October 4, 2022
|by HNMWebmaster
apple-picking, Community, community-service, johnsons-orchard, Service, volounteer, youth, youth-events
There are so many opportunities for you to serve in the mission to end hunger, right in your local community. Johnsons Orchard is now open for gleaning apples all Saturdays in September and two weekends in October. Harvested fruit will be distributed by the Society of Saint Andrew.
This is a great opportunity for our Holy Name of Mary teens and families to give back to the community.
We are now trying to organize an HNM Church group (teens & their families) to sign up for a picking/gleaning shift this coming Saturday, October 8th, 2022 | 9:00AM-12:00PM. Please see details below:

Event Details:
Field Gleaning @ Johnsons Orchard, Bedford County
Date: 9:00AM-12:00PM on Saturday, October 8th, 2022
Location: 1218 Elmos Rd, Bedford, VA 24523
Meet at: The pavilion for picnicking with a 15-foot Johnny Appleseed Statue
Shift description:
Apple gleaning in the orchard. Please dress for the weather, bring gloves, water bottle, a hat if desired & other personal items as needed. Specific details will follow later this week prior to Saturday.
Families are encouraged to attend this with your teens (you may also bring siblings) so you will drive to the location on your own and we meet as a Church group at the site. We will gather in prayer & fellowship (please bring a light snack/ drink of your choice to share) at the Picnic Pavilion immediately after the picking.
We do need a Parent Volunteer to help organize on the day of the apple picking as Catechists are unable to attend. Please let me know if you are interested.
I do request you to kindly respond to Lisa Mason (cc: Louella and Danielle) at your earliest convenience if you are interested and willing to attend. We hope many of you will be able to join us!