVE. This word comes from the Latin word for boat. The Church fathers all agree that, whenever you read about a boat in the Gospels, it is a metaphor for the Church. (more…)


We Are Salt and Light

February 9, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on We Are Salt and Light | Baptism, Deacon Eddie, Evangelization, Light, Love, Mission, Self-Reflection, Wisdom

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 9, 2020—Year A
Readings: Is 58:7-10 / Ps 112 / 1 Cor 2:1-5 / Mt 5:13-16
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Today is one of my favorite gospels. It is short, concise, to the point, but overflowing with insight into the Christian life. Specifically, it has two wonderful images of the Christian life that are filled with meaning and lessons.

The first one is salt. Simple substance, extremely common in the world; but it points us to some things that are important about the Christian life. For one thing, it is white, and white is the symbol of purity. Father Sal and I and the altar servers all wear white albs. It is a symbol of our baptism, when we were cleansed of original sin and made one with the Body of Christ. But salt is also effective. It has a purpose – it preserves and enhances. We are called to do the same; to preserve the Christian faith and to enhance the lives of those around us. (more…)


Knowing God Through His Word

January 26, 2020 |by N W | Comments Off on Knowing God Through His Word | Father Salvador, Heaven, Prayer, Self-Reflection, Wisdom | ,

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
January 26, 2020 – Year A
Readings: Is 8:23-9:3 / Ps 27 / 1 Cor 1:10-13, 17 / Mt 4:12-23
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Not too long ago, I was waiting in the lobby of Norfolk General Hospital with former parishioners who were the family of a patient who requested the Sacrament of the Sick.  A member of the clergy who was wearing clerical attire exactly as I was wearing that day, passed by. They asked, “Father, do you know that priest?” I said, “No, and I am about 95% sure that he is not a Catholic priest.” They asked, “Why would you say that?” I answered, “Because he is carrying a really big Bible, on the way to visit a patient in the hospital.” (more…)


The Gift of Now

December 25, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on The Gift of Now | Blessings, Christmas, Deacon Eddie, Generosity, Grace, Self-Reflection, Thanksgiving

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas)
December 25, 2019—Year A
Readings: Is 9:1-6 / Ps 96 / Ti 2:11-14 / Lk 2:1-14
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

I’m sure most of you have seen “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Charlie Brown is being typical Charlie Brown and is stressing out over the over-commercialization of Christmas. He knows that something about this is not quite right, but he’s not sure why. Throughout the show, he’s looking for the true meaning of Christmas. (more…)



October 13, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Gratitude | Blessings, Father Salvador, Generosity, Grace, Self-Reflection, Thanksgiving

Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October 13, 2019 – Year C
Readings: 2 Kgs 5:14-17 / Ps 98 / 2 Tm 2:8-13 / Lk 17:11-19
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

Last Sunday, a few minutes before I celebrated the 8:00 Mass here, I greeted a parishioner from our sister parish on the lake on his way in. Knowing that he had to drive almost an hour to get here, I said “I am so happy to see you!” He replied, “At my age, Father, being seen is always better than being viewed. Thanks be to God.”

Just the mere fact that we can see each other is reason enough to express our gratitude to our Creator and our God. But we all know that the “attitude of gratitude” is not a common trait even among Christians. This has been the case since the time of Christ. (more…)


How to Pray

July 28, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on How to Pray | Baptism, Deacon Eddie, Grace, Holy Spirit, Love, Prayer, Self-Reflection, Trust

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 28, 2019—Year C
Readings: Gn 18:20-32 / Ps 138 / Col 2:12-14 / Lk 11:1-13
by Rev. Mr. Eddie Craig, Permanent Deacon

Picture this theatrical scene: a nice cul-de-sac in a quiet suburb outside of some city. There is a woman there, frantically running around. She is a Mom and she has been called home early from work because one of the children got sick at school. She’s running back and forth between the stove and the counter, where her laptop is sitting, because she had a very important meeting, which is going on now through Skype. She’s trying to participate in this meeting while fixing dinner for the family.

Suddenly, there is a sound. The father has gotten home from work. You hear the door open. You hear, “Hi Honey, I’m home.” The woman replies, “Hello, Dear, how was your day?” The man replies, “Oh it was just terrible, just awful. Everything was going wrong. I’m so tired and so hungry. Do you have dinner ready yet? I’ve got to sit down. I’m tired. Do you think you could bring me a beer? I have an important meeting tomorrow. Did you remember to take my suit to the cleaners? Great. And I noticed that the grass needed cutting as I pulled into the driveway. Do you think you could get to that tomorrow?” At this point, a frying pan comes flying into the room, clocks the guy in the head, and the scene fades to black. (more…)


Taking Time to See Jesus

July 21, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Taking Time to See Jesus | Compassion, Discipleship, Generosity, Guest Celebrants, Mission, Self-Reflection, Service

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 21, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Gn 18:1-10A / Ps 15 / Col 1:24-28 / Lk 10:38-42
by Father Louis Benoit, Guest Celebrant

In the Bible, hospitality was a very important thing. That’s the first reading, with Abraham and his visitors. And in the gospel, Martha welcomes Jesus into her home. Hospitality: a very important thing.

However, Martha gets so involved in making this meal for Jesus. Mary, her sister, is just sitting at Jesus’ feet, doing nothing about the serving. Martha gets rather ticked off, so she comes to Jesus, “Tell my sister to help me.” Notice Jesus: “You are anxious and worried about many things. Mary has chosen the better part, and it will not be taken from her.” (more…)


Desert Experience

March 17, 2019 |by N W | Comments Off on Desert Experience | Commitment, Father Salvador, Lent, Mission, Repentance, Saints, Self-Reflection, Trust

Second Sunday of Lent
March 17, 2019 – Year C
Readings: Gn 15:5-12, 17-18 / Ps 27 / Phil 3:17 – 4:1 / Lk 9:28B-36
by Rev. Salvador Añonuevo, Pastor

In my first few years in the priesthood, I had the privilege to minister to the residents of a remote, small, country town in the Pacific. It happened to be within my parish jurisdiction, so I had to be there quite often. People who have never been there consider it to be a God-forsaken place because there are no hospitals, no department stores, and yes, no electricity. But the folks that live there are the happiest and healthiest people in that region. Those who happen to visit that place, usually by accident, often have a desert experience. As a side note, one hundred percent of the residents there are Roman Catholics. When they have difficulties, their only recourse is to turn to God, since they are miles away from modern civilization. (more…)