In honor of all the saints and all Holy men & women of the Church who have gone before us, we held our All Saints Day Celebration this Sunday October 30, 2022 during Faith Formation.

Students dressed as their favorite saints and we had a wonderful time learning about great saints in our Catholic tradition, through formal instruction, crafts, snacks and other activities including a ‘Guess the Saint’ Pageant put on by our teens! The event ended with our ‘student-saints’ processing into the 11:00 AM Mass, emphasizing saints as our role models to be followed on our spiritual journey.
A Big Thank you to our High School Teens and their Catechists Ms. Lisa Mason and Ms. Danielle McGann for organizing this All Saints Day Celebration. Thank you also to all the Faith Formation Students who participated and their parents who came out to support them. We hope many of you will join us again next year!!!